When Steve found Bucky he was walking in Central Park. "Bucky?" He asked, though he was sure it was him. Bucky instantly recognized Steve's voice, but concluded it was just his mind playing tricks on him again and kept walking. Then he felt a strong arm grab his right shoulder. "Buck, it's me" Steve said, proving Bucky's conclusion wrong.
"Steve?" Bucky said turning around, shocked. "Where've you been?" He asked pulling his best friend into a huge hug.
"Long story...wasn't here" Steve answered.
"I know that punk." Bucky responded with a grin on his face.
"Here as in Earth, jerk*"Steve responded jokingly.
"Well, you wanna talk at my place?" Bucky offered.
"Sure, but do you mind if James tags along?"
"Sure, he can come" Bucky responded.
"Alright. Did you take your bike** here?" Steve asked, knowing they had a long ways to get to the Quinnjet.
"Yeah...it's parked where 5th Ave. meets East 84th" Bucky explained.
" Aye, that's where I parked," he told Bucky.
"How old is he now?"James (Barnes) asked.
"16", Steve answered.
"Ouch" Bucky said, predicting what happened when Steve got back.
"Actually, no. He took it better than I expected." Steve responded, knowing what Bucky was thinking. He paused and then added "It did help that I got him out of a bad situation as soon as we saw each other."
"What happened?"Bucky asked curiously.
"HYDRA took him in as soon as they found out I was alive" Steve explained.
"Ya get there before anything too bad happened?" Bucky asked, concerned for James, who was like family to him.
"They had him in cyrofreeze for almost a full day, but nothing permanent", Steve responded. "It was weird though...poor kid was shivering for hours"
"Well why didn't you help the boy?!" Bucky asked, slightly upset.
"I did Buck" Steve said, defending himself. "I gave him my coat and a blanket, and the Quinnjet's heat was on. It just took a while to get home, because...we found him in Belarus" he continued quieter, and hesitant to say the country's name.
Bucky was silent for a second and his face lost some of its color, "oh...well it's a good thing he recovered that quickly" he said a few feet from his motorcycle.
"Landed all the way down by City Hall" Steve told him.
"Eh, closer to my apartment" Bucky said getting on his bike. "See ya then" he added and Steve saluted him before walking to his bike.
*They called each other these names in Captain America: the first avenger if you recognize it ("You're a punk" "Jerk" before Bucky left for England)
**just so we're clear when I say bike I mean motorcycle
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