The Battle of the Pretty Boys
I was walking out the door when I paused to look at myself in the mirror for a second. I know I'm not America's Next Model material but I didn't exactly need to walk around with a brown paper bag over my head either. I had dark brown hair that had been layered with bangs that swept over my left eye. My complexion was a little on the tan side as of right now thanks to the good amount of time I spent at the lake this summer. I ran my hands through my hair and gave myself a critical look; I really was okay with the way I looked. So I wondered not for the first time why he had looked at me with such revulsion, like he had been subjected to eat dog meat.
I signed loudly, this was bad. I was letting what he said get to me. Crap, that's exactly what he wants. I shook my head a little and headed straight to the fridge, there was nothing a good pint of Ben and Jerry's couldn't fix. I leaned back on the kitchen counter, licking my spoon clean wondering if I should head upstairs and change again.
I had thrown on a pair of jeans without any frays or holes and a plaid button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. To up the look a little I had even thrown on a pair of studs and some beaded bracelets. I looked decent, but I had obviously put a little more effort into my look then I usually did for school. Refusing to fuss more about it I walked out of my house, I already had it on, so what the hell; no one would probably notice anyway.
How wrong I had been. When at the end of the day Tucker caught up with me at my locker he noticed and he was stuck on the very development that I had done something that required more than rolling out of bed and putting on whatever I grabbed. In his mind this meant that I had gone through all this trouble to impress a boy and that was something that was earth shattering news to him. How could I like a boy and never have mentioned it to him, and how in the world had he never noticed.
I didn't correct him; this wasn't because I was crushing on some stupid boy but more to do with three years of going through high school looking like a little girl who had no dressing sense. I had never been the fashionista but I was okay with that, it wasn't like I had horrible taste and needed an extreme make over; I just never cared enough to put effort into dressing up early in the morning for something dreadful as school.
That was until now, I was just a little sick of people looking at me and dismissing me, and I guess the final push had been last year. As I had waited for my friend Tara to finish talking to one of her many boy interests I had turned to his friend to make a joke when in reply all I had gotten was a revolted look. The look that just yelled "why are you talking to me?" Like he was on a while other level since he bothered to get up early enough to get dressed and gel his hair.
Usually I would have shrugged it off or made sure that he regretted the day he used that look, but it was just of those things that had gotten past my armor, through a small crack that widened over time. I shook off those thoughts and noticed I had let Tucker babble away while I was trying to spruce up my dingy locker with a few pictures and other nifty things and of course had been lost in my own thoughts.
The problem was that he was worse than a girl if you didn't stop him but I didn't have the energy for that this morning, so of course he was kept rambling. It was a picture worth taking, a towering 6 foot jock, making choppy hand gestures and talking in incomplete sentences to a blanked out girl decorating her locker. Hell it was probably doing his reputation some damage at this point from the weird glances people were throwing his way. Though I'm sure it wasn't anything that couldn't be regained, he was of course Tucker, the man had a pretty substantial fan following. Girls swooned over his Adonis looks, dirty blond hair that was always gelled into the I just rolled out of bed look and green eyes that always twinkled with laughter. He had a lean physique from years of playing sports and a regular gym routine and that had obviously paid off. It was times like these though, when he opened his mouth and ruined the effect.
"You really should wipe that scowl off your face or it might stay".
Of course my scowl only seemed to deepen. I turned to my side to look at brown eyed boy, wondering what the hell he was doing next to my locker and further more talking to me for. I stole a glance at Tucker who had stopped his rambling and seemed to share my sentiments. He looked at Matt with a scowl of his own.
Brown eyed boy nodded at Tucker as a form of acknowledgment and turned to say something to me when he was cut off by Tucker, "What do you want Matt?" Okay so I had finally figured out the name to the bane of my sex ed existence, a least this meeting was going places.
"Just talking to Andy here, something wrong Tucker?" Matt's tone was borderline mocking and judging by the look on Tuckers face it was anything but okay.
"Ya, in fact there is a problem. Why don't you just stay away from Andrea and save yourself some trouble okay?"
"We might have a little problem there, but if that was a threat feel free to act on it. I'm a big boy I'll be able to handle it" Matt just flourished him with one of his trademark smirks, but unlike the ones usually directed at me this one held less mirth and more mockery.
I stood there unsure of what I should exactly do I had never seen Tucker at the receiving end of dislike, and I wasn't exactly sure how he would react. Of course he didn't take it to well; he stepped forward a few inches away and stood a breath away from Matts face sizing him up. Tucker was about 2 inches taller than him but physically they were similar. If it came down to a fight I'm not sure who would win. But I sure as hell didn't want to find out, acting quickly I touched his elbow, hoping to calm him down.
Before I knew what was going on Tucker grabbed my wrist and slammed the locker shut as he dragged me down the hall. I turned to glance at Matt and only met with his carefully guarded stare as he watched Tucker drag me away. Leaving me to wonder what exactly was going on between the two of them that I didn't know about.
Tucker skidded to a stop in the parking lot near his car, before turning to me. His hand still held my wrist and the anger still burned in his eyes. "How do you know him?" He didn't try to skit around it; he just gritted it out in a fast angered question that sounded more like a command.
I was too stunned to come back with a witty reply, which probably wouldn't have been proper in the situation anyway. "I didn't even know his name until you said it"
"Well he knew yours, and he definitely knew you. So I'm asking you again, how do you know him?"
I took a deep breath before replying "He's in my sex ed class, and I honestly didn't know his name until now." I watched as some of the anger fizzled out of his eyes, and the grip on my wrist relaxed but he still held on.
"And here I thought someone like him would have taken the class freshmen year for kicks"
"Na, he probably waited his senior year so he could hit on unsuspecting freshmen girls." As a smile tugged on Tuckers lips, I let go of the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I smiled back at him and leaned back on to his car knowing that we still had a few things to talk about. "So you want to tell me how you know him"
His smile was quick to go "it doesn't matter, nothing important, but I do know him enough to know that you don't want to be around him."
"I agree, because if you couldn't tell back in the hallway before you went all hulk was that I wasn't exactly fond of his presence."
"You're one the few then"
I cocked my eyebrow at him, I had seen the way a few of the girls in class had hit on him or flirted with him but I didn't think he was anything but a pretty boy. I had never seen or heard of him before this class. Though I guess that wasn't too obscure, this was Chicago and schools here ran with class sizes in the thousands. You didn't have just a queen bee, you had a few, and there was a new face in every class every year. But I guess he was still pretty well known among our class then, a class pushing close to 1200.
Despite my feverous begging, Tucker refused to talk about Matt and why he seemed to hate him. All I got from that conversation was that I needed to stay away from Matt, and if there was a problem I had to let Tucker know. I wasn't exactly sure how to process the fact that Tucker who was loved by everyone suddenly and he usually liked almost everyone as well seemed to hate someone with such passion. Sure I had seen him being rude and I knew that he didn't like certain people but it never seemed to affect him the way it had with Matt. Tucker had scared away a fair share of boys that he was sure that were up to no good as he had put it, but that was defiantly not the case with Matt. Half a pint of ice cream and good amount of procrastination from homework, I stopped trying to figure out the possible reasons for their animosity.
Picture of Tucker on the side, I found him on google while I was procrastinating from studying once again.
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