kid!cartoon cat
((Just like siren head and skitzo i didnt know where to put this so im just making a one shot here even if they technically aint creepypastas.
If this and the siren head one shot goes well i will probably make a book about it. So for now its going to be a one shot here))
((Siren head and cartoon cat belongs to trevor Henderson))
((P.s: cartoon cat is actually my favorite 😊))
Note: ((S/O)) = significant other
"So what are we doing again?" Your (s/o) asked as they parked the car in a empty parking lot full of overgrown plants and bits of trash "i told you i saw a cat and wanted to feed it. It looked so hungry" you said to them, a bowl of home made cat food in your hands "well ya but why couldnt we just call animal control? They could just take it to a shelter so it can eat" They asked, you look at them straight in the eyes "because i said no" you said before exiting the car.
(S/o) looked confused, they knew you love cats and other animals but they didnt think you would go in a old abandoned mall for a cat. The place looked like it could collapse any second, covered in vines and the paint and outside signs are faded. It looked like it was built in the 20s by how old it looks, they get out the car and locked it as they see you walking to the building not stopping at all "babe wait for me!" (S/o) shouted and goes after you.
Getting inside wasnt so hard. Glass parts of the doors where shattered and the locks are to old to stay locked.
You walked in 1st looking around the dark hall and partly empty displays.
(S/o) walked in and stepped on a big chunk of glass that cut the side of their foot, they shouldn't have worn flip flops...
"Ow son of a bitch!" They yelped in pain and you swiftly turned around and shushed them "you'll scare the cat" you said as you turn back around and walk ahead.
(S/o) was to busy with their bleeding foot they didnt notice you left until a few seconds later they looked around to notice you had disappeared "(y/n)?"
You wandered off from your (bf/gf) to find the cat, clenching the bowl of cat food in your hands as you venture farther in the abandoned mall to find it.
It wasn't the 1st time you saw this cat, you always come every day to feed it and give it water sometimes even give it toys or blankets when its cold. Your (bf/gf) never knew of this till today of course...
You would have taken it home but your stupid land lord does not want pets in your apartment, that makes you so is more then a pet to you.
Stopping at your tracks you hear a mannequin fall over, almost gave you a fright. "Hey buddy" you said calmly, knowing he is there.
"I brought your favorite today" you smiled and set it down in front of you and took some steps back, a figure comes out of the shadows as it proceeds to come closer and pick up the bowl with gloved hands, purring in delight as it begins to eat.
"(Y/n)!?" (S/o) calls as they look for you in the dark, they where terrified on what wouldve happened to you. Theres no telling whats in here, could be wild animals with rabies or homeless people or drug addicts. With how the world is these days it can be anything.
"Babe this isn't funny! Come out lets just go home!" They called again, starting to slow down as they hear the sound of crunching, like bones being chewed on by a dog.
Fearing the worst they peaked around the corner to where the sound is coming from.
There you stand staring at
It may resemble a cat but its not, its nearly 7'5 with human like hands with gloves on, it has this super wide grin almost unnatural looking...and the eyes. They look almost completely black with the look of murder in them.
Its like a real life 1920s cartoon character.
"Im glad your doing good buddy" you said sweetly like nothing is wrong and reaches up to scratch the back of the monsters ear, it makes a sound of a demonic like purr is the best as they can discribe it.
They stood there frozen, what can they do? It seems harmless around you but... They dont understand. How can a monster like that exist?
"Tomorrow's your birthday huh?" You asked the cat, it nods happily as its grin gets bigger "then ill make something special for my 8 year old boy!" You said with a smile and gave the cat more pets behind the ears.
(S/o) was scared and confused... They began to back up never looking away from scene as they accidentally kicked a cat toy, making a slight jingle sound.
They can see the cats head snap in their direction with a sickening crack, like it jerked their head so quickly it snapped its own neck.
(S/o) can see its eyes staring into their soul with hunger in its eyes, they wanted to run but they cant move like they are paralysed.
"Don't worry bud its nothing to worry about" you said as you pet the cat again "why dont we play later? I need to do some things 1st" you continue, it looks away from (s/o) to look at you with its ears tucked back sadly "aaw its ok ill come back tomorrow dont worry" you said sweetly, (s/o) finally had the courage to make a break for it and dash out the building and into their car.
Do they leave? Do they wait for you? They didnt have long to think about what to do before you are suddenly in the car, it was complete silence between you both.
(S/o) had so many questions...
"Look... I know what you saw was..strange but i swear hes completely harmless" you spoke after a long brief of silence "babe...i..." (S/o) was cut short when they saw the eyes again, watching them through a broken window.
"Hes just watching us leave. Its ok" you said "just start the car and lets go home" you continue, with a nervous nod (s/o) started the car and left the parking lot.
Later that night you and your (s/o) talked about the mysterious cat, saying you had raised him for almost 6 years and hes only a kitten, you call him bud or buddy as he never responded to any other name you tried to call him, and that he can speak but not a whole lot.
(S/o) and you had a argument, fear and confusion and anger driving you both crazy.
They said they wanted to break up with you, they wouldnt want to be near a crazy person who spends time with monsters and you couldn't see how monstrous it really is.
You forced them to sleep on the couch till in the morning where they can pack their things to leave....
But them staying was the worst mistake they had ever made.
For when they finally went to sleep you snuck in the kitchen to grab the biggest knife you had...
"Happy birthday buddy!" You said happily as you set a big bowl of your home made cat food for the cat to eat.
"Make sure you chew the bones properly we wouldnt want you to choke" you smiled at the cat as they begin to eat his meal... Crushed bones and ground up human flesh. His favorite.
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