(In saskue's room)
Gabriel=sake sake pway wif me sake!!
Zack=no nod him pway wif me.
Oscar=nu uh he haf ninja mommy an daddy he pway wif me!
Mike=no he pway wif me.
Ike=no me.
(while the five toddlers were arguing among themselves saskue was getting a little irritated)
(it is shown saskue is getting his rage out from sakura)
Saskue=me pway wif all ou.
Gabriel=otay wat we pway den?.
(saskue ran to his toy box and dug in it he got his planes and trucks and all his other toys)
Oscar=you haf wots of toys.
Saskue=pway toys.
(so all of them started to play with saskue's various toys they all played planes and race cars till they got a little bored)
Zack=wanna pway somfing else.
Saskue=wets pway my daddy games.
Gabriel=ou daddy games?
Saskue=yea nawootoe haf games dat me pway wen me bowed.
(saskue and the other toddlers went to the living room)
(in the living room)
(naruto was playing dead island)
(naruto paused his game)
Naruto=hey saskue and you guys umm.
Gabriel= I is gabriel.
Zack= I zack.
Mike=dat ike.
Ike=an dat mike.
Oscar=me oscar.
Naruto=well I am naruto saskue's dad.
Oscar=you ninja!
Naruto=yes I am.
Oscar=cool me wans be ninja.
Naruto=thats awesome...So why are all of you in here for?
Saskue=wan pway dat game.
Naruto=you can't play this game it's to violent.
Saskue=ou an sakuwa say dat ahways.
Naruto=well its true but play something else like your toys.
Saskue=bud we pway dat.
Naruto=have you tried to play that little leap frog game sakura got you.
Saskue=wat dat.
Naruto=you never got it did you.
(naruto got a box and opened it and he pulled out a leap frog interactive story book)
Naruto=sakura said it was educational.
Saskue=how me pway wif id?
Naruto=well you get this little pen and you tap stuff.
(naruto gave saskue the leap frog book when saskue tapped the book it told the book's story saskue and his friends were amazed so they all ran to the uchiha's room)
(in saskue's room)
Gabriel= I wans pway id!
Oscar=no me fiwst me wan to.
Zack=no me!
Twins=no me!
Saskue=umm otay hmm..Enny...Meeny...Minny ou.
(saskue pointed at gabriel)
Oscar=nod fa!
Saskue=yall pway to.
(so after the leap frog was passed around soon the toddlers got bored again)
Gabriel= I bored.
Saskue=hmm wat ou wan pway?
Oscar=hmm dunno.
Saskue=me ged nawootoe.
(in the living room)
Saskue=nawootoe me bored.
Naruto=but I just gave you that leap frog!
Saskue=we pway dat.
Naruto=hmm I got an idea.
(naruto got another box and pulled out finger paints and a large canvas of paper)
(in saskue's room)
Naruto=all right who wants to paint!
(naruto layed the canvas paper on the floor and gave all the toddlers finger paints)
Naruto=have fun.
(naruto then left to the living room)
(then the kids started painting)
Saskue=me mak birddie,
Oscar= I mak a ninja.
Gabriel=hmm I mak doggie.
Zack= I draw a monstew.
Twins=we mak pwane.
(so they got to work on their individual paintings while getting paint all over themselves in the process)
Saskue=ann thewe me did id.
(saskue painting did somewhat resemble a bird a bright yellow bird)
Gabriel=wat you haf sake?
Saskue=id birddie.
Gabriel=my a doggie.
Zack= I done.
Oscar=me to.
(in the living room)
Sakura=(yawn)hey naruto.
Naruto=you sleep good?
Sakura=yeah best I had anyways saskue called you.
Naruto=he did alright.
(in saskue's room)
Naruto=hey saskue....W whoa.
(the kids were covered from head to toe in finger paint)
Saskue=heh heh.
Naruto=umm sakura!
(sakura entered the room)
Sakura=what are we gonna do with you.
Saskue=me mak birddie foe sakuwa.
Sakura=oh how sweet but you and your friends need a bath.
Zack=yay baff!!
(naruto and sakura undressed the toddlers to prevent further mess and went to the bathroom and filled the bathtub up with warm water and they put the toddlers in the tub)
Saskue=no baff.
Sakura=yes bath saskue you and your friends are dirty and covered in paint.
Oscar=me wike baff id fun wif toys an bubbles.
Mike=baff id fun.
Ike=heh heh!
(after naruto and sakura bathed the kids they dressd them in their other day clothes)
(in the living room)
Sakura=yes saskue?
Saskue=ou hafta go gan.
Saskue=bud why!!
Sakura=we already been through this.
Sakura=what's wrong?
Saskue=me go wif ou sakuwa.
Sakura=saskue no you cannot come with us.
Saskue=(stomps feet)nod fa!!
Sakura=hmmm how about this saskue if you be good I will give you a tomatoe.
Saskue=r reawy!!
Sakura=yes really.
Sakura=will you be good?
Saskue=me reawy good!!
Sakura=alright now go play with your friends.
(sakura went into her room and went back to bed)
(back in saskue's room)
Saskue=wat ou wan pway?
Ike=yeah twain!
Saskue=me haf twain.
(saskue dug into his toy box and got his train set and placed it on the floor)
Gabriel=haf ged sake daddy to mak twain.
Saskue=me do id.
(saskue set up his train set the other kids were amazed at how saskue can do it by himself)
Zack=how ou do dat sake.
Saskue=uhhh dunno.
Mike=pway twains.
(after playing for awhile the kids were all starting to get tired it was just about naptime for them)
Gabriel=(rubs eyes)
Zack= I tiwed.
Ike= I tiwed to.
Oscar=ninjas don ged tiwed me nod tiw.
(before oscar can finish his sentence he fell asleep)
(soon all the other toddlers fell asleep)
(with naruto)
Naruto=...They gotten pretty quiet.
(naruto went to saskue's to find all of the toddlers asleep)
Naruto=what got them all tuckered out.
(naruto placed all the toddlers in the king sized bed and he raised the bars he had placed on it and he left the room)
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