10 - Back to Normal
I don't own Percy Jackson
‼‼‼This chapter will talk about abuse‼‼‼
Thank you to DhritiShah234 for the idea of Percy meeting Paul!
Annabeth wasn't sure how the zoo and beach would go, but they ended up having a really good time. Then it was time for them to go to Sally's house.
Annabeth texted Sally, on her monster safe phone, to let her know they were coming over to see her and Paul.
Paul was a problem all on his own. This Percy had never meet Paul and they had no idea how he would react to meeting him.
Annabeth didn't have a lot of time to think about it because they had arrived at Sally's apartment.
Sally, who had been waiting for them, opened the door. "Percy!" She said happily. "How have you been."
Percy gave his mom a big hug, "I've been really good! How have you been?"
"Sally?" A voice called from inside the house. "Is that Percy?"
Percy's eyes went wide with fear, "is that Gabe?" He whispered.
"No," Sally said smiling. "That's Paul, come meet him."
The other followed Sally and Percy into the apartment. Paul was sitting on the couch, a baseball game was playing on the TV. "Hi," he smiled softly at Percy.
Percy didn't say anything for a minute, he just stood watching Paul. "Hi," he said after a moment. He seemed unsure of what to do. He looked at his mom and then at Paul.
"Percy," Sally said, "it's ok. Paul isn't going to hurt you."
Percy didn't look convinced. Paul sits in an armchair and Percy pulls his mom onto the couch as far from Paul as he can. Annabeth sits next to them and the others stand or sit on the floor.
"Any new updates on him?" Sally asked looking at Percy who was glaring at Paul.
"We have a way to get him back, but it's complicated."
"What do you mean?"
"Hera said she will turn him back if I tell everyone about his past."
"Oh, are you going to?"
"I don't know. I think after we are done here and we go back I will try and get Hera to turn him back for a few minutes, so I can talk to him about it."
"That's a good idea."
They both looked over to Percy who had moved a little bit closer to Paul and was looking at something on his phone.
"See," Paul was saying. "That's me and your mom at the beach."
Paul was showing Percy pictures of him and Sally having fun, so that Percy would trust him.
They sat and talked for a while before it was time to go try and get Hera to turn Percy back.
"So," Hera said as they stood in front of her. "What is it going to be? Are you going to leave Percy as he is, or tell everyone about his past?"
"I have a different idea," Annabeth said, making everyone turn from Hera to look at her.
"Oh? And, what is it?" Hera asked.
"Turn Percy back and let me ask him what he wants me to do. If he wants me to tell the others, then I will. If he wants to stay a kid, then we will let him."
Hera didn't say anything for a few moments.
"I'm not usually this nice, but I'm in a good mood today, so I will turn him back for a few minutes."
"Thank you," Annabeth said happily.
Hera waved her hand and Percy was back to himself.
"Hey," he said.
Annabeth hugged him and kissed him, "it's so good to have you back."
"It's good to be back!"
"Let's go for a walk, so that we can talk about all of this."
"You only have ten minutes!" Hera yelled as they walked out.
Seven minutes later they walked back in.
"We talked," Annabeth said, Percy nodded. "We are going to tell you about Percy's past."
"When I was two," Percy began. "My mom married this guy, Gabe, he was nice when they were dating, but about two seconds after they got married he turned into this really horrible guy. He smelled really bad, so I called him Smelly Gabe. He loved to play Poker and drink. Anyway, he started hitting me. It wasn't to bad at first, just a few times, but then it got to the point when it was all the time. He told me that as long as he hurt me he won't hurt my mom. He also told me that if I told my mom he would kill her, so I never said anything. It wasn't until I was 12, when found out about Camp and all that, that my mom told she only married him because of how bed he smelled, it helped hide me from the monsters. Anyway, Grover, Annabeth, and I went on a quest and we meet Medusa, we cut off her head and I sent it here, to my dad. After the quest he gave it back and I gave it to my mom, that was the last time anyone saw Gabe."
No one said anything for a long time.
Then, "I guess I will let you stay 17." Hera said.
"What happened to Gabe after Medusa's head?" Leo asked.
"I don't know, I think he's in some art museum or something now."
No one was really sure what to say after that, so they apologized for trying to make Annabeth tell them what had happened. Then, Percy went home to see his mom and the others went back to camp.
Percy stayed with his mom for a few days to let everything sink in for himself and the others. When he did go back to camp he was happy to find that no one was treating him any different. They didn't bring it up, just let him know they were there for him, and went right back to joking around like they used to.
And that's the end! Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you liked it! I wasn't too sure about the ending, but I think it came out ok. Sorry this took so long to get out, I've been a little busy. School is starting for me soon, so I'm taking a break from posting (not that I've been posting) to get used to my new classes and all that.
Thanks again,
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