chapter 14
❝she loves domain expansion❞
"are you supposed to be mount fuji?", marri questioned, tilting her head to the side as no matter how she looked at the curse, he seemed like the said mountain.
"for the last time, I'M A VOLCANO AND MY NAME IS JŌGO!!"
"wow! our last name is almost the same, and other than s'kuna, you're the only other curse that I've met that can talk!!", marri exclaimed, happily following jōgo around as the curse just sighed.
"don't you understand your situation right now? I'm taking you hostage!"
indeed, marri had gotten separated from satoru when the male decided to go to a public restroom and asked for the little girl to wait outside like usual.
and of course marri waited, but then she got distracted because she saw this volcanic curse walk out from a restaurant that had burning people in it.
so obviously marri had to follow the curse to ask what's up.
"so I've been wondering, why are your teeth black? no offense or anything, but is it because you don't have toothpaste and a toothbrush? I can always ask papa to buy you some", marri offered, sitting on an open field, waiting for her father to find her.
jōgo wondered why humans were so annoying, especially kids.
"so can you like erupt from your head or something?", marri asked, picking the flowers around her as she watched the curse scrunch up his face.
"when's your father coming?! what the hell is taking him so damn long?!"
"who knows. did you leave a note for him or tell him that you kidnapped her daughter?", marri asked, shrugging her shoulders.
jōgo facepalmed.
"no, no I didn't".
"why not?"
"BECAUSE I DIDN'T THINK GOJŌ SATORU'S KID WOULD FIND ME AND FOLLOW ME NONSTOP!", jōgo huffed, the tip of his head seemingly near explosion.
"so have you met s'kuna before?", marri asked.
jōgo quite literally had lava combust out of his ears and volcanic head.
the curse deeply breathed in and out as he calmed himself down, telling himself that he at least needed to wait until satoru was here to kill the child.
"no, no I haven't", jōgo calmly responded.
"ah, well you definitely should. he can talk too", marri stated.
"I'd rather not", jōgo stated.
"why not? he's not really scary. I mean...he's a little mean, but—OH HI PAPA!!", marri waved, seeing satoru casually walk over as jōgo flinched.
"gojō satoru! if you wish for your daughter to—"
"hime, you can't just run away like you always do! I was worried", satoru pouted, sighing as his hands were on his hips.
"but look at what I found papa!! this one can talk too, and his name is like ours. it's JŌGO!!", marri exclaimed.
"ohhhh!! thank you for taking care of my daughter. I'll be taking her now", satoru waved as an irk mark appeared on jōgo's forehead.
"huh? do you need someth—"
immediately jōgo had sent out a wave of exploding insects, to which he had scoffed when he saw nothing but dust.
"was that supposed to do something?", satoru innocently asked, standing right behind the curse with marri sitting on his shoulders.
"I think mr. jōgo wants to play with us papa", marri smiled, clapping her hands as satoru chuckled.
"is that so? would you like to come over for a cup of tea or something?"
"shut up and die!", jōgo huffed as he hastily blasted a stream of fire at the two gojōs, finally huffing as he assumed that they were dead.
unfortunately, that was not the case.
"how are you both not—"
"you see, I have a precise manipulation of space at an atomic level", satoru smiled. "come touch my hand...hora hora...hora horaaaa~"
jōgo awkwardly stepped forward as he realized that indeed there was a short distance between both their hands.
the man then suddenly realized that marri was now sitting by the sidelines, watching as she pretended to have on binoculars by making two circles with her hands.
"we could just shake hands like this, you know?", satoru smiled as he gripped onto jōgo's hand and punched him harshly in the stomach — multiple times.
"GAMBARE, MR. JŌGO!!", marri cheered.
the curse choked as satoru activated his cursed technique reversal: red — which fired away the curse miles away, making marri sigh as she had to run to catch up and watch the show.
before satoru continued beating the shit out of jōgo, he brought itadori, who marri was elated to see as that had meant that sukuna was somewhat present there too.
"ah! marri! what are you doing here?", itadori asked as the little girl hopped up and down, wanting to be carried.
"so papa was going to the restroom and I was following this curse and here were are! anyways where's s'kuna? S'KUNA?! ARE YOU SEEING THIS?! I think mr. jōgo may be stronger than you", marri stated, crawling up on itadori's shoulders as an irritated mouth and eye had popped out from the boy's face.
"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME BRAT! I'M GOING TO ENJOY SWALLOWING UP THAT SMUG FACE OF YOURS!", jōgo exploded, as satoru had declared him as weak.
"see! he's calling you weak, s'kuna!", marri stated.
"marri, I don't think—"
"domain expansion: coffin of the iron mountain!"
immediately, the four were trapped, with walls of firing hot lava and a floor of bustling fire.
"tch! my domain expansion is cooler", sukuna scoffed.
immediately satoru replaced the curse's domain with his very own.
"domain expansion: unlimited void".
"I bet it's not cooler than papa's. I mean look at all these colors!!", marri cheered, clapping as itadori had no idea what the hell was going on.
"got any last words?", satoru grinned, to which jōgo had hesitantly turned around.
"papa, can we keep him? OH MY GOD!! WE COULD HAVE SLEEPOVERS AND TALK ABOUT THE OTHER CURSES!!", marri excitedly squealed.
"I'd rather die than do that", jōgo lowly muttered.
satoru sighed as he deactivated his domain, waving his hands as he motioned for jōgo to leave.
"huh? what are you—"
"it's time for dinner, princess", satoru stated.
"SUSHI! SUSHI! SUSHI!", marri cheered, meanwhile itadori struggled to keep the girl from not falling.
"bye bye, mr. jōgo!! don't burn anymore people and thank you for being my second curse friend! JA NE~", marri laughed, causing the curse to be even more confused.
"what the hell just happened?"
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