Saskue and Asuma
Sakura=(yawn)halloween the day of when I have to drag naruto drunk home heh heh.
Naruto=heard that!
Sakura=heh heh.
Saskue=sakuwa wakey upsie sakuwa wan go ged candy.
Sakura=saskue halloween is at night time.
Saskue=bud me be sweppy at nighty time.
Sakura=well just this once I will let you stay up an little longer tonight but your cousin is coming over since umm kurunei is dating again.
Saskue=yay wan show asuma me fwy
Sakura=okay...(poor kurunei this is the day asuma died its sad really its is way back then when we were kids the war got kurunei sick and the birth of asuma jr was delayed he got born last year but)
(knock knock)
Sakura=huh must be kurunei.
(in the living room)
Saskue=(jumps and is trying to reach the door knob but due to him being an toddler he cant really reach)its to high.
Sakura= I 'll get it(opens door)hey kurunei hey asuma.
Kurunei=sorry he just an little mad that I am dating again.
Sakura=oh its been hard on you has it kurunei.
Kurunei=yes but its okay asuma would want me to move on jr needs an father figure and ibiki is an good man.
Sakura=yes wait ibiki head of torture wow anyway sai is going to watch the boys while we are at the party. Kurunei=didnt sai want to go.
Sakura=sai no he is not the party type....So how is he.
Kurunei=he has been doing great he has show no signs of illness and he is doing great.
Sakura=thats great.
(ring ring)
Sakura=hello hey sai what you cant babysit...An mission well who is going to watch the boys really who them they are to much naruto for me okay fine(hangs up)okay sai is going but konohamaru moegi and udon can watch the boys they are chunin problem solved okay lets get ready for tonight then later kurunei.
Kurunei=bye sakura bye my little baby boy.
Asuma=(humph)bye mommy.
Sakura=so asuma ready for tonight.
Asuma=.... Auntie sakuwa I wan my old daddy not dat other guy my mommy wif.
Sakura=asuma your mother has to move on and get an new husband you know and you need an new daddy dont you.
Asuma=(sniff sniff)no no no don wan new daddy(sob sob)why did mommy get new daddy don wan one(sob sob)ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!. Sakura=asuma its okay(puts asuma over her shoulder pats the toddlers back)shhh its okay asuma let it out its okay.
Saskue=asuma! Huh sakuwa wat wrong wif asuma.
Sakura=asuma is just a little sad today and he just need to cry a little okay.
Asuma=(sob sob)(sniff sniff).
Sakura=better asuma.
Sakura=asuma you know ibiki is really cool he is an strong ninja and he is the chief of torture.
Asuma=cool! He a ninja wike mommy.
Saskue=asuma look wat me do(transform into curse mark mode 2)asuma see. Asuma=whoa dat cool costume.
Saskue=me fwy
Asuma=an you got wings like an birddie.
Saskue=me know me can fly.
Naruto= I got to remove that seal on saskue.
Saskue=heh heh asuma sakuwa say me be werewolf so me get lots of candy.
Asuma= I an dragon so I gets lot of candy.
Saskue=but me gets moe. Asuma= I gets moe. Saskue=me do! Asuma=(humph) I do. Sakura=heh heh look at them naruto what does this remind you of huh.
Naruto=me and saskue when we were younger. Sakura=yeah.
Saskue=heh heh asuma wets pway wif my toys.
Asuma=otay. ...
Sakura=so I already got my costume yeah an witch and naruto an fox ironic...Huh naruto make sure your getting your costume.
Naruto=got it oh yeah saskue come here.
Naruto=let me take that bird power you have its dangrous and its bad.
Saskue=aww otay.
(naruto thens does an jutsu which removed the curse mark it made saskue body glow and saskue mark was gone like it was never there)
There did it.
Saskue=yay nawootoe it don huwt no moe.
Naruto= I really saved you saskue kept my promise.
(in saskue room)
Saskue=heh heh vroom vroom heh heh.
Asuma=ha ha ha ha vroom heh heh.
Saskue=asuma your old daddy he not meanie.
Asuma=my old daddy he was nice mommy say dat when in mommy tummy daddy talk to me an say he an mommy wuv me an gif me happy l l lie umm life yeah dat mommy say.
Saskue=oh....My old mommy nice my daddy umm dunno. Asuma=saskue auntie sakuwa an untle nawootoe is your new mommy an daddy.
Saskue=yeah...Bud they don wike each other wike all mommy and daddy do
Asuma=untle nawootoe wike auntie hina an auntie sakuwa wike untle sai.
Saskue=grr me know bud don wan him my daddy don wike him.
Asuma=untle sai is nice.
Saskue=bud he not nice daddy wike nawootoe nawootoe is wike daddy. Asuma=bud untle sai is nice my mommy say dat untle sai help untle nawootoe wif ninja things an he good ninja.
Saskue=no no wan him be daddy.
Asuma=..Bud my mommy is getting an new daddy he ninja to an I wike him.
Saskue=bud he nice dat man sakuwa wike is meanie.
Asuma=bud he draw pweatty.
Saskue=so me don wan him be daddy nawootoe my daddy.
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