mia~ (4months)
father~ Dalton
liked by kendalljenner, daltongomez and 14,460,045 others
arianagrande mia Julianne grande butera
comments 368,478
kyliejenner such a cutie, stormi cannot wait to meet her🤍🤍
arianagrande 👩❤️💋👩 mia is excited too, i'll be over next week🤍
courtneychipolone my cute niece🥺i'm coming over💃🏻
victoriamonet watch out i'm behind you on my way to see MY neice👩❤️💋👩
arianagrande y'all stfu and also bring some chips🤗
1426 more replies
wolfiecindy i want her;)
kimkardashion come over soon! bring me mimis😊💞💞
comment liked by arianagrande
daltongomez tiny baby
arianagrande yup
kendalljenner i'm coming over, i miss her
arianagrande babes. you saw her yesterday. but come over for dinner i'll text u.
"there were go baby" i say as i put mia down in her crib. smiling at the tiny sight in front of me.
so fucking cute.
i admire her beauty for 5 more minutes before walking out of my bedroom.
You see i'm too scared to leave her in her nursery alone for too long. she has always been in my room either sleeping in her crib or on my chest.
my therapist says this might be causing separation anxiety but i think we will be okay. well she will.
i made my way to the kitchen grabbing some ingredients for dinner. Dalton is coming home at 5pm tonight and i have some very exciting news to tell him. i hope he will be as excited as me.
Just as i finished putting the plates on the table the front door opened and Dalton appeared.
"hey baby, how's it going." he speaks putting his bag down hugging and kissing my forehead.
"all good, i put mia down for a nap 2 hours ago. do you mind waking her up and bringing her down. dinner is ready" i kissed his cheek. He smiled and nodded turning around
Daltons pov
i make my way upstairs following the orders come my wife. for the past two months ariana would never leave the house without mia. i was starting to get worried for ariana. if she keeps this up both of them are going to have a lot of separation anxiety and it will effect her job and mia's social life.
walking into mias room i noticed she was already up and curious. this baby loves the world so much.
"hello sweetheart" i cooed as i picked her up out of her crib. she smiled with her gums replying to my words.
"momma wants to see you so we can go eat." i speak softly kissing her forehead gently, making my way out of the door.
she makes her baby noises as she explores the room as if she's never been in here before.
Ariana was finishing up with the food as I walked over to the couch with mimi waiting for our guests to arrive.
mia looked like she was about to fall asleep and i smiled.
arianas pov.
Dalton and I thought it would be nice to have some guests over tonight especially for mia. she loves human interactions. i don't think she's ever hated anyone. my pure baby.
we had invited 6 guests which were; kendall, kylie, gigi, bella, Zayn and harry. Kylie and gigi are bringing their little creations so mimi won't be alone. mia has met khai before. they had their birthdays together since they are only a couple days apart.
"daltyyy" i whined wanting to hold my baby. i had just finished up everything and was ready to relax until the guests got here. "over here babe" he called from the living room. i walked over in front of him sticking my arms up for him to pass sleepy mia to me. he smiled slowing handing me her.
"she's so pure babe." i smile tearing up. he got up putting his hand around my waist. "we really made a beautiful child didn't we?" he smiled. i nodded searching ever inch on my daughter.
2 minutes later there were knocks heard at the door. me and dalton connected our hands before making our way to the door.
Dalton opened the door since i had no hands free with mia in my arms. when the door was fully open i could see all of our guest here at once. they must of travelled here together.
"hey guys, come on in." i smiled stepping away from the door. Kendall instantly came in and pulled me into a small hug making sure not to squeeze mia. she gave dalton a side hug before pulling her attention to mia.
"hi baby girl." she cooed to mia. i smiled. assuming she wanted to hold her i handed her the now awake smiley mia in my arms.
"your so cute" she cooed once again. Mia absolutely adored Kendall. i've always had a feeling since i was pregnant. her mood would change when kendall would be near me and everything. which is why i made her the godmother.
i turned my attention to the other guests leaving kendall with mia. i made my way to kylie and bella as they were comign to me also.
"hey cutieees" i giggled pulling both of them into a hug. "i missed you so much" bella smiled. "girl you saw me three days ago." i laughed tucking a strand of my hair away. "and?" she says more serious. we all laugh. "so how's stormi doing ky?" i ask kylie. my is my nickname for her, it's the cutest. "she's such a troublemaker, she's all sweet then suddenly she's spilling all my makeup" she laughed. i hope mia doesn't act like that. our conversation continued for a bit before i wanted to say hi to gigi.
i walked over to her and hugged her from behind. "oh shi- sorry but oh my you scared me" she chuckles adjusting khai in her arms. i stick my lips out at the sight of the baby. she's so pretty. "i missed both of you cuties." i smile looking at the both. they look so alike.
"ari you literally look so hot right now." gigi compliments as she looks me up and down. i shrug. "says you, model" i speak with sass. she laughs at my joke before starting another conversation.
Khai had been in my arms for a bit since gig handed her to me, i missed her too much. "ari where is mimi, i want to hold her." gigi asks impatiently. i think to myself before remembering. "ah shes with the rest of the crew, i think the girls are taking turns to hold her, i'll rhe them it's your turn now." i respond her her question. she nods and we walk over to the group.
"bella it's my turn." gigi speed walks to bella who had a up and curios mia in her arms.
i wanted her to myself.
"fine" bella gives in, standing up and gently handing her to gigi. "hello munchkin." gigi cooed "how's my other favourite baby girl?"
i giggled to myself before sitting down with everyone else.
4 hours have passed by and our guest just left. i finally had mia to myself.
"baby could you get me her pacifier?" i called to dalton. "yeah one sec."
he soon comes down with mia's pacifier and hands it to me. i gently put it in her mouth and she spit it right out.
sassy ass.
"bub you just wanted it though?" mia looks up at me with hungry eyes. great now i have to breastfeed her with my sore ass boobs.
"well she wants milk ari" dalton chuckles grabbing the pacifier and putting it on the counter.
"yeah yeah." i say adjusting mia's mouth around my nipple. she looked up at me with wide eyes. she always did this. never would she break eye contact, it was cute.
i slightly smiled at her as she continued sucking. Dalton came over beside me turning on the TV as he was complaining about wanting to watch friends all day.
"remind me never to get pregnant again." i tell dalton 10 minutes into the episode. he looks over at me with a questioning look. "okay, what did mia do wrong?".
"oh nothing actually, i just love her to much to let any other child come into my life." i smile. it's true though, she was the best possible thing that could have ever happened to me. "i guess we're on the same page then." dalton smiles.
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