Make-Your-Own Story Time
Hey hey hey I'm back minna-san!
I've tallied up the survey and..
Rowen won by a landslide. XD
Next came Miraxus, and then Gale, Nalu, and Royu tied with 2 votes lol, and then Stessie with 1 (Tiny shout out to ObssesedGrayZaFan for liking Stessie, thank you! ;w;). I'll do them in this order one by one because, well.
This book's ending???
I say this with a question mark because unless inspiration strikes me, yeah this'll probably be it.
I mean, this book was just supposed to be a nice little fluff book as like an intermission between Jessie's 2 books (making this is 1.5-ish book for it XD).
Who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Enjoy some couple love~!
~Romeo's P.O.V.~
"This quite big, Mira-nee..." I said in awe as Mira led me to Wendy's room. "You must be glad to live here, huh Wendy-chan?" I turned around to face the small bluenette, who was shyly following behind us, Carla flying right next to her. Beside her was a bored-looking young Laxus, his eyes half-lidded as he walked with his hands in his short's pockets.
"Are we there yet?" he whined, both of his arms and hands holding large shopping bags filled with clothes. Mira give him a scary smile. Her hands were also holding more bags of clothing.
"For the 11th time, no," Mira said in a sweet tone that sounded like it was about to snap. "As Romeo has said, these halls are quite long." Laxus pursed his lips, but even I knew that it wouldn't be such a great idea to ask again. I've only seen Mira scary once, and that's all I need for a lifetime.
After a couple minutes of awkward tension between the five of us, Mira stopped in front of a wooden door. "Well, if you need any help, feel free to ask!" Mira smiled warmly at me, her voice sounded a bit tired as she patted me on the shoulder.
"A-ah, thanks," I thanked her. She nodded, and forcefully grabbed ahold of Laxus' collar.
"Let's go try all of these on, Laxus!" Mira chirped a bit too cheerfully.
"Help me.." Laxus choked out. Wendy, Carla, and I sweatdropped, knowing that it wouldn't be the best to idea to interfere.
"Um, so I guess this is your room, huh Wendy-chan?" I asked awkwardly. Wendy's face started to turn red in what I assumed embarrassment as she meekly nodded.
"H-hai," she stammered. We fell silent again, and I mentally let out a sigh. Since when was it so hard to talk with Wendy-chan? I thought to myself, but my cheeks started turning pink when my own mind answered, 'When she became a cute little child.'
"Wendy, it's rude to let guests wait," Carla spoke up, probably tired of the both of us being so quiet. Wendy jolted at her name, and realized that we were waiting for her to open the door.
"O-oh! G-g-gomenasai," she squeaked and started sifting through her blue short's pockets. She then pulled out a small golden key and stumbled over trying to get the key in the small hole in the door. Carla facepalmed while she struggled with it. I just let out a small chuckle and walked over to her.
"Would you like me to do it?" I asked. Her face flushed once again, but she quietly nodded and held out the key. As I reached for it, our hands brushed against each other, and I couldn't help but realize that her hands were so soft and warm..
My face flushing a tomato-red at the thought, I quickly took the key from her, squeaking a meek "thanks" as I slowly but firmly inserted the key. After turning its handle, I twist the doorknob and open the door. "After you," I flash a smile to Wendy. This was her room after all; she should go in first.
"T-thank you," she mumbled, quickly shuffling inside. Carla gave a slight nod as she followed suit, and I went after her. As I drank in my surroundings, it actually wasn't as girly as I thought it would be, honestly. Wendy's room looked quite normal with wood-layered walls surrounding a bed, a nightstand with some picture frames and a lamp on it, a desk, a chair next to it, and another door that probably led to a bathroom.
"P-please make yourself at home," Wendy mumbled, playing with her hands as she awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.
"This is a nice room you have Wendy-chan," I grinned. "Everything's so neat; better than me and Dad." Wendy once again blushed and nodded as her way of thanks.
I glanced at around until my eyes landed on a circular clock on the wall. "Wow, it's already 9:30," I mused out loud. I remembered that Dad had always put me to sleep around 9:00 when I was around five years old, so I thought about whether or not I should do the same for Wendy..
"Um, Wendy," Carla cocked her eyebrows as she glanced at the bluenette. "Where is Romeo going to sleep?"
"E-eh? Can't he sleep in.." She started to say, but then trailed off, her face slowly darkening a deep shade of red. I gave them a look of befuddlement, but then I realized too. There was no other place to sleep but the bed, and there was only space for one person on it.
"A-ah, it's okay, I can just sleep on the floor," I waved my hands. "I'm the guest here after all, I don't want to be a bother."
"But.." Wendy frowned.
"It's okay Wendy-chan," I repeated myself, grinning a warm smile to reassure her. Her face flushed even more, but she quietly nodded.
The atmosphere grew silent once again. I felt sweat of nervousness roll down my head. What do I do now? We should probably go to sleep but..
"Well," Carla heaved a tired sigh, "since it's late, why don't you go to sleep Wendy?"
"Ehh? But it's only 9:30, and I'm not sleepy!" Wendy puffed out her cheeks in protest. Cute, I thought to myself, heat creeping onto my cheeks as those thoughts entered my head.
"A-ah, how about I read you a story then?" I suggested. Wendy's brown eyes sparkled at the idea, but she her eyebrows then knitted into a frown.
"There are no books here though.." she pouted. My eyes slightly grew when I became aware that she was right, but then an idea popped into my head and my smile returned.
"Ah, that's okay, when we didn't have any books around us, Dad and I always made up our own! You wanna try?" I suggested.
"Make your own?" Wendy questioned, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. I nodded.
"Yeah! Like, um, once upon a time, there was a.." I trailed off and glanced over to Wendy, gesturing for her to continue.
"Oh oh! Um..a princess!" Wendy suggests, her big brown eyes filled with excitement. My lips curled into a grin and I nodded.
"You got it! But, before we continue.." I glanced over to Carla, who grinned and nodded in approval. Returning the smile, I continue and say, "You gotta get to bed first, alright?" Without another word, Wendy jumps onto her bed like an enthusiastic child, lying down and going under the covers. She was smiling eagerly as she awaited me to continue.
I beamed, glad my idea was working so far. I take the wooden chair that was in front of the desk and set it beside the bed. "Okay, a princess!" I clap my hands together. "She was, um.."
"Lost!" Wendy chirped.
"Okay, Lost!" I nodded. "She was lost, and found herself in a..."
"Oh! Um, um, forest!"
"A forest! So she's, um, walking through a forest, completely lost from her large castle!" Wendy gasps, making me stifle a giggle. This really is like taking care of a young child.. I smiled to myself. "So the princess is wandering around the forest, lost," I continue, "when suddenly, she stumbles upon.."
"Oh oh! I know! A prince!" Wendy proposes.
"She stumbles upon a prince!" I say as dramatically as I could. "The prince notices the princess and walks over to her...."
"And so, the prince and princess lived happily ever after, the end." I let out a huge but quiet sigh as the story comes to an end. I look at Wendy, who had only now fallen asleep. A yawn comes out of Carla's mouth and she shakes her furry head.
"She's finally gone to sleep," she sighed. "Thank Mavis."
"Yeah," I breathed out. "Finally." I lean over and carefully took ahold of the blanket covering Wendy. As gently as I could, I tucked her in and (with a hesitant pause) I brushed a couple strands of short blue hair away from her face. I flinched and my hands immediately jolted back when she stirred at my touch, however.
"Grandeenay..." Wendy whispered quietly, a small smile curling onto her lips. I was puzzled by the name while Carla frowned and pursed her lips.
"That was, um, the name of the dragon that raised Wendy.." Carla explained in a soft tone. My eyes grow wide and I place my hands over my mouth before a loud gasp could escape my lips.
"Everyone was drinking because it was the anniversary of their dragons leaving, right?" I ask, remembering what Jessie had told me. I then remembered an extra detail she had told me. "Or, to kinda commemorate it.." I added, since the actual anniversary had been in July, and it's August right now. Carla nodded and placed a paw on her face.
"That's how we got into this mess, yes," she replied. Her eyes then grow as wide as plates, her stare becoming blank. I could feel anxiety build up inside of me as she stayed completely silent.
"C-Carla?" I stammered, my voice still quiet, but nervous. She didn't answer me at first, but after a few seconds, she blinked and shook her head.
"I apologize," she mumbled, "I...was just daydreaming a bit."
"Daydreaming?" I question. She shakes her head.
"It is nothing; isn't it time for you to head to bed?" she inquires. I blinked blankly.
"Uh, yeah, i-it is," I nodded. A part of me wanted to ask what had happened, but I had to admit, I was kinda tuckered out myself. Carla nodded and sprouted her Aera wings. She flew to the other side of Wendy's bed and took a spare pillow that Wendy wasn't sleeping on. She then went into a bathroom, disappearing for a couple seconds before coming back with a blanket in her arms. She placed both of the things on the floor.
"Thank you," I say, awkwardly shuffling down onto the carpeted floor and placing my head on the pillow. She looks down at me and nods before flying over to Wendy's bed, probably curling up beside her.
'I wonder what's tomorrow going to be like..' I thought to myself before drifting off to sleep.
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