A little different
(In the Leaf village market plaza)
Sakura=It's always nice to be in a farmer market type area where you know everything is fresh and very tasty.
Sasuke=Me wan mato sakuwa me goo boy ou ged mato.
Sakura=Yes you will get a tomato because you have been a good boy but before we get tomatoes we need fresh carrots and broccoli to go with our fish and rice meal for tonight.
Sasuke=No wike veggie.
Sakura=Well you have to eat them so you can become big and strong.
Sakura=No whining sasuke or no tomatoes.
(Woof Woof)
(A green tennis ball rolled at the foot of sasuke then a bull mastiff walked to the toddler and it sat in front of him)
Sasuke=Big doggie sakuwa wook wook id a doggie.
Sakura=Yeah but don't get to close to it I don't know what it might do.
(Sasuke picked up the tennis ball)
Sakura=Sasuke put that down it's probably dirty.
Sasuke=Hewe doggie id you'we ball.
(The dog took the ball and it gave sasuke lick on his face)
Sasuke=Ha ha!
Sakura=Okay time to go home you are getting a bath mister.
Sasuke=bud me haf baff wen sunny upsie.
Sakura=Well you need another one now.
(So as sakura and sasuke were going home unbeknownst to them something was following them home).
(At the Uchiha Mansion)
(In the Bathroom)
Sakura=A bath won't kill you sasuke.
Sasuke=Haf baff wen sunny wad upsie.
Sakura=Yeah but that dog licked you, and it might've had germs and stuff.
(After his second bath of the day sakura had placed sasuke in his playpen in front of the tv and she tuned it to his favorite show)
Sakura=Alright sasuke you stay here while I prepare lunch.
(Scratch Scratch)
(Sasuke looked at the door and he then dismissed the sound he had heared the sound again then he found a dog sitting next to him)
(The dog sat next to sasuke)
Sakura=Okay sasuke time for lunch....
Sasuke=Sakuwa wook id doggy.
Sakura=How did it get in the house!
(Sakura quickly picked up sasuke)
Sakura=Go on shoo shoo.
Sasuke=Sakuwa doggy tay hewe?
Sakura=No it cannot stay here Sasuke.
Sakura=Well it has a tag it must belong to the inuzuka clan.
(Sakura checked the tag and it had a number on it)
Sakura=There we are a number, now let's call this dogs owners and we can bring him back.
Sasuke=Bud sakuwa.
Sakura=No but's sasuke this dog doesn't belong to us you know that.
(Sakura called the number and waited but there was no answer)
Sakura=No answer.
Sasuke=Doggy tay?
Sakura=(Sighs)For now.
Sakura=Until we can find his owners.
Sasuke=Me an doggy pway piwate an yuki pway wif us too.
Sakura=Try not to get attached sasuke his owner can come at any minute.
Sasuke=Otay can me an doggy go oud?
(Sakura sighed knowing that her words were futile not just because sasuke would end up getting attached it was the fact that sasuke didn't know what attached even mean as shown by his dumbfounded expression)
Sakura=Yes you can go out but wait for me.
(Sakura slipped on her shoes and helped sasuke into his shoes and they all went out to the backyard)
Sasuke=Doggy wook wook!!
(Sasuke held a tennis ball in his hand, the dog jumped up at the sight of his ball)
Sasuke=Ged id.
(Sasuke threw the ball and the dog ran after it)
Sasuke=Heh heh.
(The dog caught the ball and it ran towards sasuke, sakura motherly instincts kicked in and she ran towards the tot and scooped him, but instead of the dog stoping in his tracks he kept on running and he tackled both sakura and sasuke to the ground where he then began to shower the two with kisses)
Sasuke=Ha ha ha id tickle!!
Sakura=Ha ha ha stop!
(The dog sat beside sakura and sasuke)
Sasuke=Me wike doggy sakuwa.
Sakura=I know but remember his real owner may come at any moment.
(Ring ring)
(Sakura grabbed answered her phone)
Sakura=Hello...hey naruto.
Sasuke=Id daddy!
Sakura=You forgot your key...hold on I'll let you in.
(Sakura picked up sasuke and the dog followed behind her inside)
(Sakura opened the door)
Naruto=Hey guys.
(Sasuke jumped into naruto arms)
Naruto=Hey sasuke.
Sasuke=Me miss ou daddy.
Naruto=I know but I have been busy.
(All of a sudden the dog tackled naruto to the ground and showerd him with kisses)
Naruto=Ha ha ha ha!!
Sasuke=Me ged doggy nawuto.
Naruto=Aww what's his name?
Sakura=I have no idea but he is not ours this dog has a owner and I have been trying to not have sasuke get attached.
Naruto=Can we keep him please.
Sakura=This dog is not ours.
Naruto=okay now sasuke we need to talk.
Sasuke=Bout wad?
(Naruto picked up sasuke and he placed him on the couch and he sat next to him)
Naruto=Sakura you mind if well.
Sakura=No worries I'll get dinner started.
(So sakura went to the kitchen)
Naruto=Well sasuke you know I love you right.
Sasuke=Me wuv daddy to.
Naruto=Heh heh I know...well you know me and hinata like each other like a mom and dad does right.
Sasuke=(Nod)bud hina nod mommy, sakuwa mommy.
Naruto=Sakura is still your mom but she is not going anywhere...I am.
Sasuke=Whewe daddy goin?
Naruto=Well me and hinata are gonna live together and I won't be here anymore.
Sasuke=Me no see daddy no moe.
(Sasuke began tearing up)
Naruto=We will still see each other you can come stay at our place anytime you like but you will probably will learn you have to share.
Naruto=Well...hey sakura come here.
Naruto=I was about to tell sasuke something that I almost didn't tell you.
Sakura=What you have a kid.
Sakura=Naruto are you telling me that hinata is.
Naruto=Yeah grandma told me earlier today that's why I have not been around.
Sasuke=Ou weave cuz hina haf baby.
Sasuke=Me hate baby!
Sakura=Sasuke it's not like that just think when we got you me and naruto had to stay with you for a long time right.
Sakura=Well now naruto needs to do this, sasuke his baby needs him.
Naruto=Sasuke I know you want me to stay here but, this baby needs his dad with him...you know that right.
Naruto=But just because I am about to be a father doesn't mean I won't love you any less.
(Tears began to fall from sasuke's face)
Naruto=Hey don't cry.
Sasuke=No wan ou weave!
(Sasuke hugged naruto)
Naruto=I know you're sad.
Sasuke=No weave!
(The dog that was behind sasuke began to glow with a ominous aura)
Naruto=What the
(The dog then started to become bigger and it body became darker till it was nothing than a walk silouette the only distiguishable feature on the monster was it eyes it had the sharigan)
Naruto=Umm sakura you're seeing this right?
Sakura=Yeah I can see it to.
(Naruto looked at sasuke to find unconscious, naruto opened sasuke's eyes to see he had his sharigan activated)
Naruto=Sakura sasuke has his sharigan activated.
Sakura=So sasuke is somehow linked to this thing.
Naruto=So what's our plan?
Sakura=We need his eye drops.
Sakura=Lady tsunade made them it has a chakra nullifying effect.
Naruto=Cool where are they?
Sakura=Well that's thing, sasuke has a tendency to hide the bottle from me.
Naruto=Right he hates it.
Naruto=Can you think of any places he would put it at?
Sakura=At the moment like six of them comes to mind.
Sakura=Under his crib,one of your sock drawers,under the couch,his toy chest,his pockets, or in a closet.
Naruto=Okay we split on three.
(The beast got into a lunging position)
(The beast showed his fangs)
(Naruto and Sakura ran to the several spots at blinding speeds)
(In the bathroom)
Naruto=Not here.
Sakura=No good.
(Naruto's bedroom)
Naruto=Not here either.
(So after searching the eye drops were nowhere to be found)
Sakura=Where could they be at.
Naruto=Hey noticed that thing didn't chase us.
Naruto=Let me try something.
(Naruto walked to the front door, the beast began to growl)
Naruto=I thought so it's letting me leave.
Sakura=Maybe we can talk to it.
(Naruto picked up sasuke and he sat on the couch sakura sat next to him)
Sakura=Hey sasuke I know you don't want naruto to leave but you know he has a kid he needs to take care of you know that right.
Naruto=Think about it you're gonna be a big brother like itachi.
Sakura=Yeah and the baby is going to look up to you.
(Sasuke opened his eyes)
Sasuke=M me big brwudda.
(The wolf then began to disappear)
Naruto=And I bet you will be a cool older brother.
Sasuke=(Sniff)No wan ou go.
Naruto=I know.
Sakura=So I guess the dog was ours after all.
(Two weeks later)
(Naruto had spent weeks moving his things from the uchiha main house to his new home he shares with hinata)
Naruto=Well that's everything then.
Sakura=Look you you're about to be a husband and a father.
Naruto=I know it's weird but I am ready for this.
(Naruto kneeled down to sasuke's height)
Naruto=Don't cry I know things are gonna be different but remember I will be here for you and you can stay for as long as you want with us.
(Sasuke hugged naruto)
Naruto=I know things will be different but remember be good okay.
(Naruto ruffled sasuke's hair)
Naruto=Later sakura.
Sakura=Bye naruto.
(So with his goodbyes said he left)
Sakura=Okay let's go inside.
Sasuke=...Bye daddy.
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