☺️✌🏽 i'm back guys<3 sorry for not updating btw i had no ideas and this one is trash sooo sorry lol
and if you don't know what this child looks like here is who i'm using! she's literally a mini ari so it's just for reference<3
anyways on with the story
father- Dalton
age- 3
"hey baby it's time to wake up" i shook my 3 year old daughter awake gently. she whined slightly mumbling something inaudible.
I chuckle quietly. She definitely wasn't a morning person.
"baby it's time for breakfast, let's make you some pancakes with berries hm?" i smiled picking her up slowly as i know she wouldn't get up herself.
she slowly attaches her arms around my neck gently, hiding the her face in the crook of my neck.
i smile to myself and make my way downstairs to the kitchen.
i set down mia on the counter away from the edge so she doesn't fall off. since she loves watching me cook i place her there until it's time to eat.
I take out the pancake mix along with every other ingredient i need and start making them into heart shapes.
i glance back at my daughter who has laid down on her stomach half awake watching me cook.
i smile slightly going back to what i was doing.
"hey silly whatcha doin." I walked over to my daughter who was spinning in circles a giggling mess.
"i play mommy" she giggles spinning over to me giving me a big hug.
"want to go meet new people?" i questioned as i sat her on the couch.
she gives me a weird look but nods her head. i smile. "okay let's go put your shoes on.
i pick her up and quickly put her shoes on.
today i was overly excited for mia to meet some of my new friends. I usually don't like letting her meet other celebrities because of paparazzi but i think it's time for a change.
I picked up a bag with all of mia's toys and things that i packed a day prior and walked out of the front door into the car.
She was still kind of out of it since she's not used to waking up early.
i figured leaving early would be easier so not much paparazzi will be around.
I gently put mia down in her car seat, buckling her up before making my way to the driver seat.
"momma?" mia whispers, waking up from her 10 minute nap. I hmm gesturing for her to go on.
"flower?" she smiles. i glance back at her confused.
"what about flowers love?" i question, wanting more information on this child's vocabulary.
"get flower" she says a bit louder. I open my mouth in a O shape realizing what she wants.
"you want to go get a flower for lily yeah?" i repeat making sure she means what i said.
earlier i had told her we were going to Lily Rose Depps and she is super excited.
I had just recently started talking to lily. She is the sweetest human and i just know her and mia will get along.
Lily had informed me she baby proofed her house for when she over since she is probably gonna have mia over a lot. it's adorable
"mm yes mommy. we get her lilly flowers" she giggles bouncing her her seat in excitement. i chuckle quietly, she's so adorable.
"okay babe, you gotta pick the flower out." I smile looking at her through the mirror.
she nods her head smiling before looking outside.
I set my GPS up to the closet flower store and i make my way there.
I end up parking the car a bit away from the flower store by accident so it might be a bit of a walk.
i unbuckle mia from her seat and place her on her feet.
i take ahold of her hand before walking over to the store.
about 5 minutes later we were at the doors of the store.
"what kind of flowers do you want to get mamas." i ask mia as she is walking ahead of my checking out all of the flowers.
"i dunno mommy." she smiles looking back at me. i roll my eyes playfully before taking her hand over to more flowers.
"this!" mia quietly shouts in excitement, pointing at the small batch of lilies in the corner.
I smile at her choice, walking over to flowers and grabbing them.
i give the small batch to her to told telling her to hold them at the bottom only.
we go to the front desk and i pay for them.
"come mommy" mia say sweetly dragging me to the door of lily's house.
I'm usually the the one dragging her.
"here baby hold the flowers."I hand her the flowers gently trying not to rip any of them and ring the door bell button.
moments later we heard the lock on the door unlock. the door slowly opens revealing Lily and timothy.
"cutie!" lily exclaims as she looks down at mia holding the flowers.
mia smiles holding the flowers to lily any timmy as if she has met them before.
"thank you lovey." lily smiles bending down to hug her.
me and timothy greet eachother starting a small convo as lily and mia do their thing
"hi lilies" mia smiles cutely. Lily stickers out her bottom lip out of awe and kisses mia cheek.
"hello pretty, you wanna say hi to timmy?" lily gestures towards timothy as he looks over hearing his name.
"hii" mia exclaims waddling over and giving him a hug.
"well hello sweets" timothy bends down hugging back.
i smile going over to hug lily.
"oh my god ari, she's my favourite thing in the world already." lily smiles obviously still in so much awe.
"she literally made me stop by to get u flowers and when i tell u i died of awe, she was so excited." i tell her letting go of the hug.
"ughhhh i want to keep her" she laughs pulling me inside.
the rest of the day mia was bonding amazingly with lily and timothy and we made sure to come by every week.
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