(in the uchiha mansion)
(9:30 pm)
(sakura had put saskue to bed not to long ago so she decided to take a bath after her bath she started walking to her room till she thought she will check on saskue she found that saskue was out of his crib and he was standing on a chair he had in there looking at the night sky with his sharigan activated)
Sakura=saskue why are you up still.
Saskue=sakuwa..Whew tachi?
Sakura=he is on a mission.
Saskue=tachi say he be hewe wen he go bye bye bud tachi neva be hewe gan.
Sakura=well he is doing another mission.
Saskue=tachi do moe ninja stuff.
Saskue=(sniff sniff)
Saskue=ahhhhhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Sakura=oh no saskue.
(sakura was about to pick up saskue till)
Sakura=whats wrong saskue.
Saskue=sakuwa wying you wying nawootoe wying an gwanma wying dob wying to me!!!!!
Sakura=(he knew we were lying)s saskue we are not lying to you itachi is on a mission.
Saskue=dob id dob id dob id dob id waaaaaaaaah dob wying!!!!!
(sakura was starting to tear up herself she did not want to see her little boy in pain)
Sakura=saskue I am not lying.
(saskue was in tears he was coughing sniveling his skin was a light red)
Saskue=ou awe wying dob wying!!
Sakura=s saskue no its not like that its just we cannot tell you.
(sakura reached for saskue to comfort him but)
Saskue=no weave me awone!!!!!!
(saskue got under his crib)
Saskue=weave me awone!!!
Saskue=ou wying to me dob wying evewybody wying to me!!!
(sakura sits down on the floor while leaning on saskue's crib)
Saskue=(sob sob)
Sakura=saskue I never meant to hurt you.
Saskue=whew tachi.
Sakura=we will go vist him later okay.
Saskue=...Sakuwa nod wying.
Sakura= I am not lying this is for real.
(saskue got from under his crib he looked down at the floor sakura bends down saskue's and bring his head up and wipes his tears)
Sakura= I promose I will never hurt your feelings again.
(saskue hugs sakura and starts crying in her shoulder)
(after a while sakura sat on the floor with saskue on her lap looking out the window at the night sky)
Saskue=mommy an daddy thewe sakuwa?
Sakura=yes they are saskue.
Saskue=...Tachi thewe to sakuwa.
Sakura=yes he is saskue.
Saskue=...Sakuwa me sowy.
Sakura=no its my fault I should stop lying.
Sakura=its way past your bedtime saskue.
(sakura put saskue in his crib but)
Saskue=me wan sweep wif sakuwa.
(sakura put saskue in her bed and she got in bed with him and she covered him with his blanket and covers him and she kisses him on his forehead)
Sakura=saskue I wish I can tell you everything.
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