The Final Chapter
Tamilore woke up that morning as naturally as possible, peeling her eyes open. She looked beside her, her husband was still sleeping. These days, she woke up so early.
The clock said eight-twelve. She stood up, slipped her feet into her slippers, and walked to the bathroom. There, she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and used the toilet. She wiped her hands and came out.
It wasn't too different from the way Modupe woke up, although thirst awakened her. She was parched and her throat felt dry, so she went to the bathroom and did her business, then went to the dining room in search of cold water. After drinking to her satisfaction, she decided to go outside to receive fresh air. When she got outside, she felt the cool morning air blow on her face, and she felt thankful. The gate keeper greeted her and she greeted him back, and the driver did the same thing. She felt good. Something had shifted in the atmosphere today---she knew it.
After walking around aimlessly for a while, she decided to go back inside. She didn't even feel hungry. Not yet, anyway. She sat on one of the sofas in the living room, enjoying her aloneness and peace and quiet.
Tamilore padded along the tiled floor of the hallway quietly as she led herself to the living room. She didn't even know why she came here, she just came. To her surprise, she saw her sister Modupe sitting on a sofa.
Modupe had her back to her, so she hadn't seen her yet. Tamilore wanted to be noticed, so she made a small sound with her mouth. Modupe turned and saw her. Tamilore felt a little afraid. As soon as Modupe saw that it was her, she turned away, the very second. Tamilore felt something crush in her.
Tamilore wasn't a softie either; she knew she could have just made a petty sound and gone somewhere else, but she missed her sister. She had offended Modupe some days ago, albeit unknowingly.
So she took slow steps towards her sister, stood at her back for a while, hoping she'd turn back and look at her. Modupe however didn't, but at least she didn't shoo her away, so that was something.
Tamilore went to her front. "Aunty Modupe..."
Modupe raised her gaze, looked at her. Tamilore almost melted.
"Sorry," she said meekly.
"Sorry for?"
Tamilore lowered her voice, "For what I said the other day." She actually sounded like a child. It amused Modupe.
Modupe smiled, but it was not a smile of happiness or agreement. It was one of those smiles you give when something is ironic, or something happens in a way you expect it to, or when you can't but accept something just because.
"It's okay."
Tamilore smiled. "Ahhhh, thank you Ma." She then hugged her.
"Sorry again," she added, sitting beside her.
"It's alright. I think I jumped into conclusion, and my anger may have been unnecessary.'re going through a lot now. It's not unnatural for you say that. I'm not angry."
Tamilore closed her eyes, then nodded.
"But there is one more thing you need to do," Modupe said.
Tamilore stayed silent, waiting for her to continue.
"You need to apologise to your husband's sister. I know you've not apologised to her."
Tamilore didn't even argue. She just made up with her sister, and she didn't want to take any steps back.
"True," she said. "When...she wakes up, I'll go and meet her."
Two hours later, Bisola woke up. She yawned and raised her head a little, looking at her daughter who was still sleeping soundly, her mouth slightly parted.
She was fine.
She felt hungry, a little. If Bisola was being honest, she was tired of staying in this house. She hissed as she thought of what she would have to eat this morning; rice, yam, or spaghetti. That was all they ever ate; all they had been eating since the beginning of this unfortunate incident that forced them to be prisoners of this house.
She rubbed her stomach hungrily. Then she sat up, slipped her feet into her slippers. Then she felt a hand on her waist.
She turned to find her husband yawning into his hand.
"Good morning," she greeted him, moving closer to the bed.
"Good morning my love."
She smiled. "How are you today?"
"Fine," he nodded. He looked handsome, she had to admit.
Seconds later Bisola said, "I want to go and brush my teeth and hopefully make food. I wonder if anybody has woken up yet." He told her okay and she got up from the bed.
While she was re-tying her wrapper, Kola said, "I was hoping we could..." he trailed on, then winked. He shifted his body closer to her, clutching her wrapper, as if trying to take it off.
She swatted his hand away, "With my daughter in this place?"
He rolled his eyes, "Is it the first time we'd have sex with Dami in the room? Even here?"
"Watch your language," she said instead, ignoring his question.
"Uh." Kola rolled his eyes playfully again.
Around ten o'clock, Tamilore wondered if aunty Ariyo had woken up yet. Tamilore had been sitting in the living room with Modupe, just talking and gisting. Modupe had confided in Tamilore, revealing to her that her husband was sometimes emotionally abusive towards her, and even treated her like a worker as opposed to the partnership they were supposed to have.
Tamilore had empathised with her. She was greatly shocked, she didn't expect this at all or even consider the possibility that her sister wasn't happy in her marriage. She asked her what she wanted, and Modupe replied saying she didn't know. Tamilore understood her confusion and told her it will be okay, which Modupe appreciated.
She excused herself, going into the hallway. She stopped at aunty Ariyo's room and sure enough, she heard activity. Her sister-in-law had woken up.
Tamilore felt nervous, but she knocked.
"Who is that?" Aunty Ariyo's voice rang out.
"E-emi ni, Ma."
She didn't reply for some time. Tamilore sighed.
She knocked again, "Aunty."
Aunty Ariyo did not reply, yet again.
Then, after a few moments had passed, she said, "What?" In such an aggressive manner, Tamilore almost turned away.
She didn't say anything, but a few seconds aunty Ariyo herself came and opened the door.
Aunty Ariyo was dressed in a white underwear, popularly called shimi and tied an Ankara wrapper on top. On her head was a small cap. Her face had water on it and her hands too.
"G-good morning Ma," Tamilore said in a low voice.
Aunty Ariyo looked at her skeptically. "Good morning. Ki la tun ri gbo?"
Tamilore bit her lower lip, then lowered her gaze. She was about to speak, but her sister-in-law interrupted her.
"Have you come to insult me again?"
Tamilore raised her gaze and looked at her, "Ah no Ma." She huffed. "I...I'm sorry Ma, for how I acted towards you the other day."
"It's not only how you acted, you disrespected me."
At least we're getting somewhere, Tamilore thought.
"I'm so sorry Ma." She got to her knees and bowed. "Ejo, e dariji mi."
Aunty Ariyo pressed her lips into a thin line and shrugged. "What will I do if not forgive you? I've heard. Stand up."
Tamilore slowly stood up. "Thank you Ma."
"That's alright."
"Ma please come to the living room soon. I...I'm going to cook. I've offended almost everybody and I want to say sorry," she let out a dry laugh.
Aunty Ariyo smiled, "I will. Let me have my bath."
* * *
Dipo was coming out of the bathroom, his towel wrapped around the lower part of his body. It was around twelve and he had woken up later than usual. His wife wasn't in the room, she was probably eating in the dining room with the rest of the family.
He slowly and carefully wore some clothes, gritting his teeth as he did. It was cold today and that was the reason he clenched his teeth, among other things.
After he was done, he brushed his hair, and midway doing that he noticed the screen of his phone was lit; someone was calling him. He had put his phone on silent so he checked the screen for the caller ID, it was detective Chris.
His hands shook as he hurriedly slid a frail finger over the screen, picking the call. He picked up the phone and held it against his ear.
"Hello?" He spoke first.
"Hello Sir. Sir? Sir, we finally have a lead. Can we come around this afternoon? We have some exciting news."
"Of course, of course! You mean to say you have found my baby?!"
There was a second of silence. "Not quite Sir, but we have found something."
"Well? Can't you come around now now?!"
He hesitated, "Sir, no. But we can come in the afternoon."
Dipo huffed. "Alright. I'll be expecting you, please."
Hours later, Tamilore, Itunu, Dami, Bisola, Kola, and aunty Ariyo were in the living room, resting after lunch. Aunty Ariyo kept to her promise and actually came out for breakfast and lunch. She smiled and greeted everybody. Bode and the driver were here too.
"Itunu has graduated from secondary school na, abi?" Kola asked, directing his question to nobody in particular.
"Yes, I think?" His wife said.
"Yes I have," Itunu said.
"Okay good, I was thinking you haven't and I imagined how much you'd be suffering, since you can't go to school and all."
Tamilore shook her head, "No," and smiled. "I'm done."
"Big girl," he said.
"Your stomach has gotten even bigger," Tamilore noted, referring to her sister.
"Hayce," Bisola raised her hand, "We just made up. It doesn't mean you can start reminding me of my fatness."
Kola stifled a laugh.
"Ahan Mummy Dami you're not fat, you're beautiful," Tiwa said.
Bisola smiled, "Thank you. I know if the person I call my husband won't compliment me---" she side eyed her husband Kola, "At least my sister will."
They all laughed. Everybody seemed to be in a good mood.
And then, all eyes turned to the hallway, where Dipo was coming out from. The only odd thing was that we was on the marbled floor, shifting himself with his hand, on which he rested all of his body weight. He was sweating profusely and...weeping. He looked like was in serious pain.
Aunty Ariyo flew up from her seat and went to her brother. "Dipo, Dipo, what happened?!" She dropped on the floor beside him.
The way he was staring was weird. "Sister I can't see. My eyes-I can't see!"
Everybody stood up and went to him, worried.
Everybody but Tamilore.
Titi and Tiwa ran out of where they were and joined the circle that was around him.
Bisola looked up and turned to where Tamilore sat. Tamilore was unmoved, her face straight, her stare cold.
"Go and get water!" Someone shouted at Titi. Everybody was panicking. Dipo was crying, weeping loudly.
"Tamilore! Haba, is this not your husband? How can you be sitting there, seeing him like this?"
"You people should leave Dipo," she finally spoke.
"What?" Aunty Ariyo exclaimed.
Tamilore folded her lips in, her stare still straight. "Dipo...doesn't deserve any...any of your empathy." The rate at which her chest raised and lowered was getting higher by the minute.
"What are you talking about?" Kola asked.
"Tamilore, me?" Dipo spoke for the first time. "Your husband?"
"Shut up!" Tamilore screamed. "You son of a bitch!"
Aunty Ariyo rose up from the floor and with the speed of light, rushed towards Tamilore and slapped her across the face.
Tamilore didn't even flinch. She raised her hand and touched her face; dragging her hand across it.
The living room stilled, as everybody waited for Tamilore to talk. As if they knew she would talk.
"Yes you," she finally said softly.
A blind Dipo asked, "Tamilore what did I do to you? I didn't know I married such a wicked human being..."
"Yes you," Tamilore repeated, in a whisper.
She closed her eyes and her lip quivered. "Mummy Dami. Daddy Dami. Aunty Modupe. Tiwa. Itunu. Dami."
"Yes?" They all answered.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?" Bisola asked desperately.
"For using you. I used you."
"Used us for what?" Bisola asked, in the same tone.
Tamilore let out a mirthless laugh. "Where do I even start from?"
There was silence.
"Start anywhere," Modupe urged.
"Are you people listening to that mad woman? My brother needs help!" Aunty Ariyo cried.
"Dipo here..." Tamilore started, pointing at him, "Was going to use son, Tunmise rituals."
"What?" Everybody exclaimed at once. Titi's hands flew to her mouth and she backed away.
"Yes," Tamilore whispered.
Everybody turned to Dipo, who had stilled. He stayed on the floor there, stiff as a corpse.
"No," Aunty Ariyo said. "No. Dipo, tell them it's not true. Tell that mad woman she's lying!"
Dipo didn't say anything.
"I...I can't believe this. What?" Modupe said in shock.
"So that's why I had to do it." Tamilore smacked her palms. She was looking into the distance, into something that wasn't here. As if she was reliving a scene.
"Do what?" Itunu asked, and nobody scolded her for interfering in the matter. Everybody was too hit by the revelation.
"So all of this," Modupe threw her hands up, "Is blood money?"
Dipo bowed his head.
"Please let's help him," Aunty Ariyo pleaded, tears streaming down her face.
"Aunty Tamilore please continue," Tiwa said.
Tamilore closed her eyes again. "That's why...I had to employ the services of my police friend, who advised me. I had to take my baby away in the middle of the night. The night after his naming."
A few minutes passed, and the house was so silent, if a needle dropped you would hear the sound clearly.
"Wait," Kola, who was the first one to recover from the shock said. "You mean...Hameed is not missing? You were the one that hid him somewhere? And we're all just here for nothing?"
"My son is not Hameed. He," Tamilore pointed at Dipo, "Named him Hameed, not me. My son is Oluwatunmise."
"And I had to do it," she added. "I had to take my baby away, or he would sacrifice him. I had to do it. I had to do it." Tamilore was sobbing violently now, whimpering like an animal caught in a trap. "I had to do it. I had to---" Modupe came to her side and hugged her. Tamilore nodded against her shoulder.
She freed herself from Tamilore and crawled towards Dipo. She raised his long sleeve shirt. Underneath that was another tighter shirt and she raised that too, and exposed his stomach.
Everybody gagged at the sight. His flesh was almost completely decayed. It was so disgusting that Bisola and Titi vomited. It smelled like rotten eggs.
"So he's the one that has been smelling!" Itunu exclaimed.
"I live with him. I smelled him, yet pretended not to." She turned to the rest of them, "I'm sorry I deceived you all, but I had to. I was at a risk too. If he found out, if there was a part I didn't play well and he became suspicious, he could kill me too. He has the power to. His cult group has the power too. I had to stay in character for six whole weeks. I had to pretend to lose a baby, pretend to be upset over Mummy Dami calling me 'Mama Hameed', to pretend about everything," she paused.
"I had to monitor him. I knew there was a time stipulated for him to bring my baby, and I knew if that time passed, he would start to suffer some consequences that would be gradual. When it started to happen, I contacted Chioma and I told her it was almost time."
She closed her eyes, and a tear rolled down her left cheek. "I had to let him self destruct."
"The police is on their way to free you---us all. I'm sorry again. I hope you won't press charges. I already signed an undertaking for the police, telling them that you won't sue them. But if any of you decide to, I guess---"
She was cut off by her family circling around her, hugging her tightly. Bisola was crying.
"The yellow cardboard that was in your bag," Tamilore was already crying hysterically, "Was from me. I put it in your bag---which I thought was your mother's---the first day you came, when I went to greet your driver. I was scared, confused, and panicky. I didn't know what to do. But when I saw the bag in your room and realised that it was yours, I came into your room one night and stole it away so you wouldn't get suspicious."
Dipo vomited blood on the marble. He said in a raspy voice, "Tamilore please. We can...we can make another baby. Please give me my baby, I need him or I'll die in a few minutes from now."
"Even if you don't die sef, I'd kill you myself!" Modupe exclaimed. "God punish you! God punish you!"
"God has already punished him," Tamilore said, cracking a smile between her tears.
Just then, a knock sounded on the door. Modupe went to open it. It was Detective Chioma and Detective Chris.
In Detective Chioma's hands, was baby Tunmise.
She placed him in his mother's hands. Tamilore started shedding tears at seeing her son. "You're here. You're here." Her son had changed so much within the past six weeks. She wished she could have gone experienced his growth with him, but at least he was alive, and here.
"I hope she has explained everything to you," Detective Chioma said. "The gates are open. You can go out now. Remember, you can't sue."
Dipo started coughing terribly. And then he went still. He was dead. Aunty Ariyo raised his limp hand which dropped back liflessly, confirming his death. She put her head on his chest and began to sob, "Dipo why did you do this...why did you...why did you..."
On the other hand, Tamilore felt happy...yet sad. Sad because she loved a man that betrayed her. But she was also happy, because she was able to protect her son at all costs, the way a good mother would.
And that feeling, she realised, surpassed her sadness.
She smiled through her tears. At last.
And that's the end! thank you guys so much for coming on this journey with me! I hope you enjoyed the story. Thoughts on this chapter?
Rate this story over ten honestly?
Did you see the truth coming at all? Was it predictable? I want to knowwwwww. It's my first Mystery/Thriller story ever and I want to know how I fared.
This story was actually inspired by a real life baby. It was my cousin's naming ceremony and I went. My family is huge by the way, and it was a full house. The story just popped into my mind; what if there was a naming ceremony with family around and the baby disappears? And BABY TUNMISE was born. This was in February by the way lol.
GUYS, I need your help. If you read this story and enjoyed it (and you love me ^_^) can you please leave a review of it on YOUR message wall? No details of course, so you won't spoil it for others. Please tag me and share the link to the story too. Thank you! <3
Although this is the end of the story, I will still post two extra chapters. One; highlighting all the clues I gave (which you missed) throughout the course of this story, and two; the night that Tamilore discovered what Dipo wanted to do, and how she made the plan with Detective Chioma. Also how she knew Chioma will be explained. So look out for them, and don't delete this story from your library yet :)
Thank you so much for reading BABY TUNMISE. I really mean it when I say I appreciate it. And I finished this story in exactly one month. Thank you so much everyone ♥♥♥
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