11 - The Ring
Hi! I'm back! I thought I was done with this book, but then I got a few comments asking about the ring mentioned in chapter 8, so here it is! I hope you like it!
Annabeth sighs as she sits down at her desk. She is trying to work on the blueprints for a new training area in camp. The cabin door is thrown open. She looks up to see Lily standing in the doorway.
"Annabeth!" Lily yells. "You have to come quick! It's Percy!"
Annabeth drops her pencil and stands up, "what? Where is he?"
"The beach," Lily tells her. "Follow me."
Annabeth follows her younger sister to the beach. "He's over there," Lily says pointing to some rocks.
Annabeth hurries behind the rock to find Percy sitting on a picnic blanket next to a basket. "What's going on? Are you okay?"
Percy nods and walks over to her, "I'm fine. Why?"
"Lily made it sound like you were hurt."
"Oh," Percy says. "I'm fine. Come sit down." He leads her to the blanket and they sit down. "I just wanted to make you a little thank you lunch for taking care of me last week when I was cursed."
"Of course," Annabeth says. "I'll always take care of you."
Percy smiles and hands her a plate from the basket. They eat, talk, laugh, and make fun of each other for a little while until Percy takes a deep breath, "I didn't just bring you here to thank you. I also wanted to ask you about something."
"Yeah?" Annabeth asks. "And what's that?"
Percy takes another deep breath as he pulls a small box out of his pocket. Annabeth gasps. "Don't worry," Percy says, quickly. "I'm not proposing, at least not really." He opens the box to reveal the small pearl ring from his nightstand. "It's more of a promise ring, just to say that someday, when we are both ready, we will get married, if you want to of course."
Annabeth looks up at him, "it's beautiful! Thank you! I love it! I love you!"
"I love you too!" Percy kisses her and slips the ring on her finger, her right ring finger.
Annabeth laughs, "you do know we've been engaged since we were twelve right?"
"What?" Percy asks, shocked.
"On our first quest, you threw an apple at me, it was the first night of the quest. In ancient Greek, that's how men proposed. So, we've basically been engaged since we meet."
"And you never told me?"
"I didn't want to freak you out!"
"What if we actually ended up hating each other then would you have told me?"
"Yes, if you were going to marry someone else I would have told you, but I always felt like we were going to end up together."
Percy laughs, "I always felt like we were going to end up together, too."
"See?" Annabeth says. "There's nothing to worry about. Now, let's go show the others."
They get up and walk to camp, they find Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank, and Hazel sitting in front of Cabin 1. "Hey!" Annabeth calls.
"Hi!" Piper yells back. "We were just talking about going to train, want to come with us?"
"Sure," Percy says. "But before we do, we have something to tell you guys." Annabeth holds up her hand.
"Oh, my Gods!" Piper yells. "You got engaged!"
"Not exactly," Percy says. "It's a promise ring."
"Congratulations!" Hazel says.
"What's going on?" A voice asks from behind Percy.
He turns to look, "Grover! I thought you weren't getting back until next week!"
"Yeah," Grover says. "I ended up finding both kids faster than I thought. Anyway, what's going on?" Annabeth holds up her hand again. "You finally got a ring. It only took you what, five years after the engagement?"
Percy laughs, "in my defense, I only found out we are engaged like ten minutes ago."
"What?" Jason asks.
"I'm so confused," Leo says. "You just said you weren't engaged, but now you are?"
Grover, Annabeth, and Percy just laugh. "It's a long story," Percy says. "One that we don't have time to get into right now because we are going to tell Chiron, Thalia, and go see my mom."
They head to the big house and tell Chiron, who congratulations them, "I knew you two would end up together."
"Yeah?" Percy asks. "Since when?"
"Since the first day, you showed up here and Annabeth offered to nurse you back to health instead of letting me or one of the Apollo kids do it."
Percy looks at Annabeth who groans and puts her head in her hands, "why did you tell him that?" Chiron smiles while Percy laughs.
Next, they visit Sally, who also congratulates them, "Percy has been talking about you for years. You two are perfect for each other."
They stay and talk with Sally for a few hours before they have to go to the stop they have been dreading, their Godly parents.
They stand in front of the open elevator door, "ready?" Percy asks.
Annabeth laughs, "I'm never really ready to see my mother."
Percy laughs, "let's go." They walk to the throne room together.
"Son!" Poseidon says, happily when he sees Percy and Annabeth standing in the doorway.
"Annabeth," Athena says. "What can we do for you two."
"We just wanted to let you both know that Annabeth and I are officially unofficially sort of engaged."
"What?" Zeus asks. "What does that even mean?"
Annabeth sighs, "it means that we aren't engaged, but it is a promise ring, so one day we will get married to each other."
"Ahh!" Aphrodite screams. "This is amazing! Annabeth we have to start wedding dress shopping right now! This is the greatest day of my life."
"Congratulations, Son," Poseidon says, getting off his throne to give Percy a hug.
Annabeth looks at her mother, "I know you don't like Percy, but I love him, so the least you can do is be happy for us."
Athena sighs, "I am happy for you." She appears next to Annabeth and hugs her. "When you are actually officially engaged let me know if you need help planning or shopping."
Aphrodite squeals, "this is so amazing! I'm so happy for both of you!" She appears next to them and pulls all four of them into a group hug.
A few years later Percy proposes for real, with a diamond engagement ring, and a year and a half later they are getting married on the beach of Camp Half-Blood.
"The groom will now read his vows," Hera says.
"Annabeth, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you when you were nursing me back to health. Our first quest together was very stressful, but we got through it. Then the next summer we were trying to save Grover and ended up saving Thalia in the process." He looks behind Annabeth to Thalia, her maid of Honor. "We just never stopped after that. We went from quest to quest. Then, the first war. Then I went missing for eight months." He looks at Hera. "Then other war and some other stuff. I'm hoping that this new chapter in our life will let us rest and not worry about a quest every summer, but even if we do I love you so much and I know that we will get through it, together."
Annabeth smiles, "a few years ago when you gave me the promise ring I was so excited, I have loved you since we were twelve. I would have married you when we were seventeen if you asked me to. I might have married you the first time you proposed when we were twelve, but I'm glad we are getting married now. I think now is a perfect time. I love you so much and I will always be there for you forever and always. I love you."
"Do you, Percy Jackson, take Annabeth Chase to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Do you, Annabeth Chase, take Percy Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"You may now kiss the bride."
Percy and Annabeth go on a two-week honeymoon to the Bahamas. Then they move into an apartment not far from Sally. A year later they have a daughter, Avery Z. Jackson.
Thanks for reading!! I hope you liked it!! Have a great day/night.
- Alex
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