im lost-kid!grim! foxy
((Not a request but i recently played curse of dreadbear again and never did a grim foxy.
So here he is :3))
After a big breakup involving you and your ex you didnt exactly want to go anywhere for a while.
Even on halloween, your favorite time of the year.
Where all the spooks come out to play,the candy, the pumpkin spice flavored everything, jack-o lanterns,the candy, horror movies, dressing up, the decorations, THE CANDY, And the most important of all, fallfest.
Fallfest is a big deal in your town, its where you get pumpkins if you wait last minute on making jack-o lanterns, games to play to compete for a grand prize,a haunted house, theres also a hay ride, and a big cornmaze.
You go there every year for as long as you can remember.
But after what happened you couldn't bring yourself to go this year.....that is after a conversation in your friends group chat.
You and 3 other friends are currently in a group chat and one of them(( "f/n 1-3" )) asked on when you all should go, it usually lasts a week till November 1st and your friends have really crazy schedules.
When you told them that you are not going this year and then there was no reply for hours.
And suddenly your bedroom door swings open.
"(Y/n)! Get up and get dressed we are going!" (F/n) 1 said, followed by (f/n) 2 and (f/n) 3. forgot you told them where the spare key was.
You groaned loudly and covered your face with a pillow "cant i just drown in my chocolates and romantic comedies instead!?!?!" You screamed into the pillow, (f/n) 3 gave a exasperated gasp and put a hand on their chest like they are offended "you!? Want to watch romantic comedies instead of every horror movie that exists!?!?!?!" They yelled shocked, then (f/n) 2 follows "you always go to fallfest this is unlike you".
They where right it is unlike you, but this was the worst breakup you ever had...the pillow on your face got yanked off and was thrown across the room "ok thats enough, you dont need (ex)! You are a strong and independent (woman/man) who dont need to be sheading tears over a cheater! We are going to fallfest and then head to the movies to watch nightmare on elm street!!! Now cmon and get dressed!" Yelled (f/n) 1 full of determination and confidence.
You groan a "fine" and get up from your bed, realizing that its no use to change their minds.
When your friends leave the room you start getting dressed, fixed your hair, and put on some halloween themed jewelry. Picking up your essentials such as your keys and wallet, you head out of your house to meet up with your friends outside, huddled up in the car and you all head off to fallfest.
Once you all arrived you immediately smell caramel apples and pumpkin and seen people dressed up to fit the halloween spirit,
Somehow the familiarity of the atmosphere had made you feel a little better.
You and your 3 friends got out of the car and head off to play games and explore the haunted house, getting many scares and laughs along the way.
You immediately forgot about your troubles and felt so overjoyed, you thanked your amazing friends for dragging you here.
Once all the games was played and the haunted house was explored you all went to your most favorite part of fallfest, the corn maze.
You and your friends has this mini competition, one friend goes in at a time to see how long it takes for them to exit the maze. The prize is to pick a horror movie to see in the theaters at the end of the night,
Drawing a name from a hat that friend 3 set up you where the one to go 1st. Filled with determination and confidence you stride to the beginning of the maze as your friends jokingly said to watch for any monsters and good lucks.
You walked in the maze and minutes later you become lost, for being a corn maze there is to few people here. As you have never ran into other people inside the maze when you walked in, only cardboard cutouts where you put your face in to take funny pictures.
You dont know if you are walking in circles or if this maze is bigger then you realize, you kept walking running into dead ends every now and then.
Within a few more minutes you kept hearing noises, such as footsteps and crackling of fire yet you dont see anyone or even light from a fire. You assume its from some speaker to give atmosphere somewhere and a person was walking in the other side of the wall of corn.
"Dum dum dee dum dum" a small voice said, its almost robotic sounding and very close. Looking around you try to find a speaker but see nothing but corn in every direction, you begin to think your just hearing things.
Until you started to notice your shadow...and its starting to get taller and taller like a light formed behind you and its getting closer, getting a little startled you turned around to see a small animatronic fox with a big hook for its right hand, its body was covered in flames yet it still moves and works like a normal robot, its almost up to your knees its so small, and it stares at you with glowing eyes.
You had to many questions and emotions going through you. Mainly fear and curiosity, whatever it was it is not acting hostile more like a lost child looking for his mom or dad.
Glowing tears start to run down its little face making sizzling noise as it makes contact with the flames, it says nothing but small hiccups as it cries a bit "h-hey hey dont cry" you said to try and comfort it, not getting much closer because of the fire. You get more relaxed and having a feeling of making the small robot fox safe and happy like a parent would.
"Are you lost?" You said in a much calmer voice, he nods his head as more glowing tears run "i-im scared..." He finally spoke you recognize it as that small singing voice you heard moments ago. You get a small bit closer but the heat of the flames still makes you keep a distance "cmon ill help you out of this maze" you said soothingly, he wipes his glowing tears with the leftover fur of his arm.
As you started to walk the little robot trails behind you pretty quickly, not at all losing sight of you.
"Don't leave me alone here..." He said quietly, you think about taking him home to care for if he had no one....
After several minutes you both made it out of the maze, followed by freakouts of your friends and a long explanation you had to give them.
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