Part 4
(1 year 5 months later)
"Mama, open" Sana jumps up & down insisting her mother to open the huge box.
"Wait, baby." Madhu smiles at Sana & slowly opens the cake.
"Cake!" Sana squeals seeing a heart shaped black forest cake.
"I want! I want! I want." Sana asks holding her palm up.
"But..." Madhu thoughts for a second to convince her saying this cake is not for now but only at midnight they will cut the cake & eat. Madhu has ordered the cake specially for Rishu's & her first wedding anniversary but seeing Sana cute pleading look, she couldn't disappoint her little angel by denying to give her the cake. So Madhu takes the choco stick from the cake & hands it to Sana.
"Mama, this" Sana points to the red cherries as she doesn't know the name.
"You want cherries?" Madhu asks smiling. Sana nods her head which makes her front cut hair fall over her eyes. Madhu moves Sana's hair of her face which is hiding her vision & kisses her forehead.
"You are momma's angel."
"Momma, cheiieee"
"Here." Madhu takes a cherries & feeds her. She gets tempted seeing Sana eating the juicy cherrie so she takes one & pops it in her mouth. Then Sana & Madhu in turns ate all the twelve cherries decorated on top of the cake.
Then Madhu with a spoon, smoothened the place where the cherries were. Now the cake looks so plain with no choco sticks, no wafers or no cherries as mom & daughter ravenously ate them. Madhu looks at the clock & it shows 11PM. Soon Rk will come home from his hospital duty & she has planned to surprise him. She thought to put Sana to sleep but today she is wide awake though it is way past her usual sleeping time so Madhu takes the cake in one hand & with other she makes Sana walk to their bedroom. Sana still sleeps with Rishab & Madhu & at the time they make love they shift Sana to her room after she goes to deep sleep & once they were done with their love making session, they being back Sana to their room so that she wakes up with her momma & papa in the morning. The irony in this is Sana wakes up early in the morning by 5.30 or 6 but that's the time Rk & Madhu almost go to sleep as they have a long sex drive till the wee hours.
Madhu decorates their room with aroma candles to set a romantic effect. Sana tags behind her momma intently noting every single action of her Mother. She was so curious why her momma was lighting all the candles. "Momma, light ... light..." Sana pulls her momma's saree & shows Madhu, the tube lights & bulbs in their room. She didn't get why her momma was taking the strain to light all the candles when she can easily switch on the lights.
"Baby, today is special day nah? So momma is making all these special effects."
Sana grins sheepishly & blows a candle.
"Baby, dont do that."
Sana giggles & again blows another candle. Madhu laughs & starts tickling her naughty girl.
Then She starts decorating the walls with red & white balloons. Madhu gives Sana a balloon for her to play so that she can peacefully decorate the bed with rose petals but Sana discarded the balloon on the floor. She comes closer to her momma & looks at the bed. Madhu is spreading the rose petals on the bed in heart shape.
"Momma, me.. me.." Sana asks for her momma to pass the rose petal bowl so that she can decorate it. Sana takes one rose petal & places it gently on the bed, then she takes another rose petal & placed it next to the one she placed before. Madhu couldn't help but laugh at her adorable daughter who is making her a very BIG favour. If she decorates the bed in this phase then our anniversary will be over but she will be still continuing her decoration. Madhu thoughts with a cute little smile on her face.
"Momma, nice?" Sana asks showing her handy work.
"Super, sweetie" Madhu picks up Sana in her arms & kisses her chubby cheeks soundly.
Right then the door bell rings. "You wait here, baby. Momma will go open the door" Madhu instructs Sana & she obediently nods her head wagging her cute little pony tail.
"Hi" Madhu beams at Rk.
Rk gently smiles at her.
"You okay?" Madhu asks Rk seeing his usual enthusiasm missing.
"A bit."
"You had your dinner?"
"No!" He doesn't like eating without his wife & child. He mostly try to join them for dinner, if not also he likes Madhu serving with so much love. She doesn't wait for him like typical wifes. She mostly eats along with Sana while feeding her.
"You wanna take a shower or just wash your hands & eat?"
"I am not hungry, Madhu. I dont want dinner."
"Rishab" Madhu blocks his way & shoots her brow up. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing." Rk gives her reassuring smile.
"Then Come, I will serve u dinner." Madhu says & drags him to the kitchen.
"Where is Sana? She slept?"
"No! She is in our room. We have a surprise for u."
"Oh!" Rk says, distracted. Madhu frowns but ignoring him, re heats the food in the oven.
"No! You are not clean. I will feed you." Madhu say when Rk was about to touch the food. Madhu has learned how to be hygienic, how to eat neatly without messing the food all over her mouth, hands & dress lile how she ate the pizza with Sana in the Pizza hut a year & months back. After all now she is the wife of a doctor so she should be a cleanliness freak like her husband right?
"Madhu, enough."
"Rishab! U just ate two pieces of roti & you say enough. What the hell is bothering you?"
"I said nothing. I am tired."
Madhu shakes her head & turns to look at the clock. The clock is gonna struck twelve in five minutes so she thought its better not to argue with him & spoil his bad mood to worse.
"Come, I will show our surprise." Madhu puts the plate in the sink & washing her hands, she drags her husband upstairs.
"You could at least act as if excited to see the surprise." Madhu chides him. She has done so much effort with her little girl but her husband is not paying any attention or showing interest at all. Soon after their marriage, she has discovered the fact that her husband is zero in romance. Well, excluding their hot passionate nights. That time he will be unbelievably romantic.
"Um.. I.. I m excited." He fakes a smile. Madhu pouts know it was a fake smile.
"Ta da..." Madhu opens their bedroom door wide open & her mouth drop down.
Rk quickly switches on the light & burst out laughing seeing the scene in front of him.
Their darling mischievous girl has blown all the candles & eating the cake messily by sitting on top of the rose petal bed. Madhu heaves a sigh at least her rose petal heart didn't get spoiled as Sana is sitting on it gently but her bubble of bliss bursts when Sana starts jumping on the bed seeing her Papa & shouting "papa..papa... papa..."
"Papa... Cake" she takes the cake in her hand & forwards to feed her Papa & Momma. Rk kisses Madhu's temple & whispers "It's okay" as he knows she would be upset.
"Nah! This is perfect. This way our first wedding anniversary will be so memorable right?" Madhu asks with a genuine smile & kisses her husband's lips.
"Hey, baby girl. Whats all this hun?? See your hands & dress?" Before Rk could ask Madhu brings him a baby wipe tissues. When Rk takes her hand to clean, Sana pulls her hand & went to her momma, her partner in crime. Then Madhu & Sana together took a piece of cake & thrust it in Rk's mouth.
"Happy anniversary, doctor"
"Happy anniversary, biwi" Rk smiles & kisses madhu's forehead, then kisses Sana cheek.
"Now feed us." Madhu orders him.
"Do u have a spoon or fork?"
"You have your hand"
Sighing, Rk takes a small piece of cake with his thumb & index finger & first feeds Sana & then feeds Madhu. When he insert his fingers into her mouth she gives him a sharp bite & grins mischievously.
"Baby, shall we sleep?" Madhu asks Sana.
Sana shakes her head in no.
"Momma, play." Sana makes a puppy eyes.
"What you wanna play?"
"Catch & catch" Sana tells her momma excitedly.
"Okay" Madhu agrees.
"Madhu, No." Rk stops her.
"Why, Papa?" Sana asks sadly.
"Baby, its late. Tomorrow Papa will play with you."
"We will play one game Rishab." Madhu tries to convince him.
"Madhu, no."
"Why?" Madhu frowns not getting why he is stopping her.
"Stop with all the running, jumping & playing with Sana."
"Mr. Rishab kundra! This is too much! You expect me to sit idle at home without playing with my daughter?"
"For few months."
He swallows hard before blurting out the big news. "Because you are pregnant."
Madhu stares at him dumb stuck. She gets stunned hearing what he said. Rk noticed few changes in her which she failed to notice and then takes her to his clinic for check up this morning & Madhu didnt bother to wait for the scan reports as she was in a hurry to make few shopping for her special surprise. So the result came positive!
"Madhu..." Rk whispers bringing her out of her trance. Madhu, suddenly pulls him in one hand & pulls Sana in other who is standing on the bed, looking at them curiously not getting what they are talking. Madhu hugs them & starts crying happily.
"Rishab, I am so happy." She tells Rishab with a smile. "Baby, you are soon gonna get a little brother or sister to play with you.
"What? Why are you so upset? Are you not happy? For this day only, you waited for so long right?" Madhu asks.
"I am happy."
"It's not singular. Plural!" Rk tells her in a soft voice. Madhu gives him a confused look for a minute.
"Oh! We are having twins, right?" Madhu asks panicking a bit.
He shakes her head in no. Madhu was about breath out in relief but it ceases when he says "not twins... Triplets!" That's the reason for Rk's disinterested & aloof behavior. He was so worried for Madhu & her reaction. He is also worried for himself. How he will manage five babies? (Including Madhu)
"You are joking right?" Madhu asks hopefully.
"No. I am serious. We are having triplets." Rk tells her & looks at her intently.
She has started sweating & shaking.
"I am going to die. I'm going to die... I didn't see anything in my life... I just married you a year back & became Sana's mother... I want to birth to our baby boy Shaan.. Ahhh... Who I will name Shaan in these three??" Madhu starts crying hysterically. Seeing her momma cry Sana starts whimpering.
"Madhu, calm down. You will be fine." Rk pulls Madhu in one arm, holding her close to his chest & with other arm he rocks Sana to stop her crying.
"Mama..." Sana cries leaning her head on Madhu's shoulder.
"Nah, baby, nah! Don't cry... Momma is fine." Madhu quickly wipes her tears, takes a deep breath & hugs Sana.
"You okay?" Rk asks her gently. Madhu glares at him murderously.
"What?" He asks worriedly. Madhu throws him one last look, then picking up Sana in her arms she walks around the bed & places her on the other side & she lies beside her, gently patting Sana's tummy lulling her to sleep. Soon Sana went to a peaceful sleep. Madhu turns & lies on her back & looks up at the ceiling, gently caressing her belly. Her baby... Oops babies are there, right inside her stomach. Rk walks around & sits next to Madhu & looks at her.
"Didnt I tell you that I will get pregnant only once?"
"Yes & I won't knock you up again. Pinkie promise"
"Didn't I tell you I will have only one boy & Sana will be our only girl child?"
"Then what the hell is this?" She shouts pointing to her stomach.
"I didn't do anything. It's written in my fate to have five kids."
"What? Five?" Madhu looks wide eyed. "One..." She counts pointing to Sana "two, three & four... In here... Then from where the fifth one comes."
"Er... It's you." Rk tells cheekily. Madhu blushes hearing that.
"I am scared, Doctor."
"Don't worry, Madhu... You are young, fit & fine... You won't have any complications... You have me... I will take care of you."
"But look at me? Look at my petite figure... I'm so small & fragile... Will I be able to carry three babies in here? God! Now itself I feel like fainting. God! I m going to die... I haven't seen... " before she could start her usual chant, he cups her mouth with his palm.
"Isshh... She is sleeping." Rk tells her softly. When Madhu nods her head to keep quiet he takes his hand off her mouth.
"Why were you upset when you came home from work?"
"I was really scared how to tell you this big news."
"You are happy?" Madhu asks him.
"Of course! How much ever it will be a hard task for me to handle five kids... I m so happy... I just love babies... I was little disappointed when you said only one time you will get pregnant..."
"So you prayed to God to give me three kids in one pregnancy?" Madhu accuses him, angrily.
Rk rolls his eyes at her childishness. "No! I didn't. I just thought may be after some 6 or 7 year I could pester you for another kid but now..."
"What sex these three babies are?"
"I don't know."
"Useless, doctor" she scolds him.
"Yeah! Hello, you are newly pregnant & this stage we can't see the gender." Rk explains.
"You are not happy, Madhu?"
"I am happy... But I m so scared... Three babies?" she freaks out. "that's too much for me to handle Rishab. You know how lazy I am..." She pouts. Rk nods. He was so shocked when he comes to know that Madhu has done B.Architect but decided to be a house wife. She studied one of the toughest subjects & she was too good in academic wise, even now she could easily grab one fine job with high pay but this girl didn't bother to work as she was one lazy bum. She cooks when she is in the mood to cook, otherwise Patil, their cook will do all the cooking & other house hold chores. She looks after Sana, she gives her bath, dress her up, feed her & play with her. Only Sana keeps her momma busy. Then of course she takes care of Rk's needs. She helps his parents too when they need her help. But most of the time she stays free & jobless. So Rk thinks she could handle the three additions too but not too confident. He knows, she is one beautiful, very devoted mother but she is still such a baby & giving three more babies to her...?? As she said it's really too much.
"Let's face it, Madhu. I am here right?"
"I know." Madhu whispers & embraces him. "How many months I am pregnant?"
"6 weeks."
"Oh! Still a long way to go! God! I am going to die" She moans.
"Don't say like that, Madhu. It hurts me." Rk tells her, upset.
"I'm sorry." She pecks his cheek.
"Now, go to sleep."
"You sleep beside me." Madhu tells & turns to move Sana to the corner, then Madhu turns to her side & drapes her hand protecting her from falling down from the bed. Then Rk slides next to Madhu & drapes his hand around her waist & plants a kiss on her hair.
"Madhu, wait." Rk stops Madhu when she was about to step out of the bed in the morning after waking up.
"Eat this cookie and lie on bed for 20 minutes."
"Why?" Madhu turns to his side & asks him curiously.
"It will alleviate the feeling of nausea in the morning. If you munch something & lay on bed for 20 minutes, it will help absorbing the gastric juices in the stomach... this way you can avoid morning sickness."
"Oh!" she takes the biscuit packet from him & before start eating, she says "I love you, Doctor"
"Don't worry, I am with you. Just enjoy your pregnancy... we will learn to handle our bunch of kids."
"You are right" Madhu smiles at him. Rk kisses her forehead. Then he takes her hand & kisses her ring finger. That's when she noticed a ring.
"What's this?" she takes her hand from his hold & scrutinized it closely. It's a platinum heart cut ring.
"My gift for you for our wedding anniversary. Do you like it?"
"Yes. It's lovely. When you put me this ring?"
"Last night, when you had slept."
"Why you didn't wake me up & give me it to me?"
"er... I was so worried about telling you about the babies & it actually slipped out of my mind... later only I got remembered & immediately I got the ring from my jacket pocket & slipped it in your finger."
madhu laughs & says "Thank you. I love you!" Rk leans down & takes her lips in his & they start kissing passionately.
"Rishab..." Madhu breathes breaking their kiss.
"I wanna ask you something?"
"Yeah, tell me!"
"Um... Doctor, we can be normal right?"
"What? I didn't get you."
"Um.. I mean... we can still shower together? Have night long passionate sex?" she asks hesitantly.
"Yes, of course but meeting the ends will be tough when you grow big." He tells with a smirks & slips out of the bed, leaving Madhu open mouthed
Madhu stands in front of the mirror as she brushed her hair. Suddenly hearing Rk's laugh, Madhu turns to his side. "What?" She asks Rk with a smile.
"Look at her! She is copying everything you are doing." Rk points at little Sana, who is also brushing her on her own like how her momma brushing her hair by scooping the entire hair to one side.
"She is momma's girl. Come baby, momma will put ponytail."
"Mama, here.. here..." Sana asks her mother to make her stand on the tool before the dressing table so that she can see the mirror. Madhu tries to lift her up, when Rk comes running to her & stops her.
"No, Biwi. She is heavy for you. Don't forget you are pregnant." Rk warns her. Madhu rolls her eyes. Ever since the day, they came to know she was pregnant he was being tad over protective.
"Rishab, I can lift her. She is a small baby, okay?"
"Of course I know she is only 2 and half years old but it's still difficult for you to lift her."
"Daily, I carry her around while I feed her or put her to sleep on my shoulder. It's so normal." Madhu chides him & taking Sana in her arms, she walks out of the room. Rk wants to bang his head on the walls for not knowing how to handle his stubborn wife. May be once she starts showing up & gets heavy she will listen to him.
"Doctor, do you think I really have three babies in here?" Madhu asks frowning.
"Why you ask that?"
"Because, my belly is not that enormous right? Look at the lady, her stomach is also bulged out like mine."
"For your kind information, you are five months pregnant & she is 9 months pregnant. She will be soon delivering her baby & you have half way to go."
"Omg! I will grow even bigger?" she asks panicking. Rk nods.
"Come, Madhu. We will take your sonogram."
"Okay! How long it will take?"
"Less than an hour usually... but we have to check three right so it will take long."
"Uff..." Madhu shakes her head tiredly.
"Careful." Rk helps Madhu to lie on the table & pulls the hem of her kurta up exposing her stomach.
"You don't have assistance to do all this?" Madhu asks curiously.
"I do. But I sent the guy who reads the sonogram out."
"Possessive hun?" Madhu asks grinning. Rk smirks & adjusts the monitor for Madhu to see.
"God!" Madhu moans & falls back on the table.
"What? Did I hurt you?" Rk asks worriedly.
"No! I saw the three potatoes! I was hoping against hope that there was some mistake in the first sonogram as it was taken in the initial stage but now it's confirmed."
"When will you accept the fact that we are having three babies & they are not potatoes, for heaven sake!"
"Then tomatoes." Madhu amends. Rk shakes his head tiredly.
"How are they? Is everything alright with them?" Madhu asks now getting serious.
"Tell me? What you are looking for so long?" Madhu asks impatiently.
"Just keep quiet for two minutes, Madhu." Rk tells concentrating on the screen.
"Okay" Madhu agrees but within few seconds she starts talking again.
"We should have brought Sana with us. She would be so fascinated seeing all this."
"She won't understand a thing, Madhu."
"As if I understand everything? What you are curiously staring at? If you don't tell me then I won't cooperate with you. I will just get down & walk off." Madhu threats him.
"Oh! Tell me there is one Shaan among the three." Madhu asks. She wants one baby boy to name him Shaan.
"All the three are boys, dammit!" Rk says.
"You sound upset!" Madhu asks.
"I wished we would have one more baby girl... two girls & two boys... but here... all the three are boys."
"I should be the one worrying because male population is growing in our family."
"I was so confident at least one among the three will be a girl baby."
"Check again, Rishab. There must be one girl in here. How come all the three are boys?"
"I have checked twice. They are boys only!"
"How can you be so sure? We will wait till they come out."
"No! I am sure! They are so shamelessly showing their f**king evidence."
"Oh!" Madhu says & starts laughing.
"Girl babies are cute. Look at our Sana, she is such a darling angel."
"Our boys will also be cute, Rishab" Madhu smiles to cheer him up. Rk agrees & smiles. They are their babies... however they are both of them are gonna love their babies so why worry about the gender? Rk thoughts
"I hope they are healthy." Madhu tells him.
"They are doing well. You are fine too." Rk tell with a smile.
"Wait a minute" suddenly something struck her mind. "Oh God!"
"What, Madhu?"
"In these three who I will name Shaan?" Madhu asks as her eyes fills with tears.
"Whoever comes first you name him Shaan."
"Then what I will name the other two?"
"We will decide that later, biwi. Now don't cry." Rk says & kisses her eyes.
"I' will name all the three boys."
"Why? No, even I want to name them"
"No! You named Sana & I'll name these three."
"I will name one boy, Madhu" Rk asks.
"I'm carrying them so I will name them."
"I gave them to you."
"I know it's all because of you..." suddenly she starts crying.
"Hey!" Rk takes her hand & kiss the back of it.
"I asked you for one boy but you gave me three... it's your mistake... so I will name them all." Madhu tells stubbornly, as she sobs.
"Okay, fine. Now, stop crying & get up. We are done with the scanning." Rk agrees to her wish as he can't see her crying.
"Who will wipe off this cold gel?" Madhu asks him. Sighing Rk, cleans her belly with a tissue & pulls her top down & helps her get off the table.
"You know you are such a darling husband." Madhu grins & pulls Rk's cheeks.
Rk enters his room late night & finds his wife & baby girl sleeping. Sana has her head on her momma's arm, her hand hugging her momma's neck tightly & her leg over her momma's protruding belly. Rk takes a minute or two to admire the adorableness. He never doubted Madhu's love for Sana but he thought she might change a bit & give little more priorities to her own children but he was mistaken. Now, Rk can give assurance to himself that Madhu will never keep her own children over her Sana. Sana will never be Madhu's choice but her priority.
Rk, after freshening up, he slowly sneaks into the bed & gently takes Sana's leg from Madhu's stomach not wanting to hurt the little ones inside. Sana, quickly rolls on the bed & hugs her Papa's neck & throws her leg on Rk. Rk, chuckles & plants a soft kiss on her forehead. Then he leans up & kisses Madhu's forehead which makes her smile in her sleep. Then wishing good night to his five babies, he went to sleep.
"Rishab! Rishab!" Madhu shakes Rk gently.
"What? What's wrong?" Rk asks as he quickly switches on the bed side lamp.
"I don't know. I feel strange."
"Um... you know the fluid- filled with membranous sac, technically we call it as...as what?" she thinks.
"Amniotic sac" Rk tells her.
"Yeah right... Amniotic sac, which surround & cushion the babies are rupturing..."
"You mean to say your water broke?" Rk asks curtly.
"Yeah... Yeah..."
"Then why the hell you were struggling so hard to say the simple thing?"
"You are a gynecologist & I'm your wife so thought I should use some technical language to impress you" Madhu says cheekily. Rk rolls his eyes.
"Your craziness has no bounds, Madhu" Rk chuckles.
"Okay, now take me to the hospital, please"
"Yeah sure." Rk tells & helps Madhu to stand up.
"Is it paining?" he asks. She shakes her head in no.
"won't the babies come out?" Madhu asks.
"No, they will take some time. I guess you are not dilated yet. Only when women conceive for the second time their babies will come out soon after their water broke but not in your case..."
"Oh! So it's not going to be easy?" She asks dreading.
"Shall we cut down our f**king chit chat so that I can take you to hospital?" Rk asks politely.
"Yeah, okay"
"Mama, Papa..." Sana, suddenly sits up on the bed rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"Dammit! I forgot about her."
"We will take her with us, Rishab."
"No, Madhu, we will leave her to Mom & Dad. They can bring her once her brothers come out."
"Baby, You little brothers are coming out." Madhu informs Sana excitedly.
"Sana, darling, come here." Rk calls her. "Will you sleeping in dadi's room? Morning you can come to hospital to see your brothers." Rk gently tells her. Sana being an understanding kid agrees to what her papa has told her to do. After leaving Sana with her parents Rk takes Madhu to the hospital.
"Aaahhhahaahha... OMFG! It hurts!" Madhu shouts in pain.
"Relax, Madhu. It's all over." Rk coax her.
"Relax my foot! The pain is killing me dammit. I'm going to die!" Madhu shouts at him, piercing his ears.
"Don't shout. It will pain you more. Your stitches will open" Rk tells her. She had a C-Section as the three little devils refuse to come out naturally & she has just regained her consciousness.
"Give me some sleeping pills. I will sleep till the pain reduced."
"It will take days for the pain to ease & you want to sleep that long?" Rk asks.
"I shouldn't have married a gynecologist"
"Why? What's wrong in marrying me?"
"Because you know everything & you are telling me everything... can't you lie to me that within hours this pain will ease?"
"I don't lie."
"Then go die!"
"Mama!" Sana shrieks entering into the room with her grandparents.
Rk takes Sana from Mohan's hand & takes her to Madhu.
"Mama, you okay?" Sana asks worriedly seeing her mother lying on bed tiredly.
"Yes, Baby" Madhu smiles weakly.
"Where are my babies?" Sana asks.
"There!" Madhu points to the three crib lined beside her bed.
"Papa..." Sana puts her hands up for her papa to lift her so that she can see her little brother clearly. Rk obliges.
"OMG!" Sana cups her cheeks with her palms.
"Cute." Sana tells to her papa.
"Yes, Darling" Rk soundly kisses his baby girl.
"Papa... I wanna touch them"
"Sure" Rk takes her close to the crib & Sana gently touch her brother's cheek gently with her index finger.
"Oyii... he is so soft" Sana says. "What's his name Papa?" Sana asks.
"Shaan. Your first brother."
"Shaan" Sana calls him gently & he opens his eyes & looks at her sister once before going to sleep again.
"I thought he was Shaan" Madhu tells with a frown pointing to the other crib.
"I know who I took out first" Rk tells her.
"Okay. Then who I named Ishaan & who is Trishaan?" Madhu asks in confusion.
"This is Ishaan & that is Trishaan"
"All photocopies." Madhu chuckles & winces in pain.
"They all look like that pink...pink... soft.. um..." Sana tries but she couldn't get the name.
"Cotton candy?" Madhu makes a guess.
"Yeah! Babies look like cotton candy... so soft & pink" Sana smiles in glee
"I love them" Sana declares making Rk & Madhu smile happily.
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