Chapter 5
Harry's P.O.V
There was a knock at the door that made Louis jump a little. I stood up and walkedto the front door I opened it and saw a boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes, he had a big smile on his face.
"Hi uh is Louis Tomlinson here?" The boy pointed inside the house.
"Uh yeah he is come in" I offered. Harry you dick face he can be a stranger! What if he has a gun and kills Louis and Macy! I laughed quietly. I started walking to the livingroom with the stranger behind me. Just as I was about to call Louis, Louis came running down the hall and jumped on the guys arms. Louis wrapped his small feet around his waist and the guy hugged his waist.
"Babe I missed you!" I heard Louis. Babe? As in dating babe!?
"Me to princess" The stranger hugged him tightly. Macy came into the hall was with her teddy bear against the floor so basically she was dragging the bear. Louis got off the stranger with a tear running down his cheek.
"Babe dont cry" The boy grabbed Louis from his neck and shoved him to his chest hugging him tight. I clear my throat making both boys tear away and look at me.
"Oh! Right Alex this is Harry, Harry this is Alex" I introduced both of them Alex took out his hand for Harry to shake but Harry ingored it, making Alex scratch the back of his head.
"Is he your cousin? friend? brother?" I asked with a tone. Louis turned to see Alex just staring at me and Louis sigh.
"Uh no he's my uh.. boyfriend" Louis stuttered. I nodded and walked out the hallway towards the kitchen.
Louis P.O.V
I saw Harry walk out the hallway. It kinda made me sad because he's probably homophobic. I looked back at Alex and he gave me a a small smile which I quickly returned. I started walking to the livingroom with Alex behind me. Macy looked at Alex curiously and Alex just waved at her.
"You can sit down" I pointed to the couch next to the kitchen. He nodded and sat down with a sigh. Macy ran into the kitchen while looking at Alex as if her was gonna do something wrong.
"I'll be back imma go check if Harry is done with breakfast" Alex nodded and I walked into the kitchen. Harry was putting the bacon into the pan while Macy was on the floor eating a cookie.
"Is breakfast almost ready?" I asked standing next to Harry. Harry didnt even lift his head up nor even said anything. I bit my lip and walked out. Alex was on his phone texting someone but quickly turned it off when he heard my foot steps.
"Who you texting?" I put my arm on his shoulder and he looked up at me.
"My mum just told her I landed safely" He gave me a small smile and I gave one in return.
"So you wanna go out for dinner later?" Alex asked grabbing my wrist in his hands.
"I dont think I can babe I need to watch over Macy 'm sorry" I bit my lip waiting for him so just say a simple okay I understand. But he looked up when he heard a plate fall.
"What about the Harry boy cant he watch over the little girl?" Alex pointed towards the kitchen.
"I think he is gonna go out with his friends tonight" I sat on Alex's lap while he played with the end of my shirt.
"So he gets to go out and you dont?" Alex said with a very harsh tone making me shiver.
"Well yeah, he had plans alrighty while I didnt" I repied more sassier.
"Dont fucking get sassy with me Louis you know I hate that bullshit!" Alex pushed me off making me fall to the floor with a big loud 'thud'.
"Shit im sorry Louis" Alex apologize as he walked towards me to help me up.
"Its fine" I mumbled. Once I got up I dusted my pants off and sat on the coffee table not even having the guts to look at Alex.
The rest of the day was interesting. Alex and I havent even had a real conversation with one another which is weird because we've been dating for 2 years. He kept texting someone on his phone that made him smile. It kinda made me upset because when I say something he doesn't smile as big as right now. I moved around on the couch were a sat beside Alex. Macy fell asleep about 30 mins ago and Harry went out somewhere with Niall and Zayn. Harry wad being rude lately. I would ask something so simple and he'll get mad and just tell me off.
"Alex?" I looked up at him and saw him still staring at his phone with a big smile.
"Alex?" I said again he finally took his eyes off the screen and looked at me.
"What Louis?" He sounded mad and I just nodded.
"Nevermind" I looked down at my fingers trying hard not to cry. It was now 7:38 p.m. and I was really hungry, I got up and walked into the kitchen straight to the refrigerator finding something to eat.
"Babe are you hungry?" I yelled so Alex could hear me.
"No" He answered
"Are you sure you haven't ate since you got here" I asked again making sure.
"Louis im not fucking hungry" Alex raised his voice. I nodded even though I knew he couldnt see me. I heard the front door slam making me run to see who it was. I saw that Alex wasnt in the livingroom anymore. I walked towards the front door and saw Alex getting into his rental car.
"Where are you going?" I yelled. He stopped and rolled his eyes.
"Dont expect me to come back" Alex yelled getting in his car and speeding away. I stood there for a good 6 minutes, I heard small footsteps coming down from the stairs and I turned around. Macy stood at the bottom of the stairs with a smile on her face.
"Harry?" Macy looked around and I closed the front foor.
"He'll be back in a bit" I grabbed her small hand and started walking to the play room.
"You wanna play tea party?" I asked Macy, she nodded and clapped her small little hands together with a big smile on her face. Macy and I played for about 30 minutes and then stopped because she was getting tired. She got up and walked to her room leaving the door open. I walked into the room I slept in and grabbed my phone to check if I got any miss calls. Once I saw I didnt have any missed calls or messages I walked to the corner where my bag was and got out a black over size shirt. I closed the door just in case Macy walked in on me changing. I took off my shirt and pants quickly putting in the black shirt over my head. I left my socks on because my feet sometimes get cold in the night. I opened the door again and walked to the bed. I didnt set up the system alarm in case Harry came in plus I dont know how to set it up. I laid on my side of the bed and looked out the window that was next to the bed. I closed my eyes and drifted to a nice peaceful sleep.
Harry's P.O.V
The music was blasting through the whole entire club. Sweaty bodies dancing all over the place and horny people grinding against each other. I was on the dance floor dancing with some blonde chick her ass against my d¡ck basically grinding up and down onto it. I had my hands on her waist and she had hers on my hair.
"Harry!" I heard the irish accent yell in my ear.
"What!?" I yell, the girl still on me.
"It's midnight we gotta go" Liam yelled in my ear.
"Im not leaving" I gripped the girls waist and she giggled. Liam rolled his eyes and walked away leaving me with the girl. We danced for a little more while but I excused my self to use the restroom. I bumped into some people earning some yells from them. I stumbled into my own feet bumping into some random guy.
"Watch where your walking" The guy yelled.
"What if I dont!" I yelled back rolling my green eyes.
"Then I'll make sure you do prick!" He yelled moving away from the girl he was dancing with.
"Sure fucking hope your not talking to me dumbshit!" I shoved him making him fall backwards taking the girl down with him. Everyone around now stopped dancing and crowed us.
"Did you just push me faggot!" The guy yelled standing up ftom the floor.
"Yes I did" I turned around walking towards the restrooms. I shoved the people out of my way, I decide to go home instead. I walked out the door finding Zayn standing outside with Liam. I walked towards them falling into Liams back.
"Take me home pleassseee" I mumbled into Liamd back.
"We asked you and you said you werent leaving so no" Liam folded his arms in front of him.
"Please Liam I really tired" I begged him. He gave in after 10 minutes of me begging him to take me home. Zayn and Liam sat in front of the car and me in the back. I got out the car and into the house stumbling everywhere. I tried not to make so may noise beacuse of Macy. I walked up the stairs and up to the room I stayed in. I opened the door and turned on the light. I looked at the bed and found Louis all over the bed. His shirt was up to his stomach and his black tight Calvin Klein boxers were showing. I bit my lip and walked towards the bed no turning off the light. I moved Louis hand off my side and turned to face the opposite side of him. I started feeling hot so I took off my clothes leaving me in just my boxers. I took the blanket off me and fell asleep.
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