Battle of the Jocks
Right now I feel like a ball in a pinball machine. High school hallways are vicious things. Being dragged through one by a very determined friend with a hellava grip is like being caught in a storm: painful and confusing. I however was being dragged to a far more harmful thing, girl’s high school volleyball.
I was shuddering at the thought of going anywhere the team, yet Tara refused to take no for an answer. I shouldn’t be surprised that I was being dragged to something involuntarily, I should be well used to it by now. When Tara was involved, she refused to take a no. I could glare her down, dig in my feet or yell until she and I both went deaf but she would get her way.
We had met in middle school and teamed up together when we realized that a certain annoying little boy in class was making life hell for both of us. We ganged up and took care of the problem during recess, and that was the start of our interesting friendship.
After practically being manhandled to change into something appropriate for tryouts, I stood in the gym thinking of ways to escape unharmed. Volleyball girls were vicious little things, which would normally be right up my alley but these girls played a whole different ball game. Accidently pissing one of them off and I would be looking into getting a nose job or some other major surgery the next day. I rather save the money and blood.
So while I stood in the mist of it all, I sent out a little prayer. The girls on both sides of the net looked like some pretty determined little chicks. They all looked the same with tight shorts, tightly bond high ponytails, and wide stances ready for the battle.
Not for the first time I mentally cursed Tara in my mind, she actually expects me to go through with this. I understand that she likes team sports and being involved, I on the other hand can barely sit long enough to watch sports, much less participate. Sure I played volleyball but with family and friends who are lazy as I am. There is no pressure and no body is out for my blood. I hate Tara, friends shouldn’t make friends do physical work, damn her!
I put it in effort in fear of hurting myself or getting a beating from the players on my side. The play was grueling and I wasn’t as bad as I expected, but I couldn’t help but wish a little that the ball would come hurling over to Tara and hit her smack in the face, hopefully knocking some sense into her.
A good two hours later I limped out of the gym, exaggerating it a little as I rubbed my bruised wrists. “ I seriously hate you, this was painful and unnecessary”
Grabbing my bruised hand she jumped up and down a little as she walked backward to talk to me "Oh stop complaining, you made the team!"
"How would you know? They haven't posted the sheet yet, are you psychic now? I think I prefer that, it’s much safer than this”. I dragged my poor crippled body to the very far end of the parking lot, where Tara’s car was parked. We arrived to school just in time, which left us parked in the far end, and I couldn’t help but grumble. I mean who the hell actually got here before classes start? Damn bastards.
"Come on Andy move faster!" Tara bobbled through the crowds in the hallway to reach the bulletin board where the try out sheet results were posted.
I didn’t even try catching up to her; by the time I got halfway there Tara had already plowed her way thru the crowd and back to me. I studied her face that was schooled in a blank expression, while she shifted side to side. This was surprising, Tara was such a bundle of energy with her expression and gestures to match her mood that you knew what was going on the moment you laid eyes on her. She tilted her head to the side and in the most monotone voice yet from her she explained, “I’m sorry… you’re on the team”.
I reacted the moment she said sorry, my face breaking into a grin until what the rest of her words processed. Well crap.
Tara unable to hold in her excitement broke into a full grin as she barreled toward me to hug me tightly “I’m sorry, I’m sorry but you’ll now have to go to after school practice, go to games, workout, be forced to wear shorts and sport some pretty nasty looking bruises. This is going to great!”
I groaned loudly before walking way, there was no way she could make me join. Tryouts were one thing; actually being on the bloody team was another.
I just wanted to chocolate to ease the pain of a long day at school and the mental exhaustion of convincing Tara that I was not cut out for organized team sports. Tucker lay on the opposite end of my couch, hogging the box.
"Give me some candy too, you pig!" I successfully yanked the box out of his hold and started to crawl back to my side when Tucker made a lunge for the box.
I twisted my body with the box cradled protectively against my chest as I pushed at Tucker with my free hand and feet. When I heard the loud grunt and thump of his body falling to the floor. I lay back on my box and grinned as I plopped as much chocolate as I could into my mouth.
I looked to my side as I felt Tuckers stare on my face, his exasperated face "you’re kidding right? I paid for that, hand over the box short stuff."
"Stop whining, you only paid for it because you forgot me at school, didn't pick up your phone for a good hour, and then made me wait while you picked up some boxers so you wouldn’t have to do your laundry. I think this is rightfully mine.”
"It could of happened to anyone, I mean I'm sure your parents forgot you at the mall all the time right?" His eyes held a little twinkle of hope thinking he had proven his point.
"No, my parents absolutely loved me. Your parents probably didn't forget you but left you there hoping to get rid of you with out having to go to jail for it". I smiled as an image of a young Tucker wandering around aimlessly for his parents thinking the lost him yet again.
"No. I was loved too, I was you know.” I lifted an eyebrow at his defensive words. “You know what, shut up and watch the movie and eat the damn candy that I paid for"
"Okay. By the way you might want to get off the floor now".
"I was going to"
"Uh huh"
I tried to contain the smile but failed miserably as Tucker huffed like a little boy. I shoved some more chocolate in my mouth to hide my grin. Good ol’ Thursday evenings with Tucker never failed to amuse me. Thursday’s with Tucker to bring some pucker to life was a ritual since sophomore year and going strong. I softly signed as I looked over at him, I would miss this once we graduated.
"I don't want to please" I clutched Tucker’s arm, refusing to let go even after all the continuous arm jerking to get my claws out. I was like a leach that had latched on, even the pushing at this point wasn't working, I just held on harder.
“You want to graduate don’t you?” Tucker insisted with each word forcefully said a rather hard jerk of his arm.
"Its not that important…."
When I felt my arm starting to loosen I decided his arm wasn't enough I latched on to him entirely. It was then I heard a very annoying voice drawl out " Are you molesting him Andy? Am I not good enough for you?" I turned around to look just as he pouted his lips out and made these huge brown puppy dog eyes. He was good. I would give him that.
Tucker who had been pushing me away a moment ago pulled me forward and tucked me into his side after that dratted voice reached him. I didn’t try to move away, this might just give Tucker the push to let me ditch class. I looked at Matt, still tucked into his side, which looked quite funny with my head hitting the top of his armpit. As I opened my mouth to say something, Tucker beat me to it "Haven't I told you to stay away her?"
"I am away. A whole two feet away in fact, you're the one who has her stuck to your side like she's your Siamese twin". We did look like were attached, and tucker had a hell of a grip one me which was going to bruise right along with those tryout bruises.
"Just stay away alright- we'll have no problems."
"No can do amigo. Other than my irresistible charms that she can’t seem to stay away from, I'm her wonderful partner". I scrunched up my face and failed to see Matt whip me to his side "come to daddy".
Tucker lunged for my arm again as I was whisked away into class. I turned around and gave a glaring Tucker a desperate look through the window of the classroom door.
"You know you don't have a very good body guard, are you taking any applications?" Matt tilted his head and asked in his calm interview voice.
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