Setting the tree
(A month later)
(naruto and saskue had the house to themselves sakura went to a foreign land to vist some family members so while sakura left naruto invited hinata to their house so she can stay for a little bit this made saskue a little worried that sakura might be leaving forever but naruto said she is coming back so sasuke is somewhat at ease now back with our group they were getting a new tree for them to set up for christmas so they're driving around in naruto's car)
Hinata=naruto tell me again how did you get a sports car.
Naruto=uhh I found it.
Naruto=yeah sorta.
Hinata=he has been so quiet lately.
Naruto=yeah he has... Hey saskue you feeling okay.
Naruto=apparently he's fine.
Hinata=naruto(sighs)saskue is there something wrong are you hungry.
Saskue=(shakes head)
Hinata=hmm do you need a new diaper.
Saskue=........(shakes head).
Naruto=are you sick we got medicine at home you can drink.
Saskue=n no.
Hinata=hmm naruto pull over.
Naruto=wait what.
Hinata=don't worry I 'm not going walk away or anything.
(naruto stopped the car and hinata got out the car and went to the back with saskue)
Naruto=well alright then.
(naruto continued to drive)
Hinata=now do you want to tell me what's wrong?
Hinata=alright..Hey saskue where am I .
(hinata put her hood on and to saskue she had vanished)
Saskue=nawootoe hina nod hewe.
Hinata=peek a boo.
(saskue covers his eyes and tries to hide)
Hinata= I wonder where did saskue go.
Sasuke=(heh heh)
Hinata=hmm I wonder is he at home.
Saskue=ha ha ha.
(saskue uncovered his eyes)
Hinata=there you are.
Saskue=heh heh ha ha ha!
Naruto=there all better.
Saskue=nawootoe whewe goin?
Naruto=to get a christmas tree.
Naruto=yep and you can help us pick one.
Hinata=now all we have to do is to find a tree lot.
Naruto= I think I might know where one is at.
(so after a little while longer naruto found a tree lot so he parked the car and hinata got out of the car and she carried saskue out of the car)
Hinata=wow look at all of these trees don't they look beautiful.
Naruto=yeah they do don't they now which one should we pick?
Hinata=hmm there is a kiddie area hey saskue you want to make a ornament.
Saskue=wat dat?
Hinata=it's something you put on a christmas tree.
Naruto= I 'll pick out a tree then.
(hinata held onto saskue's hand and started to walk till saskue realized naruto was walking away from both of them)
(saskue runs to naruto)
Sasuke=no weave.
Naruto=don't worry I am not going to leave besides don't you want to go with hinata.
Naruto=sorry hinata he is not all that use to you yet.
Hinata=no it's alright.
Naruto=saskue trust me I won't leave this place without you and hinata okay.
Naruto=great now don't you want to go with hinata to go have some fun while I find us a tree.
(saskue slowly walks to hinata and holds on to her hand)
Hinata=come on saskue let's go see what you can do here.
(so hinata and saskue started walking around a little bit and they saw a man was giving sleigh rides for the children and adults with actual reindeer pulling the sleigh)
Hinata=hey saskue you want to ride on that?
(once the sleigh rides for the current group ended hinata picked up saskue and got on the sleigh and she sat saskue in her lap and then a couple of other kids and adults climbed in the sleigh after that the reindeer started to run)
Hinata=wow it's going kinda fast.
Saskue=heh heh.
(after the ride)
Saskue=gan gan wide gan!!
Hinata=we will in a little bit but first do you want to make a ornament?
Saskue=wat dat?
Hinata=it is something you put on a christmas tree.
Saskue=id be ad twee!
Hinata=yeah and then everyone can see it.
Saskue=otay wets go hina me haf dat foe sakuwa an nawootoe an hina an....
(while was rambling on who he was going to make ornaments for hinata had started to think)
Hinata=(how could somebody like him so monsterous one who was deep in darkness was so happy and cheerful)
Saskue=hina tinkin bout?
Hinata=huh oh it's nothing anyways let's go build a ornament.
(in the kid area)
(the lounge area had massive fire place in the heart of the lounge and there was a cafe a teen area and a adult area also a recreation center with a game area an art's and crafts area to)
Hinata=alright we need to head over there in the art's and crafts station.
(once hinata and saskue entered the art's and crafts area hinata sat saskue down at a area with a double sided school lunch table some of the genin students were helping)
Konohamaru=hey bosses girlfriend!
Hinata=huh oh hello konohamaru.
Moegi=hi miss. Hinata.
Hinata=hello what are you three doing here?
Moegi=we're on a mission to help with the art's and crafts station here there are other ninja here to helping out.
Hinata=that's good that you three are helping out anyways saskue wants to make a ornament.
(moegi got a plain white plastic ball ornament and she gave it to hinata)
Saskue=me wan dat do hina.
Hinata=this is your's all you have to do is put the stickers and color it.
Saskue=otay oh an me haf dat foe sakuwa an nawootoe an...An hina.
(so saskue started decorate his ornament he got glitter on himself he got marker on himself his fingers were a variety of colors and he also got some of it on his face)
Saskue=hina wook me haf foe twee.
Hinata=saskue you're a mess you need a bath.
Saskue=me haf baff.
Hinata=well you need another one.
Hinata=did you make decorations for the people you made for.
Saskue=yea dat foe sakuwa an dat nawootoe and dat hina.
Hinata=we will put it on the tree once we go home and after you had a bath.
(at the uchiha mansion)
Naruto=how are we going to fit this tree through the door.
Hinata=why did you pick a big one?
Naruto=it was the last one.
Hinata=well I am about to give saskue a bath.
(in the bathroom)
(hinata took saskue's clothes off and she took off his diaper and threw it away
And she started to make saskue's bath water once the tub was filled at a good height for saskue she poured in some bubble bath liquid and she waved her hand around in the water for a bit and then she placed saskue in the water)
Saskue=hina wan pway boaty.
Hinata=you want some bath toys.
(hinata summoned a shadow clone and asked her clone to get saskue's boat and a few other bath toys once hinata's clone came back with toys the clone went away in a cloud of smoke)
Hinata=here we are.
Hinata=hold on before you can play let's get you cleaned first.
Hinata=close your eyes.
(saskue covered his eyes and hinata put baby shampoo on his head she starts to clean saskue's hair after that she rinsed out his hair with the shower head)
Hinata=now that we got your head let's get the rest of you.
(hinata lifted up sasuke's arms and started to rub them and she rubbed his arm pits)
Saskue=ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no moe ha ha ha ha ha!
Hinata=heh heh alright.
(after hinata had finished bathing saskue she sat down on a stool that was in the bathroom )
Hinata=now you can play with your bath toys for a little bit if you want to.
Saskue=pway boaty.
(saskue started moving his boat across the water while making motor boat sounds)
Sasuke=hina pway do?
Hinata=no I am good.
Saskue=pwease hina.
(hinata get's a smaller boat that was in the bathtub)
Saskue=heh heh.
(after saskue had his bath hinata wrapped him in a warm blue fluffy towel after drying sasuke off she put saskue into a diaper and she got a comb and she set saskue in her lap)
Saskue=no wike dat id huwt.
Hinata=it won't.
(hinata began to comb saskue's hair and saskue felt no pain which was a first for him)
Hinata=saskue what's wrong am I doing it to hard.
Saskue=no..Id don huwt why id no huwt dat hina do id.
Hinata=you have a sensitive scalp so the best way is to be slow and gentle it will take a bit longer.
Saskue=ou wike nawootoe?
Hinata=yes me and naruto are boyfriend and girlfriend.
Saskue=..Ou an nawootoe awe mommy an daddy.
Hinata=well I not yet but hopefully soon I love naruto very much and I give my heart to him and I know he will never do me wrong.
Hinata=alright done.
Hinata=alright let's get some clothes on you.
(hinata picked up saskue and went to his nursery and set him down on the floor while she looks in his drawers for clothes)
Hinata=hmm saskue what sweater do you want a fire truck or a dinosaur?
(saskue pointed at the dinosaur sweater hinata then found a pair of beige shorts and a pair of white socks she then dresses saskue in the clothes she had gotten out for him)
Hinata=there all dressed.
Saskue=whewe nawootoe?
Hinata=he is in the living room setting the tree up you want to help decorate it.
(in the living room)
Naruto=hey guys what's up.
Hinata=saskue is now clean.
Naruto=alright I wanted all of us to decorate the tree together.
Hinata=perfect this is always my favorite part.
(so naruto hinata started to trim the tree sat silently like he was in his own little world)
Naruto=hey saskue you want to decorate the tree with us.
Saskue=me do id wif sakuwa.
Naruto=alright but sakura is with her family and she won't be back for a while.
Naruto=uh oh no don't cry she is gonna come back.
(so after naruto and hinata trimmed the tree there was one part left the star on the tree)
(hinata whispers in naruto's ear)
(naruto walks to saskue and gives him the star and picks him up)
Naruto=alright put the star on the tree.
(sasuke put star on the tree)
Naruto=there we go.
Hinata=good job saskue.
(the was starting to wobble all the decorations were making it unbalanced)
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