The New Boy
Bryce's P.O.V
Jonathan had joined our little playgroup introducing himself.
"Hi I'm Cwiag. Thwat perswon over dere is my daddy." Craig said pointing at Mr. Tyler
"Hewwo, I'm Scotty. The dark mans over dere is my daddy." Scotty had said pointing at Mr. Marcel.
After everyone introduced themselves and said who's daddy who's we started playing with legos.
We were building a tower but it got to tall and hit Craig in the head. He busted out crying.
Mr. Tyler came running towards us with the other daddies behind him.
"Mini, baby, are you ok?" Mr. Tyler asked. Also Mini is his nickname cause he's so small.
"I got hwit wit da wagos" Mini cried
Jonathan gets up, walks over to Mini and gives him a hug saying "it's wokay wini. I stweped on a wago today but daddy kissed it better. Asked your daddy to kiss the owie better."
Mini sniffled and made grabby hands at Mr. Tyler. "uppies daddy."
Mr. Tyler picked Mini up and asked"what is it cheeta?" "kissie on boo boo" Mini replied
While that was going papa and daddy came to get me because it's lunch time.
fuck this took forever
If somethings wrong please tell me
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