Chapter 13
Harry's P.O.V
"That Louis guy sure does have staring problems" Connor laughed stabbing his pancakes. I looked up at him with my brow raised I stop chewing on my chicken salad and Connor looked at me confused.
"What baby?" Connor smiled. I shook my head and looked down putting the plastic fork down next to my salad.
"You can't stop talking about Louis cant you? The whole way over here you've been blubbering about him" I spoke up rolling my eyes.
"Baby I'm just saying how he stares to much nothing bad" Connor tried grabbing my hand but I jerked it away. I let out a small huff and rudely stood up.
"Can we go now? I need to help Louis with Macy" I took out my wallet and left the money on the table no caring if Connor got up or not. I walked out the small warm restaurant and into the car. I started the engine and I saw Connor rushing towards the car.
"What has gotten into you!" Connor yelled as he came in the car. I rolled my eyes and looked ar him.
"Why the fuck do you keep getting mad when I start saying things about that... that prick!" Connor yelled the last part louder I hit the steerwheel and turned my body towards Connor.
"And why do you keep blabbering about him! Cant you find anything better to do! You dont know him Connor, so shut up im getting really irritated with your shit and trust me i won't hesitate on leaving you here so you can walk back to the house. So if I were you I would shut the hell up!" I raised my voice. Connor crossed his arm and looked straight ahead. I turned my body and looked forward ignoring Connors stares.
"Harry!" Connor yelled from the bottom of the stairs I groaned and looked at Louis before walking down to where Connor was.
"Yes Connor?" I grumbled Connor was bitting his lip and I noticed the look that was plastered on his face.
"Baby, can we sleep at a hotel today I just want you and I together with no one distrubing us" He put his hand on my shoulder and slowly ran it down my chest. I took his arm away and nodded.
"Connor, you know I need to watch Macy plus Louis has to go over his mum's to do some important stuff" I said grabbing the blanket that was in the couch.
"Fine, im leaving tommorrow morning by the way" Connor turned around and I took a deep breath.
"Babe..." I closed my eyes and opened them Connor tirned around and smiled.
"Yes?" He walked towards me and grabbed my hands.
"I guess we can go get a hotel for tonight, I just need to tell Louis if he can watch Macy for tonight" I scratched the back if my head and Connor smiled.
"Thanks babe" he kissed my cheek amd turned around. He walked towards the bathroom and I lazily fell onto the couch.
"Are you alright?" I heard Louis voice from behind me. I turned around and found him with a long plain white shirt and black tight pants showing his thick thighs.
"Yeah everything is just fine" I sarcastically said. Louis flashed me a smile and walked over to sit next to me.
"Mm you sure?" Louis patted my head and I closed my eyes humming a small yes.
"Can I ask you for a favor?" I said looking at him once I opened my eyes Louis nodded and I smiled
"I need you to watch over Macy tonight Connor is leaving tomorrow and he wants to stay at a hotel just the two of us. I'll be back tomorrow morning" I spoke slowly Louis looked down and started playing with his fingers and I looked back at the bathroom door.
"Louis if you cant take care of Macy its fine just tell me"
"No, no I can take care of her you go have fun with your boyfriend" Louis smiled and I thanked him before getting up. I walked upstairs and into the room Louis and I shared I walked over to my clothes and picked out the clothes to take with me. I rolled my eyes and lazily fell into the bed I heard the room door open and my head quickly turned to it.
"Babe, are you ready to leave?" Connor asked and I nodded with a hand running through my hair.
"Yeah, just give me a second" I folded my clothes and grabbed a plastic bag putting them in neatly. I got up and walked out the room with Connor following behind me. He grabbed my hand and slowly put his chin on my shoulder as we walked down the stairs.
"Louis! I'll see you tomorrow morning" I yelled before I got out the door.
Louis' P.O.V
I heard the door close and I took a deep breath.
What's going in with me!
Why do I feel like I just wanna rip off Connors' head and feed it to a pack of wolves!?
I heard the familiar small feet paddling across the hallway. I turned my head and found Macy covered in paint. My eyes widen and I rushed towards her picking her up. I walked into the room where i kinda figured she could have been in. My mouth opened so wide when I saw the small room filled with yellow paint splattered everywhere on the walls.
"M-Macy!" I rushed the words out my mouth and Macy looked at me terrified. I put her down and closed my eyes running a hand through my hair. I took my phone out a dialed the person who I knew could have help me with this.
"Hello?" The familiar voice and I literally almost hanged up. It took me almost a minute to answer but I did.
"Hi" I whispered into the phone. Looking over at Macy with a small frown.
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