torn apart-kid!withered!bonnie
"Welcome to freddy fazbear pizzeria! A magical place where kids and grown ups alike! Where fantasy and fun come to life!"
Where most of that is true it can be a great place in the day but at night it's terrible. At least that's what your friends Jeremy and Mike told you, you don't really work the night shift you work the day shift.
To be honest you didn't really like the animatronics new designs, you prefer the older models though, you can confirm that no one can really agree with you but that's ok. Not everyone can agree with each other.
You often help some of the workers to fix mangle or take a part from parts and service to fix the new animatronics.
It really hurts you actually.... you always spend your lunch break in the parts and service to be with the animatronics, yes you know that they are alive in some way.
Chica can't really talk well since her jaw is just dangling from wires, freddy is always sleeping during the day and foxy can hardly move from due to most of his parts are rusty and old.
Bonnie even though he has no face can manage to speak and even though he can't see he always knows your there, he always tells you about how much fun he had before everything became new.
The sockets where is eyes used to be glows red whenever he's awake, so he's always asleep most of the day.
Bonnie is just a sweet boy, he doesn't deserve to be taken apart and be just scrap metal.
Today was the same old same old you went to eat in the parts and service for your lunch break to see everyone but bonnie asleep, he waves his still attached arm and you smiled "hi bonnie" you said and sat down to eat when he stumbles to you trying not to trip over the others.
he sat beside you, he looked so down usually he's always so cheerful.
"What's wrong bonnie?" You asked the small child "it's so boring in here..." he spoke, you can understand he never leaves the parts and service at the day and at night he does the same old thing.
"Will I ever go back on stage again?" He asked you, you pat his head and ruffled his purple fur "I'm sure you will someday bonnie, you just need to be patient" you told him and his mood slightly brightens.
"Then I can get my arm and face back then I can finally play my guitar!" He stands up with a slight shout, there's the cheerful bonnie you where looking for! He jumps at you and wraps his arm around you in a hug "thank you for making me feel better (m/d)!" He said happily, he never called you (m/d) before...
Your eyes teared up, he thinks of you as his parent.
Bonnie can't see the tears so he doesn't know that your about to cry, you hugged him back with a smile "your welcome bonnie".
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