Chapter 1
Louis' P.O.V
I was downstairs setting up the table for dinner. Getting the plates, forks, spoons, napkins in front of every chair was boring I walked around the table sitting the last plate down. There was a knock at the door filling the small empty house.
"I'll get it!" I yelled as I ran towards the front door. I opened it and was greeted with my neighbor with a big smile on her face.
"Hello Louis" Abbie said smiling like there was no tomorrow.
"Hi" I smiled I went to the side letting her walk in the house.
"Come in" I said I looked behind her to see if the cute little girl was behind her. My smile soon turned into a frown. I closed the door and turned around to see Abbie giggling.
"She's not here Louis, she's with Charlie back at the house" She hugged me and took a step back.
"Oh, so what brings you here? Dont take it in a rude way you know I love having you guys over" She smiled at my rambling.
"I actually came to ask you something" She sat down on the couch anf took out her phone.
"Me?" I asked confused. I was kinda worried she wanted to ask me something. I sat on the couch across from her fiddling with my fingers.
"Yeah, uh.. I wanted to ask if you can babysit Macy while im out of town?" I quickly stood up and smiled.
"Really? Yeah..uh of course i'll love to babysit Macy" I jumped up and down snapping my fingers. Abbie started laughing and straighten her back.
"You dont have to Louis, but I thought you'd be perfect since you two get along very well" She kinda looked embarrassed. My mum walked out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. She smiled as she saw Abbie on the couch she walked towards us.
"Abbie darling I didnt know you were here" Abbie stood up from the couch and hugged my mum.
"Hello Jay how you been?" She asked stepping back.
"Great thanks for asking" My mum gave her a smile and looked at me.
"Would you like to join us for dinner?" My mum asked her. Abbie nodded getting phone from the couch.
"I'd love to but I have to head home beacuse Charlie is with Macy and I dont like him being alone with her since he really doesnt know how to take care of a child." Abbie laughed making my mum join.
"Oh okay well I have to go into the kitchen before the pasta burns, i'll see you around Abbie" My mum kissed her cheek and gave her one last smile. Abbie soon looked at me and furrowed her brows as if she was thinking about something.
"Oh yeah uh right can you start tomorrow? Our flight leaves tomorrow at 11 a.m." She asked waiting for my answer.
"Yeah sure" I smiled and she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.
"Well Louis I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow" She grabbed her purse before walking out closing the door behind her. I walked back to the table and check if everything was set up. My mum came in with a bowl full of pasta my mouth soon became watery.
"Girls dinner is ready!" My mum yelled. I quickly sat down before Lottie gets the spot.
"Louis did you wash your hands?" My mum raised an eyebrow and I groaned.
"But mum Lottie is gonna win the spot" I whined, she laughed.
"Honey there is plenty of other seats" My mum pointed to the empty chairs.
"Yeah but I like this one beacuse I can face out the window unlike the others" I protested.
"Girls!" My mum once yelled again. I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen sink putting soap on my hands and rinsing them. I dried them and ran to the table I saw all the girls sitying down with my mum serving them. My eyes landed on Lottie and she started laughing taking her tounge out.
"See mum if I didnt move I would I been there" I pointed to the seat whining.
"Lottie can I sit there?" I asked with puppy eyes.
"No" she started eating her pasta wiggling around her seat.
"Please you sat there yesterday" I begged again.
"And? We mad a deal who ever gets here first gets the seat" She rolled her eyes.
"But I was there first mum just told me to was my hands" I whined still standing up.
"Well to bad boobear" My mum laughed. She knew I hated that nickname. I groaned and sat across from Lottie. I started eating my food while swinging my feet. I accidentally hit Lottie and she cursed under her breath.
"Oo mum Lottie said a bad word" I childly said pointing at her while laughing inside.
"Lottie you know we dont use those type of words in this house" Mum pointed a finger at her. Lottie's mouth opens and glares at me.
"But why does Louis get to say them?" She raised her tone.
"Im older duh" I raised the fork to my mouth.
"Louis just because your older doesnt mean you should use those words in this house" My mum looked straight at me. I huffed rocking back and fourth on my seat. The dinner started getting silent Lottie and I kicking out feets under the table. When we were done all the girls ran upstairs into their rooms. I hepled my mum clean up the mess by getting everything off the table and putting everything were they belonged I also washed the dishes. I wiped my wet hands in my grey loose shirts and started walking upstairs. When I was halfway down the hall I took a deep breath.
"Goodnight girls" I yelled. I heard some 'goodnights' and started walking towards my room. I closed the door behind me and made my way towards my closet. I got out a baggy lose shirt. I took off my pants and shirt putting over the white baggy one over my head. I looked at the full body mirror and smiled, I wasnt wearing anything except for my underwear and lose shirt I noticed that every night I have to sleep like this or else I wont get my beauty sleep. I walked walked out my room making sure no one was in the hallway and ran across my room to the bathroom. I closed the door a little to hard. I closed my eyes shut expecting my mum to yell or something but I got nothing. walked over to the sink getting my toothbrush and toothpaste out of the cabinet I brushed my teeth smiling like an idiot as I remember I was gonna babysit Macy. Macy is like a little sister to me she's so adorable and cute. I remebered when she first said my name I wanted to cry because I never expected her to say it. I spit out the paste from my mouth and started rinsing my mouth. I put everything back in the cabinet before openung the door and running to my room. I let out a groan as I laid on my soft queen bed. I closed my eyes feeling my eyelashes on the top of my cheeks. I pulled my blanket over my body and up to my chest. I laid to my side getting my phone from the drawer putting my timer just for a reminder. I felt me eyes getting heavy and they completely shut closed.
~Hugs&Kisses~ (<^~^>)& :*
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