(Steve was right. They found James in Belarus, near Russia, where Bucky was first brainwashed. HYDRA just loved to remind him...)
They fought through a few squadrons of HYDRA agents, got through a bolted, adaptanium, high security door and the guards behind it. Then, Steve acquired James' location from one of those guards, but Strucker hadn't placed his best agents here.
"James?" Steve said. He wasn't surprised to see his child in a capsule that he recognized from a file Natasha gave him many years ago*, but he still wasn't prepared to see James' scared, bruised face, who's expression was frozen, as well as the rest of his body. Steve quickly broke the front of the capsule open, and shattered the ice. He caught his son and embraced him and felt a tear of sheer joy stream down his cheek. He sat there for a few seconds, overjoyed to see his boy again, but he had to get out of that room. He put his good arm under his son's knees, and laid on his bad arm. He grunted (b/c of the pain) and lifted James, who felt like ice. Steve observed that his son was wearing pajamas and couldn't help thinking to himself 'If I'd stayed outside longer, he might not've been here'. Tony had been covering Steve the whole time, so he took his shield off his back and blocked James' head. They both ran to the Quinnjet. Though Cap wouldn't have been able to get himself and James out of the base with his injuries if he had his attention on them, didn't have the super soldier serum, or an adrenaline rush, none were true, so he sprinted. HYDRA put up a fight, but Tony and Cap both knew they were holding back. HYDRA always was planning ahead, but Steve decided to go on with what they wanted him to do, and face the consequences later. His son was top priority. When they reached the jet, Tony took the pilot's seat.
"JARVIS, I need you to make these seats a cot", Steve ordered.
"Right away Master Steven" JARVIS responded obediently. Steve set James down. The cyrofreeze had really taken its toll on him.** His whole body seemed to be a block of ice, some parts of his hands, arms, and face even had frost looking spots on them, his hair looked like inverted icecycles. Steve had been wearing a coat, so he took off his son's frozen stiff t-shirt, that was just making him colder and pulled his coat on James' shoulders and snapped it up. He went to the back of the plane and got out a blanket he remembered was there when fighting along side the other Avengers***, and covered James' violently shivering figure. Steve sat next to his son, rubbing his head, smiling again, glad to have been reunited with him.
James opened his eyes and recognized the inside of the Quinnjet. He became aware that he was wearing a coat that was few sizes too big for him, and his pants were soaked in cold water. His eyes were watering, an involuntary action caused by the cold. Trying to turn his head, his action was extremely slowed by his low temperature. He started to pull his legs to his chest to get warmer.
"You're awake" said an unfamiliar voice, that sounded very happy that he had woken up. James wanted to figure out who this person was, so he looked over and saw a man, about 40 years old, around 6 feet tall****,with fair hair, and blue eyes.
He paused, vaguely remembering-"D-dad?" James said, voice shaking simultaneously with his shaking body. Steve grinned at him. "A-am I d-dead?" James questioned, then his jaw fell yet again in shock, confused about his father being alive.
"No, HYDRA captured you...thought they were going to brainwash you." Steve said. He had a concerned look on his face when explaining the second part. James had looked shaken***** ever since he had confirmed that his father was next to him and Steve didn't know what to expect for a reaction. Shortly after he explained HYDRAs kidnapping, James wrapped his arms around his father. Steve smiled and hugged him back. "I missed you so much kid"
"I m-missed you too" James responded and then let go of his father and sat back down.
"They had you in cyrofreeze. You should wrap your arms around your chest, you'll warm up quicker," James did as he was told.
"H-how are you-" he was cut off by Tony.
"We're here." he exclaimed.
"C'mon,"Steve said as he put his right arm around his son's rib cage, and pulled him to his feet. James wrapped his arm around his neck for support.
*of Bucky (in the last scene before the credits of Captain America: the Winter Soldier)
**🎶this cyrofreeze has taken its toll on me🎶 (sorry I had to)
***One of the abilities that the super soldier serum gave Steve was eidetic memory, or the ability to recall sounds and objects perfectly. He can recollect anything that happened post serum perfectly.
****He's 6' 2" if you were wondering...
*****no pun intended
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