Chapter 15
Louis' P.O.V
I woke up with a small headache which made me groan when I moved. I looked besides me and saw that the spot was empty, I got up and walked around the bed and towards the door. I heard something loud fall from downstairs and I rushed towards the sound I found Niall standing by the stove looking down at the pan that was on the floor.
"Sorry that I woke you up, Harry called me over to make some breakfast because he wasn't feeling good, so he just went out for walk" Niall said catching his breath at the end. I looked at him with a small smile and Niall frowned.
"Are you okay? Your eyes are swollen" Niall bent down to pick up the pan. I rubbed my eyes and sigh.
"Yeah, I'm okay" I answered half honestly. I wasn't mad at Harry, well I was just upset. I wasn't ready to hear that from him and especially in front of his friend.
"Uh, do you need help with anything?" I asked scratching the back of my head.
"You won't burn the house down right?" Niall joked. I let out a small laugh and nodded.
"Excuse me? my cooking skills are great" I walked towards Niall and grabbed the pancake mix.
"Okay sure mate" Niall patted my back and I playfully rolled my eyes. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands making sure to get some water on Niall.
"Aye your gonna ruin the merchandise" Niall ran a hand through his shirt and I playfully slapped his shoulder. Niall and I started making pancakes and eggs, we heard the front door open and I knew it was Harry. My heart started racing fast for some reason, I saw Niall look at me from the corner of my eye but quickly turned back focusing his eyes on flipping the pancake.
"Niall has Lo-" Harry stop mid sentence when he appeared into the kitchen. Niall turned around and grabbed 4 plates.
"What happen?" Niall asked Harry. I tried my hardest not to turn around so I occupied myself with grabbing the plates from Nialls' hands and serving the pancakes and egg. I saw Harry from the corner of my eye getting cups from the top cabinet.
"Juice or milk?" Harry asked. No one answered and Niall looked at me.
"Louis, what would you like?" Niall asked talking the plates to the table.
"Doesn't matter" I answered grabbing the last two plate and walking towards the table carefully sitting them down. I walked upstairs into Macy's room and I see her sitting on her bed playing with her teddy bears ears.
"Macy" I whispered. Macy's head snapped towards me and she smiled.
"Lou" She extended her small arms and I walked towards her grabbing her. She lets out giggles when I put her on the side of my hip. When we got down stairs I let her down and she walked behind me, I waited for her at her baby chair and help her up. I sat her down while Niall was helping Harry with the drinks. I sat down next to Macy that way I could be feeding her, I saw Niall sit in front of me and Harry next to me.
"So I heard that Abbie and Charlie are already coming" Niall said cutting his pancake with a butter knife.
"Where'd you hear that?" I asked Niall as he was about to put the pancake in his mouth.
"Harry" Niall pointed at Harry, Harry snapped his head towards Niall and furrowed his brows.
"What?" He asked confused.
"You told me that Charlie and Abbie are coming this Monday" Niall repeated Harry nodded and he shoved a piece of pancake in his mouth. I started cutting Macy's slices and gave them to her. She doesn't like when other people feed her, she likes grabbing the food herself.
"So Harry, are you still staying in Doncaster when Abbie get back or are you going back to Cheshire?" Niall drank a sip of orange juice and Harry glared at him.
"Uh, I was planning on leaving Doncaster really got nothing to do here" Harry wiped his mouth with the napkin and I just looked at him my eyes burning onto him.
"Oh" Was all Niall answered. It was quiet the rest of the breakfast and I noticed that I haven't even ate half the pancake and I haven't touch the egg.
"Uh, Louis aren't you gonna eat?" Niall asked as he got back from the kitchen. I tapped my index finger into the table and sigh.
"I'm full, I ate a lot last night" I lied, but it seem to work because Niall nodded and walked towards the livingroom taking Macy with him. I got up from my chair and grabbed both Macy's and I plate, I walked towards the kitchen and noticed Harry sitting in the stool by the small kitchen island table. I threw away the food from my plate and quietly settled them on the sink.
"I'm really sorry Louis, I tired of playing the quiet game. I shouldn't have called you fat at all. Like I said I was so pissed off at Connor but I let all my anger out on you. And you know you're beautiful when I said that I really meant that, I didn't mean for you to feel so insecure and I especially didn't mean to make you cry" Harry tugged at his hair and I honestly wanted to tell him that it was okay.
"I just don't want you to be mad at me anymore we only got less than 5 days to be with each other and Macy" Harry looked up at me and I saw his emerald eyes were lighter than usual. I let out a long sigh as I grabbed the stool next to Harry, I laid my hands in the table along with my head on top of my hands. Harry looked at me confused and I gave him a small smile.
"Uh, I accept your apology but please next time let your anger out on something or someone else" I smiled. Harry smiled back while playing with his long finger.
"I will, it wont happen again" Harry got closer and I back away.
"We should go with Niall and Macy now" I tried not to stutter Harry patted the table and then got up. We got to the livingroom and Niall was laying on the couch watching Peppa Pig. Macy was so entertained that I noticed she was drooling. I laughed in the inside and nodded my head grabbing Macy to move her away from the tv. I grabbed the pillow that was on the couch and threw it at Niall. Niall glared at me and I just gave him an innocent look. I sat on the floor next to the couch where Macy sat I took out my phone and my heart started to race as I saw a message from Alex.
Louis my flight leaves today and I really wanna fix things before I go, so can we please talk?
I stared at the message not knowing what to respond to it. I looked up and saw Harry looking at me with a curious look.
"Everything okay?" He asked, I have him a small lazy smile and nodded.
"Yeah everything okay" I whispered ghostly brushing my fingers over the keyboard of my phone. I looked down at my phone and bit my lip, without thinking twice I responded back.
Yeah, we can meet up at my house around 6
I quickly regretted it once it sent, I turned my phone off and stood up, Niall looked at me with a raised brow.
"Mate what is wrong with you?" Niall asked.
"Nothing imma go shower" I quickly said as I walked towards the stairs. I walked into the room and closed the door behind me, I slowly slid down and sat there for a few minutes. I stood up and walked towards the bag of clothes that I have clean, I took off my shirt and shoved it into the other bag of dirty clothes that i have. I stood there searching fir clothes for got knows how long, I quickly turned around when I heard the door open swiftly moving my hand that i had my shirt in up to my chest to cover my upper body.
Harry's P.O.V
I started to worry about Louis once her went up stairs, I creeped onto the hallway and stood in front of the room door. I wasn't sure if I should go in and check in him or just give him space, but my dumbass wasn't thinking my hand already opened the door without even knocking. I saw Louis quickly up his shirt up to his chest trying to cover his uncovered upper body.
We stood there looking at each other without say a single word, i tried to read Louis eyes but they just seemed to be so empty and emotionless.
"Fuck, I, Uh im sorry shit I should've knocked" I finally say trying to stop the awkwardness in the room.
"Oh, no no its uh fine. I should've locked it, it's not your fault" Louis grabbed the end of his shirt slowly trying to cover his stomach. I watched how insecure he was and for some reason it made me... upset. Louis quickly slid in his shirt but his eyes were still looking towards me. I took small steps towards Louis and I noticed his eyes got wider when he saw me going his way.
"Harry...?" Louis tried to back away from me but failed as he only bumped into the wall behind him. I got so close to him that I felt Louis' hot breath against my face. I looked a him trying to see and signs of him wanting me away but I saw none.
"Harry I uh..." and it took that small step for me to collapse my lips against his, my hands quickly went to the side of his face and I got no reaction from Louis which scared me a bit. I moved my body closer so it was now against Louis and thats when Louis finally reacted, his small soft hands went onto both sides of my hips and he let out a small moan.
Our lips moved in sync and something weird was happening in my stomach, something I never felt. My tongue quickly slid in Louis' mouth when Louis seemed to let out a moan. My tongue slowly brushed against his and Louis slowly rolled his hip upward making me moan loudly into his mouth. I felt a smirk form into Louis mouth and I pulled away
"So yuh think its funny?" I whispered as I was panting. Louis tried to look innocent and fuck I swear I would bend him over right here right now and fuck that innocent face of his face but sadly I couldn't. I grabbed both Louis' wrists and pinned the onto the wall above his head. My lips found their way to his neck and some how Louis had his right knee rubbing against my bulge. Louis moved his to the side giving me more access to his sweet spot, I sucked right below his ear and a loud raspy moan escapes out of Louis making me smirk. I pulled away from him and smiled as I saw the new bruise that was marked on his neck, I wanted to laugh at how flustered Louis looked but honestly he looked adorable.
"I should get going Niall will be suspicious about something if I don't go downstairs as soon as possible" I said as if I actually cared what Niall was thinking. Louis pulled himself off the wall and grabbed some clothes that was in his bag.
"Oh, uh yeah if course we wouldn't want Niall to be suspicious" Louis ran a hand through his hair and I just smiled. I turned around and started walking towards the door and opening it before i stop on my tracks.
"Oh and by the way you might wanna cover that hickey up" I said not turning around to look at him.
"Yeah and you might wanna cover that bulge of yours Harold" Louis backfired, I let out a small laugh before walking out the room and towards the bathroom.
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