2(20) Pro-Pervert?
Three days ago, one of the most notorious villains around was seen being pulled out of the rubble unconscious. Dabi was covered in blood and his limbs were contorted until it looked like he was some rag doll. But alas, he still had a pulse.
Katsuki hated the fact that only one of the two got caught, but he would take what he could get. Besides, if Tomura was caught, who knows what that would do to Izuku, and Katsuki can't hurt him anymore right now. If Tomura was the only person close to Izuku right now, he couldn't hope to take that away from him. Still, a villain got away.
"Dad, you're going to run that red light." Demako's little voice pipes up from the passenger seat. Katsuki quickly brakes and shakes his head.
"Sorry, Hisu-" He stops himself. "I've just got a lot on my mind."
The little boy reaches over and hugs his dad's arm. "I guess now we've both been kidnapped by villains!" He laughs and brings a smile to Katsuki's face. "You smiled!" His small hands make their way up to Katsuki's face, mushing around his cheeks.
"Get off me you little runt before I crash the car." The smile not fading from his face. The two alphas pleasant in each other's company. Parking the car, they get out and walk up to the little ice cream truck. "What kind of ice cream am I getting for you?"
"Birthday Cake with sprinkles!" Demako sits at one of the little picnic tables stationed around it. "Don't forget the cherry!" He giggles, his green eyes shimmering in the sunlight.
Katsuki walks over to the parlor, a small smile eeking its way across his face. "One scoop of caramel in a cup, and one scoop of birthday cake on a cone, please." He looks over at the attendant who's frozen. No, not frozen with ice, but without motion. "Excuse me, I'm not a very patient person, don't make me ask again."
A short person wearing an All Might hoodie walks from behind him, Katsuki instantly recognizes the retro print as being one Izuku loved. "Sorry, but I do not believe you deserve ice cream, not after what you did to Father." He looks up at Katsuki, his green eyes shine with a glint of red.
"You're the kid from Izuku's place," Katsuki starts but quickly gets cut off, his whole body freezes.
"My name is Shenxie Shigaraki, you killed my father. Now prepare to die." The boy reaches up to Katsuki's face, and all the hero can do is watch.
Luckily, a small alpha boy is watching, seeing his father about to be killed he quickly jumps into action. His small arms grab his dad and force him down to the ground. His stiff body felt like a hard pillow for Demako to land on.
"Daddy snap out of it!" He screams in his face, but he's only met with a blank stare. The little boy quickly gets up and looks at the other as he climbs out through the window. "What did you do?"
"He killed my father!" The white-haired boy lunges at him, making direct contact with him, "grow." He states clearly as little tree branches start to grow out of the spot he touched. Demako quickly tries to pull them off unsuccessfully, instead, he uses his quirk to blast them off his arm. "Damn, that's usually an instant win. Maybe I'll just steal your quirk instead." He quickly touches Katsuki's body and reaches for Demako, who instinctually moves back.
Katsuki grabs the boy's wrist and pulls it off his body. "He's not dead. It's all over the news that he's still out there. Now stop harassing my son and me before I detain you for attacking us." Fear instantly rushes into Shenxie who's trying to get his arm out of the hero's grip, whipping his long hair across his face and into his eyes.
"Daddy you're back!" Demako hugs his dad as he sits up. "Don't do that to me again. Papa and me would be sad."
"Let go of me! Someone! Help! This pervert is attacking me!!" The little white-haired boy starts screaming, a small smirk on his face. People start to crowd around the three of them as Katsuki continues to grip the little boy's wrist.
"Oh my goodness, he's too young to be tainted by sins!"
"Someone stop him!"
"Doesn't he look familiar?"
The shouting from people blurs together while Katsuki groans, "I'm Dynamite. The pro-hero you see on the news all the time. This is a villain." He holds up the arm of Shenxie, whose fake tears were quite convincing to the growing audience.
"He does look like Dynamite, and the other kid looks like him."
"How awful to do that to such a young kid."
"But she's just a little girl-"
"I'm a boy, you bully!" Shenxie screams at the woman who just called him a girl. "He's a pervert! He's a gay pervert! Help me!" He continues to thrash around to get Katsuki to let go, but his grip remains firm.
Suddenly the boy becomes stiff and his eyes gloss over, recognizing the quirk instantly he lets go as Mind-Games approaches them, using his cloth to bind up the little kid. "Looks like you could use a little help, Katsu~" He teases as he helps him stand on his feet. He looks at the crowd and lowers his mask smiling at them. "Relax, I'll handle the situation from here." The people begin to disperse, with a few stragglers who take out their phones to record the hero in action. Hitoshi leans down and looks at Shenxie closer. "He doesn't look like much. Sit." He commands as Shenxie follows orders.
"He's Shig-" Katsuki starts to say but glares at the people recording. "Let's go somewhere private to continue this conversation. And put quirk canceling cuffs on him." Hitoshi does as told, telling the villain to stand and hold out his hands. The cuffs activate and the ice cream man unfreezes.
Demako looks at his dads, smiling widely. "Yay! You're fighting villains together again!" The little alpha cheers as Katsuki picks him up.
The four of them get to Katsuki's car as Mind-Games' control over Shenxie begins to dissipate. Hitoshi only knew one person who had ever broken through the bond, Izuku. Now, the beta didn't know how but he quickly tightened the grip of his clothes around him. "Did Izuku have another child? I thought he moved to Tokyo-" Katsuki quickly hugs Hitoshi from the driver's seat.
"He's Shigaraki's and Deku's kid." The alpha quiets down, "he almost killed me back there..." He buries his face in Hitoshi's chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was nice to hear it again and be this close to another person. Shitty Hair Pillow Co. got shut down after he got married and had two other people sleeping with him.
Demako leans over and pokes Shenxie's cheek, "he looks nothing like Mommy."
The white-haired boy turns his head and tries to bite his finger, ultimately failing in the attempt. "You look nothing like Mother either, maybe you really aren't his firstborn." He looks away, his hair flipping yet again as he gazes out the window.
Katsuki gathers himself and looks back at the two, "Quit fighting back there. You both look like Deku, deal with it. Right now, we have to focus on getting you to the agency. I'm sure they'd love to talk to you about your dad." He turns back around and turns on the car. Agency Bakugou was on the other side of town, the car ride was completely silent the entire way there.
So, what do you guys think?
If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to get chapters out every week on Tuesday 1700 MDT.
Until next week you silly little f*ckers.
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