i like girls
millie is 15 in this btw!!<3
age- 14
father- dalton
"coming momma" i groaned rolling off of my bed. Putting my messy curls into a ponytail.
I don't know why i have to get up so early on a weekend. I just want to sleep in.
I made my way downstairs to find my mom cook king breakfast and my dad doing something with 4 of the dogs, making them extremely excited.
"morning baby what do you want for breakfast?" my mom walks over to me kissing my cheek.
"mm cani have berries please?" i smiled at her taking a seat on the chair.
"of course bubba." she goes into the fridge taking out all the berries i usually have.
"you have to film today mimi." she reminds me. Cutting strawberries the way i like them.
I groan laying my head on the counter. "but mom i've been working non-stop may i pleaseeeeeee have a break." i whined looking up at her, meeting her eyes.
she looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "no babe today is important, and if you really want to skip i'll let you tomorrow okay?"
I huffed finally giving in.
"eat up you gotta leave in a hour." she hands my my berries kissing my check before walking over to dad and Lily.
I quickly stuff the berries in my mouth , rinsing my plate as i sprint up the stairs to get ready.
I'm usually well ALWAYS late which my mom is up my ass for so that's why i'm rushing.
I have to film for Stranger Things season 4 today and i'm excited but my tiredness is telling me not to go.
The only reason i have motivation is because i get to see millie. My best friend.
we hated each other's guts when we first met but started actually liking each other at the start of filming season 3.
Im just keeping the biggest secret from her. From everyone actually.
I have feelings for her.
Yes as horrible as that is i can't stop it.
I'm scared. If my mom doesn't support me then i have no one. well i have my dad but he always agrees with my mom on everything. our dogs don't understand shit so that's good.
But if millie knows..I, i just don't know what to tell her. she's going to hate me.
what if she doesn't like girls?
We JUST started this friendship and i'm going to ruin it from a stupid crush.
This is why it's a secret.
I rush to the bathroom to see my face red and puffy. i didn't even realize i was crying.
"mimi we have to— oh no baby what happend? are you okay?" my mom rushes in the bathroom.
I quickly wipe my eyes and turn around. "oh— uh nothing momma i'm fine, can we go now?" i try getting out the door.
"sweets we have a mirror in here. Come on let's go in my room and talk m?" she takes my hand gently taking me to her and dads bedroom.
I hesitantly sit on the edge of her bed trying to think of what excuse to say.
She can't know.
"Mom i'm fine please can we go." i beg trying to get away from this situation. She looks me in the eyes.
"There is obviously something wrong mia. you can tell me i promise. I'm your mother and you know i love you so what's the matter bubs?" She sits beside me crisscross, taking my hands for comfort.
"momma i, i can't i'm sorry." my voice cracks as i try to hold back my tears.
I never knew it was Actually this hard to say out loud.
i've never said it out loud to myself.
i'm just so scared.
my mom is my bestfriend and if she doesn't support me i won't have one anymore.
I just hope she loves me after this.
"baby girl your my first daughter. You can tell me. Please your going to make me cry." She begs. i can see her eyes watering.
if only she knew.
"mommy.." tears drop from my eyes.
this is it. It is actually it.
i wasn't ready. Not today at least.
"baby please.." She was crying now.
i choked back my tears. My mom pulled me into her arms i as i started sobbing.
"shhh mia it's okay. i love you tell me what is wrong please. i hate seeing you cry." She kisses my forehead over and over as comfort.
i stay silent.
i feel her get inpatient but just wants to comfort me.
"mimi.." i she trails off.
i hear sniffles that aren't mine.
my mom. she was now crying a lot.
i didn't want to make her cry more if i told her.
she would be so disappointed.
so would my dad.
he wouldn't love me anymore.
These thoughts just make me cry harder and harder.
my sobbing got so loud my dad came in.
"holy shit what is going on." he rushes over to mom and I.
"d-dalton i don't fucking know, please help me." ariana cries as she looks down at me.
I couldn't look at them.
They just wouldn't understand.
I know i'm being dramatic but It's just so hard.
Every time i'm asked about crushes by ANYONE is always 'do you have a boyfriend?' 'any boy crushes yet mimi?' why not anything about girls?
The world would be so disappointed in me right now.
No one realizes how hard it actually is. To be in a world where you have to be scared to like who you like, to be who you are.
it's so upsetting that i have to think about this.
i cant even tell my mom. she my best friend and i have all of these thoughts on how she would hate me and wouldn't love me anymore.
i cant even convince myself to think that she would be proud of me.
I know she won't.
i've never heard her talk about Lgbtq before.
she doesn't bring up all of the things happening in the world around me because she knows i hate it.
"hey hey hey, mia calm down everything is going to be alright okay? please tell us what's the matter so we can help you." Dad bends down rubbing my arm trying to get it out of me.
"n-no YOU CANT HELP ME. EVERYTHING IS RUINED, YOU WILL HATE ME." i screamed into my moms chest as i continued sobbing.
why is it so hard to just fucking say it?!
"sweetheart why would we ever hate you?.."Dad kisses my forehead as him and ariana exchange looks.
i know they want me to be happy but they need to know what's going on.
"baby girl please" mom begged as she kept whispering 'please' under her breath.
"YOU WONT L-LOVE ME" i cried louder, grabbing onto my moms shirt.
"why do you say that mia, we love you forever no matter what okay? just tell us please, all we want is for you to be happy now please bubby." her voice cracks as she tries to convince me.
"mommy.. daddy i—i like girls"
right as I said it i broke down again.
My ears were ringing and i was shaking. i didn't know what to do.
how will them respond?
why are they so quiet?
did i go deaf?
my thoughts are cut off my dad joining the hug.
well it wasn't a hug in the first place but who cares.
"oh baby.." I could feel my moms body relief as if she didn't hear bad news.
"that's okay mia, me and your dad love you so fucking much. i cant even explain how much we love you. No matter who you love we will always be here by your side. You are so brave for telling us this baby. i'm so proud of you."she smiles kissing my cheek, looking at dalton who was agreeing.
"your mom is right mimi, there is nothing in this world that would stop our love for you. I'm very proud of you." my dad rubs my back.
i can feel my crying slow down as my body stops shaking.
this is such good news.
"i—i'm sorry i'm so dramatic." i put my head in my hands in embarrassment.
"no no no bubs your not dramatic. You did your best, i know it's so hard to do this and i think you did such an amazing job okay?" she reassures me hugging me tighter.
"thank you guys, i love you too." i smile taking my face out of my hands.
I knew i looked like a mess but i didn't care.
"wanna stay home today? so we can calm down and relax, we will have a family day." My dad asks me, also mom incase she wants me to go film still.
i can see mom smile and nod as a yes to dalton that it's okay for this.
"yes please." i giggle getting up from my moms lap to hug my dad.
she wraps his arms around me kissing my forehead.
i turn to mom knowing she wants a hug too.
i wrap my arms around her neck whispering a quick thank you in her ear.
"i love you mia, so much." she tells me.
"i love you too momma." i kiss her cheek smiling.
"now let's have a fun lazy day yeah?" my mom laughs rubbing my back.
i smile.
Turns out they accept me.
i'm so grateful.
this took an hour and a half to make. Full of tears and everything.
please dm me if you need to talk about ANYTHING!! i love you and i'm proud of you<33 i'll update again soon babies:)
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