Family Moments
(at the memorial stone)
Sakura=that is his name right there.
Sakura=itachi was a hero saskue even though there were somethings this village bad people force him to do he still did do the right thing like he wanted.
Sakura=yes saskue
Saskue=...Tachi wuv me?
(sakura slowly smiles and rubs the top of saskue's head messing up his hair)
Sakura=he always loved you he loved you through times where some stuff happens and he still loved you...You ready.
(so they started to leave till saskue ran back to the stone and hugged as a single tear drop falls on the stone specifically itachi's name)
Saskue=wuv ou tachi.
Sakura=(picks up saskue)say saskue how about we get some ice cream.
Saskue=ishe cweam ishe cweam!!!
Sakura=heh heh alright.
(after sakura got herself a strawberry ice cream and saskue got his chocolate ice cream they went home)
(in the mansion)
(saskue was sitting on the floor watching the front door like a puppy patiently waiting for its owner saskue was waiting for his daddy and naruto has not came yet much to the uchiha's displeasure every minute he would grow more anxious)
Sakura=saskue what are you doing?
Saskue=daddy be hewe an me hugs him.
Sakura=naruto will not be back till the day after tomorrow .
Saskue=nawootoe haf pway wif me.
Sakura=aww you miss him.
Saskue=(nods)an me be hewe wen nawootoe hewe.
Sakura=alright I will get started on dinner.
Sakura=well time to get started then.
(once sakura made the meal she gets saskue and puts him in his high chair)
Saskue=wad me ead sakuwa?
Sakura=your favorite spagattis.
(sakura placed saskue's sippy cup full of milk on his high chair tray and gave him a plastic fork then saskue dug into his food
He still cannot use his fork properly he really still eat's with his hands)
Sakura=heh heh.
(saskue was covered from head to toe in tomato sauce and spagatti noodles)
Sakura=oh its nothing but you are getting a bath.
Saskue=(groans)bud me no wike baff.
Sakura= I will make it a bubble bath.
Saskue=hmm an me wan boaty.
Sakura=all right finish your dinner.
(after saskue ate his dinner sakura got something from the oven and it was a cake)
Saskue=me wan dat me wan dat!!!
Sakura=hold on you will get your slice.
(sakura cut a small piece for her and saskue and the toddler started eating there was chocolate all over his face he was then done sakura got a few baby wipes and she started to wipe saskue's face
And he took him to the bathroom)
(in the bathroom)
(sakura had got saskue's pajamas and a diaper and she put saskue in the bathtub and started bathing him)
Sakura=alright saskue close you're eyes.
Saskue=(closes eyes)
(sakura rinsed the shampoo off of saskue's hair)
Saskue=ha ha ha ha ha!!
Sakura=alright saskue play with your toys I need to make a quick phone call.
(with that sakura left)
Saskue=(makes motor boat sounds)
(saskue got his little action figure and started his own little fantasy)
(in saskue's fantasy)
Sailor=captain captain the sea monster is here you need to save us.
(saskue turned around and looked at his crew member but only he was not a toddler he was a young adult in the toddlers fantasy)
Saskue= I will be right there.
Sailor=yes sir.
(saskue got his sword and his musket and prepared for battle till sakura picked him up and placed him into a white fluffy towel)
Saskue=hey me pway piwate.
Sakura=you can play pirate later.
(after sakura dried saskue off she put him in his diaper and she dressed him in his pajamas)
(in the nursery)
Saskue=me nod sweepy.
(sakura puts saskue's pacifier in his mouth)
Sakura=bedtime saskue.
Saskue=mmm mm mm.
Sakura=no time for bed.
Sakura=(sighs)wanna talk to naruto.
(sakura picks up saskue)
(in the living room)
(sakura got the house phone and pressed in some numbers and put the phone on speaker)
Saskue=mmmm mmm!!!
Sakura=naruto were you sleeping?
Sakura=we will call you back tomorrow.
(when saskue heared he spits out his pacifier
Sakura=saskue naruto needs his rest.
Naruto=no I can talk.
Sakura=you sure.
Sakura=alright saskue talk to naruto but after that off to bed.
(sakura gave the phone to saskue)
Naruto=hey little guy what did you do today.
Saskue=me see tachi an sakuwa geds me ishe cweam an me pway wif boaty an we hafta gif owies to baff monstew bud sakuwa ged me oud da baff an me gif no owie ad da baff monstew an me wan nawootoe hewe!!
Sakura= I could have sworn he was speaking tounge.
Naruto=wow sounds like you had quite the day what about yesterday.
Sakura=here we go.
(sakura got out her I phone and she started playing angry birds)
Saskue=me wan pway bud asuma an yuki wif dey mommies an dey pway somfing fun den sakuwa say we go da watew fun pwace an me an sakuwa pway ad da watew an me haf moe fwiend dey awe umm z zack gabwiel mike an ike an oscaw an me pway hide an seek an ged dem cuz my eyes ged red gan an sakuwa ged me da medicine an me don wike id bud sakuwa ged me yummy fewd an me see gabewiel big brwudda an he fun!!
Naruto=..Okay then sounds like you had fun.
Naruto=well I will be home soon all right talk to you later its past your bedtime.
Saskue=bud me nod ti(yawn)mmm m me n nod tiwed.
(sakura gave saskue the pacifier she had rinsed off and puts it in saskue's mouth)
Saskue=mmm mmm.
Sakura=night naruto.
Naruto=night sakura night saskue.
Saskue=nnn mmm.
(naruto hangs up the phone and sakura puts saskue to bed)
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