Assigning Babysitting Jobs!
~Jessie's P.O.V.~
Everyone turned around to see Gray smirking, his hands in his pocket. Juvia was right beside him. Mira, Levy, Macao, and Romeo followed suit.
"We came as soon as we got your call!" Levy smiled, then noticed the pint sized Gajeel and started to giggle.
"What are you laughing at?!" Gajeel growled.
"N-nothing," Levy giggled.
"I would never miss a chance to see a pint sized strawberry ballerina!" Gray smirked, looking right at Natsu.
"What did you call me?!" Natsu snarled.
"A pint sized strawberry ballerina," Gray repeated.
"Tema!!" Natsu said before trying to tackle Gray. Natsu kept on punching Gray's leg, which made him laugh harder.
"Stop!" Gray said in between his laughs. "It tickles!"
"Tickles?!" Natsu cried, punching harder. Lucy stifled a laugh while I just shook my head in dissapointment. Atleast this form suits him..
"Ah, Gray-sama shouldn't laugh at little kids!" Juvia scolded, even though her eyes were hearts.
"Well, he's still the same whether he's in kid form or not!" Gray laughed, making Natsu even more pissed.
"Hey Jessie?" I turned around to see sweet Mira smiling at me. "Have you seen Laxus?" I smirked and glanced at one of the tables to see a tiny six year old hiding under it.
"Mm, he's over there," I replied, pointing to that table. Laxus scowled and gave me a "I'll get my revenge!" look before Mira picked him up and lifted him.
"Awweh, you're so kawaii~!" Mira cooed.
"L-let me go!" Laxus stuttered, squirming to get away from her, but of course you can't get out of Mira's grip, especially if you're six.
"Oo, can we keep him like this??" Mira begged me. I shrugged, signalling I'm not sure. Laxus gave me a begging look, but I smirked in response and turned my attention onto another cute couple.
"Hey, where's Wendy?" Romeo asked, looking around for her.
"Why, did you come here for her?" Lexi smirked, making a ♡ shape with her hands. Romeo blushed and looked away.
"N-no!" he denied. "I-I came here to help a-anyone with Dad!"
"Mm, right," Lexi rolled her eyes. Macao on the other hand put one of his arms around his son's shoulder.
"That's my son!" he said proudly. I sighed and shook my head.
"Ah, young love," I giggled to myself.
"Mm, I know right?" I turned to see Happy looking at me with a sly smile. "Young love, just like you and Sting.." I could feel my cheeks burning and punched him, making him fly across the room.
"Like you can talk!" I scowled.
"Aye..!" he said as he flew across the sky. I took a deep breath.
"Alright, can I have everyone's attention?" I said a bit loud so that everyone could hear me. Everyone stopped cooing, fighting, and laughing and turned to me. "So everyone has been caught up right?" Everyone nodded. "Okay, we need to pair up people with one of the kids so that they can stay with them until this is sorted out."
"Ooh, can I have Laxus??" Mira asked, squeezing Laxus like a grape. I giggled before continuing.
"In any matter, six people will be assigned six kids," I explained. "And to make this fair.." I requiped a small hat (it was a job reward) and a sheet of paper from my magic space. I wrote down all six kids' names onto it and seperated them. I also put in two slips of blank paper because we had eight people. I then put them all into the hat and shuffled it around. "Now, each person pick one slip of paper," I said, holding the hat out to the first person, which was Lucy. She put her hand into the hat and rummaged around until she took out one slip.
"Natsu," she read. "How convenient.." She looked at me suspiciously, but I just shrugged and continued on to Levy. She put her hand into the hat and came out with a slip of paper.
"Gajeel?!" she read out loud.
"What?!" Gajeel blurted out.
"C-can I redraw?" she pleaded me. I shook my head.
"You get what you get!" I smirked and continued onto Mira. She put her hand into the hat and rummaged for a while until she came out with another slip of paper.
"Laxus!" she squealed.
"Jessie I beg of you, LET HER REDRAW!" Laxus went onto his knees and begged, but I shook my head and continued to Macao. He just took out the first slip of paper his hand got in contact with.
"Ydenw?" Macao squinted at the slip of paper. Romeo face went red as I facepalmed.
"It's upside-down idiot," I muttered.
"I knew that," he said and turned it around. "Ohh, Wendy!" At that moment a table started shaking. I rolled my eyes.
"No use in hiding Wendy, just come on out already!" I said out loud.
"B-but I don't wanna come out!" a voice from underneath the shaking table replied. Carla sighed and pulled a tiny Wendy out of there.
"Just pull yourself together and face it like a grown up!" Carla scolded. I decided to continue onto Gray. He lazily pulled out a slip of paper.
"Blank," he said lamely. I nodded.
"You get to find a cure then," I explained. He shrugged and nodded.
"JUVIA NEEDS A BLANK SLIP TO BE WITH GRAY-SAMA!" Juvia suddenly said and smashed her hand into the hat. After a couple seconds, she took out a slip and squealed. "Now we get to be together Gray-sama~!" Juvia cheered, put her arms around Gray.
"Oi, get off already!" he scowled, trying to pull off Juvia from his arm, but that didn't work.
"Okay....your turn Yukino," I sweatdropped, turning my attention away from them.
"H-hai," she responded and gently placed a hand into the hat and pulled out a tiny slip of paper. When she read it, her cheeks turned slightly pink.
"Who is it?" Sting asked curiously. Yukino muttered something, but too quietly for non-Dragon Slayers to hear. Rogue started turning red as Sting bursted out laughing. I stifled a laugh.
"Who??" Natsu asked anxiously.
"R-Rogue," she said a bit louder, but it was still a whisper.
"What's the big deal?" Natsu asked, being the dense idiot he was. I shrugged with a sly smile.
"Mm, I don't know," I replied, even though Mira and pretty much everyone else knew. Rogue scowled but then his scowl turned into a wicked smile.
"You know what that means Jessie.." he smirked. I looked at him confusingly, but then realized what he meant.
"What does that mean?" Sting asked.
"It means that you Sting get Jessie as your babysitter!" Rogue laughed.
"E-EHH??" Sting sputtered.
"I-I have no problem with that," I stuttered and took another deep breath. "So, now that everyone has been assigned their kid, we should get to our homes and let them get settled in...okay?"
"Aye..." everyone said with not a lot of enthusiasm. I sighed. Oh, what have I just done..
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