🎀 28 🎀
only two chapters left... <3
"hello lovebirds!" a loud annoying voice disturbed mark and donghyuck's peaceful walk on their way to school.
"oh, hi guys!" donghyuck replied with a beaming smile, waving his hand at johnny and ten.
mark and donghyuck crossed the road hand in hand and walked to their friends.
"so... i see you've taken your relationship to the next level..." johnny said, wiggling his brows at mark and donghyuck's intertwined fingers.
"yes, we did." mark nodded, looking lovingly at donghyuck as he wrapped an arm around the boy's waist, making donghyuck lean into his touch.
"how cute..." ten cooed. "johnny, can we be like them again?" he asked, looking up at his giant boyfriend and placing his chin on johnny's sternum. "i love how the first days of relationship are all pink, and heart, and just... aww... everything is so cute, and live goes so well..."
"aren't we still like that?" johnny raised a brow, his arms wrapping around ten's slim figure and holding him close.
"oh, silly me..." ten giggled. "yes, we are." he added, going onto his tippy-toes for his and johnny's lips to meet.
"ew! no public display of affection here, please!" another voice came disturbing the romantic kiss ten and johnny were sharing.
"fuck off doyoung!" ten growled when he detached his lips from johnny's.
"calm down, tiger..." johnny whispered in the crook of his neck, tickling ten.
"okay, okay, okay!" ten giggled as he squirmed into johnny's hold. "now stop! no!"
"these two are like an old married couple, i swear..." taeil stated while looking at ten and johnny's bickering.
"i mean, they are the oldest couple among us." mark explained.
"yeah, t- "
"hi, hello, bitches!"
the sudden interjection caught the attention of ten, johnny, taeil, doyoung, mark and donghyuck. the six of them turned their heads simultaneously to look at the two other males that had just appeared, one of them being their friend, and the other being- sicheng?!
"is that sicheng?!" mark asked, bewildered by the sight of the bartender being glued to yuta.
"who else do you want him to be?" yuta rolled his eyes to the back of his hand.
"hello..." the chinese male waved his hand shyly to greet the boys.
"awwwww!" ten exclaimed, approaching the boy. "he's so cute!!"
"yeah, well, back off." yuta pushed ten's shoulder and made the thai male fall backwards into johnny's embrace. "he's mine. so, no touchy touchy." the japanese male added pecking sicheng's cheek multiple times to show that sicheng was his.
"yeah, well, no touchy touchy you too." doyoung snorted when he saw yuta's hands dangerously lowering on sicheng's back and almost reaching his butt. "we're at school."
"no fun." yuta's hand slipped upwards again, as sicheng's cheeks coloured red.
"well, well, well..." johnny smirked. "look who's there..."
the boys turned their heads to see who johnny was talking about, and most of them had their eyes wide as saucers at the sight.
jungwoo was walking in their direction with a bright smile, and he was holding a boy's hand. but it wasn't any boy. it was wong yhukei, or lucas. and more than just holding his hand, lucas was also carrying his bag.
"when the hell did that happen?!" mark gasped, his eyes diverting from lucas to jungwoo every second.
"i'm still a bit confused." ten shrugged, remembering his and jungwoo's conversation the day before. jungwoo didn't seem to know when this whole thing had started, so ten couldn't know either. "but it happened."
"well, we can see that..." taeil nodded with his mouth agape. "why do you never carry my bag like this?"
"because you're the old one, so you're the one supposed to pamper me and carry my bag." doyoung protested immediately.
"in fact, since i'm the oldest, i should be taken care of to make sure i don't hurt my back. and this implies carrying my bag for me." taeil retorted.
"well, you're forgetting that- "
"hi guys!" jungwoo gave them all a sweet smile. "meet lucas."
"hello!" "hey!" "hi!" the all answered at the same time.
"lucas, this is yuta, sicheng, taeil, doyoung, mark- well you know him he's in your class, then donghyuck, johnny and ten." jungwoo explained, pointing at each of the boys to introduce them to lucas.
"nice to meet you all." lucas smiled. "jungwoo told me a lot about you."
next to him, his boyfriend blinked a few times. "i-i did?" he asked curiously.
a small part of him was telling him that he had been drunk while saying those words... he really hoped that he hadn't said anything bad about them.
"yeah, don't you remember? you told me about your two gay friends who had made all of you question your sexuality and realise that you could like boys too." lucas explained.
"yup, that's johnny and ten." mark nodded. "started dating a year ago."
"a year and three months!" ten corrected him.
"whatever..." mark rolled his eyes.
"and you told me about the dude whipped for the cute bartender too." lucas continued.
"yeah, and the dude is me." yuta declared. "now if you could not call my sicheng cute, i would really appreciate that."
"oh, my bad." lucas lifted his hands in the air. "i'm taken, don't worry. and no one is cuter than jungwoo anyway."
"aww..." donghyuck and sicheng let out at such romantism. "so sweet..."
"so... where was i...? oh, yeah! the old couple who met at a concert." lucas told.
doyoung's brows furrowed in anger. "hey! we're not an old couple!" he told, pointing his finger at jungwoo.
the boy only looked at him with a sheepish smile, silently apologising. "i don't remember saying anything about this... i was drunk..." he told doyoung in a whisper.
"oh, lord... pray for your soul..." taeil snorted.
"then, i'm assuming mark is the teenager who doesn't have any clue about love... but who found himself a cutie pie..." lucas continued, turning towards his friend.
"that's me!" mark nodded proudly as he pulled donghyuck against him, making the boy flush brighter than he already was.
"and..." lucas's eyes travelled across the group of boys, until he turned back to face jungwoo. "where is the gay dude whipped for his straight best friend then?" lucas asked.
"i think he's the one you're looking for!"
the boys all turned around at the same time, gasping collectively at the sight in front of them.
jaehyun was walking towards them unbothered, while taeyong's hand was wrapped around his arm. the ones with the best eye-sight could even noticed that the sweater he was wearing was jaehyun's and not his.
"hi, i'm taeyong. the straight best friend." taeyong stated, holding his hand out for lucas to shake.
"well... hello..." lucas shook his hand.
"jaehyun." the other said simply with a wave of hand.
"you know guys, i'm a bit curious, right now." yuta's voice interrupted the greetings. "i feel like i've missed something, because... i don't know... you don't look like usual."
"are you talking about their matching hickeys?" mark asked out loud. "because thay absolutely don't look like usual."
"their wHAT?!" yuta yelled, jumping onto taeyong and examining his neck carefully. "oh my god!" he exclaimed before letting him go and concentrating on jaehyun. "OH MY GOD!!" he repeated – louder this time – when he realised jaehyun had similar red bruises on his neck and jaw. "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!"
"it means that i won." mark chuckled. "now, pay up!"
yuta turned around scandalized as doyoung and ten pulled their wallets out to give 50,000 won each to mark.
"w-what... you knew about this?!" he asked, bewildered.
"none of... this..." mark stated, agitating the won bills in taeyong and jaehyun's direction. "would have happened if not for us."
"why wasn't i included in the bet?!" the japanese whined again.
"because you were too busy having your tongue down sicheng's throat to care about what bets we made." ten replied dryly.
"yeah, you have a point." yuta hummed, suddenly much calmer. however, by his side, sicheng was beet red, and wondering how he could get out of this drama unnoticed.
lucas was in a similar confused state as sicheng. actually, donghyuck was too, but since he had started hanging out with them a week earlier, he had gotten used to the mess that their group of friends formed.
"wait, so... i'm not sure i understand everything..." lucas' borws furrowed.
"what do you need more, lu?" jungwoo asked, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
"are they... like... if jaehyun is the gay dude... then he's whipped for his straight best friend... which is taeyong, right?" lucas explained.
"yeah." both jaehyun and taeyong replied at the same time.
"well... actually..." taeyong tilted his head to the side. "your presentation needs a little update. so how about... the gay dude whipped for his straight boyfriend?" tayeong inquired.
"boyfriend?!" lucas's eyes widened. "straight? boyfriend?" he repeated, completely confused by this choice of words.
"it's complicated! don't worry." ten shrugged it off, knowing that it wasn't evident for taeyong's mind to accept being not fully straight.
"oh my god, you guys are weird..." lucas let out a chuckle, making the whole group laugh loudly right after.
the sun shined brightly above their heads, reflecting perfectly their feelings at the moment.
happiness. joy. comfort. warmness.
everything was finally as they hoped it would be.
"well... look at us..." taeil sighed. "now we're not a bunch of awkward kids anymore... we've grown, we've matured up... and we all found ourselves amazing boyfriends..."
the boys nodded with bright smiles as they stared lovingly at their lover.
it was true. now everything was better.
now that all had boyf-
"oh, my fucking god!" mark exclaimed suddenly, catching the attention of everyone and making donghyuck jump in surprise.
"mark? is everything alright?" ten raised a brow confusedly.
"yeah, yeah. please, wait for us!" he exclaimed as he pulled donghyuck by the hand and ran a few meters away.
the ten boys looked as mark stopped running when they were out of reach for them to hear.
their brows furrowed as mark faced donghyuck and grabbed his hands.
he seemed to be talking sweetly to him, because donghyuck's face was becoming redder and redder, and he was trying to dig his head in the collar of his sweater.
"what do you think they're talking about?" yuta raised a curious brow.
"i don't know..." jungwoo shrugged, looking as interested as yuta in their conversation – in fact, they all were.
"knowing mark, he surely forgot to ask donghyuck out." johnny declared making all of his friends roll his eyes.
"come on..." ten whined.
"this boy is helpless, seriously." taeyong added.
"it's definitely that. oh, look! they're kissing."
everybody's attention got back on mark and donghyuck who were kissing passionately under the scorching sun.
donghyuck had his arms around mark's neck while mark's hands held donghyuck's waist in a tender manner.
"how cute..." taeil cooed.
"we taught him so well..." ten nodded dreamily.
"fuck, they're coming back!" yuta whisper-shouted. "do as if we had seen nothing!"
by the time mark and donghyuck came back hand in hand, lucas and jungwoo were intensely staring at each other, yuta almost lying down on sicheng, jaehyun and taeyong making out, ten and johnny bickering and taeil and doyoung just looking at them with a smile.
"so, what did you guys talk about?" doyoung asked, making all the other boys straighten up to listen to mark's answer – there was no way donghyuck would dare talking judging by the colour of his cheeks.
"i had forgotten to ask donghyuck to be my boyfriend..." mark flushed as well.
"god, mark!" "stupid boy!" "who raised you?!" "how?!" their friends all exclaimed at the same time, faking their surprised reactions.
"it's okay, really..." donghyuck shyly assured.
"yeah. he was already mine before. but now he's mine for real, huh?" mark asked, looking into donghyuck's glistening orbs. "my baby doll..."
all the other boys choked at the same time. "BABY DOLL?!"
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