Chapter 7
Louis P.O.V
I walked inside my house, I heard my mum asking who it was but I didn't answer. I walked up to my room and laid lazily on my bed. Is that why he would smile when he would get a message. Is that why he gets mad easily? Is he really cheating on me? I'm over thinking this and if I accuse him of cheating when he really isn't is gonna make me feel bad. I ran my hand through my hair and stood up from my bed. I walked downstairs and saw my mum putting breakfast on the table.
"Louis? Honey what's wrong have you been crying" She walked towards me and hugged me I hugged her back, I felt her kiss my hair and she pulled away.
"Darling what's wrong is everything going okay at the Smith's house?" My mum whispered running a hand on my cheek. I nodded and grabbed her hand.
"Everything is fine mum just got shampoo in my eyes when I was showering" I lied and she smiled.
"Still don't know how to shower huh" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Lottie there smiling.
"Fuck off" I mumbled. Both my mum and lottie gasped, my mum hit my arm harshly making me whimper.
"Louis William Tomlinson that language!" My mum raised her voice. I flinched at her tone and Lottie laughed.
"Ha ha you got in trouble ha ha" She was dancing around and I flipped her off. I ran away from my mum as she gasped again. She took off her sandal and I laughed.
"No no no mum I was joking" I put my hands up in defense with a loud laugh. I was now laying down on the couch with my feet in the air so she won't hit me with the sandal.
"Mum!" I laughed louder when she pinched my ankle. I saw Lottie recording and my mum started laughing with me.
"Louis don't use that language in this house" My mum was still laughing.
"You were gonna abuse me with a shoe mum a sandal!" I pointed to the sandal laughing. My mum took out her tongue and laughed.
"Well I'm sorry I can't catch up with my 18 year old son" She put the sandal on the floor and slid it on her feet walking away. Lottie was laughing while watching the video. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my part where my mum pinched me. My mum is like my best friend. We have our up and downs but we still seem to be together, I promised her that I wasn't gonna move in with my boyfriend till I find the right one that's why I'm still living with her. Sound funny I know because I'm 18 years old but she doesn't mind having me around I help around the house and I get along with all my sisters. My dad left us when I was very young. He said he 'wasn't ready for a family' but a few months ago when he left us we heard he had a 6 year old son named Samuel. So basically he was cheating on my mum for six years or even more. Ever since then my mum hasn't found a guy she would always tell me I'm the only guy she needs in her life and it made me cry everything she would say that.
"Louis are you gonna stay from breakfast?" My mum yelled from the kitchen.
"No, sorry I have to go back" I yelled making my way to the front door.
"Okay be careful honey" She yelled. I walked out and closed the door behind me. It was windy but the sun was to hot that it was burning my skin. I saw a car parked in front of the house and walked inside with out knocking. I heard small feet running and I smiled as the sight of Macy running towards me with her arms open for me to hug her.
"Lou" She jumped in my arms when I held them open for her. I walked into the living room with her on my hip and saw the 3 lad from the other day sitting on the couch playing fifa. I lightly put Macy down and she ran towards her toys.
"Louis your back" Harry rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.
"Look I'm really really fucking sorry Louis, what I said was really stupid and I didn't mean for it to sound rude" He whispered in my ear. His hug was to tight that I couldn't breath.
"It's okay Harold I'm over it" I whispered with a smile. Harry quickly pulled away and looked around. The lads were looking at us all confuse but Niall (I think that's his name) had a warm smile. I cleared my throat so they can zone out. Their eyes snap up at Harry and I again and Zayn had the most funniest expression ever. Niall returned to the game scoring a goal on the guy with brown hair.
"Niall that didn't count!" The boy whined taking the controller from Niall.
"Oh suck it up Liam" Niall took it back from him unpaired the game. Zayn was on his phone type really fast. Harry stood next to the couch watching both Liam and Niall playing. I walked to Macy and she had her two barbies in both her hands. She looked up at me and extended her hand for me to grab the blonde haired Barbie. I grabbed it and sat crisscrossed in front of her. We played for about 10 minutes until I heard my name.
"Louis you wanna play?" Niall asked raising the controller. I looked at Macy and she took the Barbie from me letting me know I could play with Niall. I got up and walked towards him taking the controller away from his hand.
"You are so gonna lose" Niall smirked. I smirked back at him and laughed.
"There is no fucking way Imma let you win" I said looking at the plasma TV.
Harrys P.O.V
The game between Niall and Louis was so intense. It was a tie on 3 to 3. Niall kept groaning as his kicker kept missing the goaile. There was only 5 minutes left on the game and Louis was probably sweating. His tongue was poking out of his mouth and was between his lips. Zayn was now looking at the screen yelling for Niall to make a goal and Liam was yelling for Louis to make one. Just as the time hit the 2 minutes Louis scored making Niall pause the game.
"That was so unfair Louis!" Niall whined
"The game hasn't even ended Niall, who knows maybe you can make one in a minute" Louis burst out laughing because he knew Niall won't make it in a minute. Louis ended up winning the game and Niall faked cried.
"I let you win so don't get to flattered" Niall pointed at Louis. Louis looked at his phone and rushed out the living room leaving the house for the second time this morning. I turned around and found Macy on the blanket that was on the floor and she was sleeping. I picked her up and carried her to her room. I walked out her room and walked into the living room sitting on the small couch that was by the big one where Niall, Liam and Zayn sat in.
"So Louis huh?" Zayn wiggled his brows and I flipped him off.
"He has a boyfriend asshole" I said throwing the couch pillow at him.
"I knew he was gay! I told you guys!" Niall said loudly poking Zayns arm and Liams. I laughed and looked at the TV screen.
"So if he didn't have a boyfriend you would date him?" Liam smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"No, but I would fuck him then leave him" I said with a serious straight face.
"Okay so your just gonna take advantage of the poor lad?" Zayn threw the pillow back at me.
"What else to you want me to fucking do, get on one knee and propose to him then fuck him and leave him?" I growled getting mad.
"Mate chill we were joking" Niall put his hands up in defense. I harshly threw the pillow at him making him whince.
"Mate fucking chill knock my teeth out if you want" Niall joked around.
"If only I could I would've dipshit" I got up and walked to the kitchen. I tugged at my hair and groaned. Fucking shit! I started to slowly count to 20 trying to calm myself down because I didn't want anyone to end up getting hurt just because of me. When I was on 15 I felt better. I walked back into the living room and sat on the same spot. Hearing the conversation going on with my three best mates that make me so angry yet I love them. (in a friendly way of course)
Hugs and Kisses
Lots of Love my beautiful people on earth.
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