flashlights!-balloon boy
Night 3.
Jeremy and Mike had been freaking out now that balloon boy is more active then night 2, he's gonna come and get their flashlights then they won't know if any of the animatronics are in the vents or down the hall.
You didn't mind balloon boy doing such things, he can be a mischievous child sometimes. For some reason he just loves flashlights, that and he loves to freak the night guards out by taking the flashlights. You gotta admit though it's pretty funny 😂
Especially when Mike is just practically throwing stuff around yelling "we are fucked!" And Jeremy is crying in the corner.
"Mom what does that mean?" He always asked you every time Mike swears, you keep telling him they are bad words.
Balloon boy crawled through the vents to get the flashlight while toy Chica sticks around waiting for bb to come back so she can have a attempt at going in the office, toy freddy was already in the hall so she can't go there.
You assumed that bb succeeds in getting the flashlights cuz you heard the screaming and colorful string of curse words from the office. Bb crawls back through the vent and waves the flashlight around "I did it (m/d)!" He cheered "that's great bb!" You smiled.
Luckily as soon as bb got the flashlight it chimed 6 and Mike ran out of the office and out the front door like he was superman, Jeremy did the same but he was a bit slower.
Bb let out laughter as he just played around with the flashlight and you yawn.
Working the day shift and being here till 6 to watch your son is so tiring...
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