Meeting Up!
~Levy's P.O.V.~
Once I get to the Magnolia Mall, I glance at my lacrima watch. 2:00 it read (a/n: I didn't say any specific time right? If I did, tell me please xD). Where are they? I thought in my head.
"When are they coming?" Gajeel asked, shifting his weight to his other leg. "I'm tired of just standing here."
"They'll be here soon," I assured. "Just wait." As if right on cue, I saw Lucy running towards us.
"Levy-chan!" she called.
"Yo Lu-chan!" I grinned. I looked behind her and smiled at the young Natsu. You had to admit, he was pretty cute. He was no longer wearing that frilly, instead he had on a red shirt with a dragon on it and shorts. "Hey Natsu," I said sweetly.
"Hey Levy," he greeted back with one of his goofy smiles. He then shot a glare at Gajeel.
"What you looking at Salamander?" Gajeel glared back.
"You look weird without your piercings," Natsu stated bluntly. Gajeel scowled.
"So? You looked even weirder with a tutu on, or maybe it suited you," Gajeel said, a smirk growing on his face as he finished his sentence.
"Grr, why you—!" They started slap-fighting, making both me and Lu-chan sweatdrop.
"A-ano, should we break them up?" Lu-chan asked. I opened my mouth to reply to her, but then I heard someone else coming.
"Lucy-san! Levy-san!" We both turn our heads to see Romeo, Wendy, and Carla coming towards us.
"Hey Romeo, Wendy!" Lu-chan and I chorused. Wendy went over to Natsu and Gajeel while Romeo went up to us.
"So, how us taking care of Wendy?" Lu-chan asked, wagging her eyebrows at him. Romeo's face flushed and he looked away.
"A-ah, Oto-san said that he had to do something so he left me with her," he explained.
"Oh, so you were alone, with Wendy," I smirked, nudging him in the elbow. His face grew 50 more shades of red.
"M-maybe," he muttered, trying to hide his face. I looked over to Wendy, who was talking with Natsu and Gajeel.
"Well, atleast you're still smaller than us Wendy," Natsu grinned, ruffling her short blue hair.
"S-smaller?" Wendy squeaked. I sweatdropped when I noticed she looked down at her chest and started crying.
"Now look what you've done Flamebrain, you've made her cry!" Gajeel growled.
"I-it's not my fault!" Natsu stuttered.
"Yeah it is!"
"Kids.." Lu-chan sighed, also seeing the commotion. I giggled.
"I'm pretty sure they're like that even without their transformation," I pointed out.
"True," Romeo and Lu-chan agreed.
"Minna!" Mira smiled, running over to us. When she finally reached us, she had a unusually bright smile on her face.
"Something good happen to you and Laxus..?" Lu-chan asked. Mira nodded fervously and stepped to the right, showing a pretty depressed kid Laxus. He was wearing...
"Cat ears and a tail belt??" Lu-chan, Romeo, and I all sweatdropped at the same time.
"I know!! It's super kawaii right??" Mira squealed, squeezing Laxus like a grape.
"C-can't breathe.." Laxus gasped. Mira lightly gasped.
"Oops, sorry!" she giggled nervously before letting him go. It was right then that Natsu and Gajeel noticed Laxus and laughed their heads off. Even Wendy was trying to stifle a laugh.
" ╥﹏╥ Great.." Laxus sighed.
"Lucy-sama! Minna-san!" I again turned around to see Yukino and Jessie speedwalking towards us.
"Yukino!" Lu-chan grinned. They both hugged for a second before pulling away.
"I'm here too," Jessie fake pouted.
"Hehe, gomen gomen," Lucy apologized.
"Bakaero!" Jessie facepalmed and rubbed her temples.
"Excuse me, for just one minute..." She turned around and pinched the both of their ears.
"Owowowowow!" both Sting and Rogue said at the same time.
"Would you two quit fighting?!" Jessie said, her voice sounding tired. "You've been fighting this whole time! What are you even fighting about??" The two looked at the other nervously.
"Um...." they said in unison. Jessie sighed and let them go.
"Whatever. Just...Just stop fighting okay?" They both nodded quickly and ran over to the "kid's group".
"Pfft ha! What the heck happened to you??" Sting laughed, pointing at Laxus and his neko outfit.
"Just shut up okay?" he muttered, but you could sense a gloomy aura around him.
"So, everyone's here then?" I said, clapping my hands together.
"Aye!" everyone chorused.
"Well, since it's...2:07, how about we all go explore around the mall, getting clothes, and all meet up at the food court at 3:00?" I suggested. Everyone nodded.
"Seems like a good idea," Lu-chan smiled. We all nodded in agreement.
"Yosh, minna, before we split up.." I leaned in so that the Dragon Slayers couldn't hear us. "If you notice anything weird, tell us at lunch okay?" They all nodded. "Okay; now you may go!" And with that, we said our goodbyes, took the hands of our kids, and split up in 6 different directions. "Come on Gajeel, let's go," I said, pulling his hand.
"Okay okay!" he said in a whiny tone. "Sheesh." I frowned. That sounded too childish, even for Gajeel. I decided to shrug it off.
"We're going to go get some clothes for you okay?" I told him the agenda.
"Can we go to the game store?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow.
"U-uh, nothing, nevermind," he said, looking away. I was so sure I heard game store. Since when did Gajeel Redfox like games?
~Gajeel's P.O.V.~
I seriously just said game store. Where did that even come from??
Lel, Gajeel's POV is short, sorry.
Anyways, vote, comment
'Till next time!
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