Steve heard the shower turn on and limped out of the room. He went to retrieve his crutch. This took him a few minutes, but then he went straight to Tony. "Do you know if Bucky..." he paused, "...where Bucky is?" he asked, changing from questioning his survival to 'being sure of it', or at least hoping so
"I'm not sure," Tony said, "I can try and find him, but I'm sure he doesn't want to be found by others, so it might take a while," he explained, though he didn't want to find Bucky anyways. "I know you're trying to look fine, but you got hit didn't you?" he asked, remembering a bullet flying over his shoulder.
"Eh I got grazed by a bullet, I took care of it on the way here. You can find him right?" Steve wasn't concentrated on himself.
"I'll try," Tony responded. Steve and Tony got caught up for a while, but 10 minutes later, James walked in the room, in a sweatshirt, jeans, and the blanket around him again.
"I can finally walk and talk at a normal speed." he commented and Steve chuckled.
"That's always good," he commented.
"Dad," James started, looking at Cap "...how are you alive?" He asked.
"I'm sure everyone else is wondering, so I'll just tell you all at dinner," Steve said.
"I'm kind of hungry now that you bring that up" James said.
"...I am too," Steve commented.
"Kang the Conquerer captured me before I was...actually dead. He wanted to 'save me for future use'. Evidently, I was needed later in time, and still at the same age. To make a long story short, I stole one of the ships and got back here. To my knowledge, only a couple weeks went by. The fracture and dislocation is from crashing. The ship was damaged when I passed through the atmosphere." he finished explaining and took a bite of food.
"Who's Kang?" Pym asked.
"He's a time traveling king. He has his own way of how things should go and he changes events to fit it." Steve explained.
"Sorry for earlier" Hawkeye said, only partly sincere.
"That's okay. I get it" Steve responded. "So what've you guys been doing?"
Torrun answered "We have not done much, except for last year when we smighted Ultron!"
Steve's eyes widened. "Wow...ya really...congratulations!"
"We had a little help from the Hulk" Azari added, wanting Steve to know the full truth.
"Don't tell him that!" James whispered.
Steve overheard his son's comment and laughed, "it's still very impressive."
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