🎀 22 🎀
mark was woken up quite violently from his sleep by something sounding like a loud gasp.
his eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light until he turned his head to the side, seeing his little sister in the doorframe with her hand over her mouth.
"mark is sleeping with a boy!" she exclaimed, still shocked by the view.
mark's brows furrowed, looking down.
effectively, mark was still sitting on his bed, with his back against the bedhead, and donghyuck was curled up on his chest, both of his arms wrapped tightly around mark's torso while he snored lightly. beautiful angel...
but wait! wasn't donghyuck supposed to be back into his doll form after two hours? or a bit more maybe?
"shh! he's still sleeping." mark warned his sister, his own cheeks flushing because of his and donghyuck's position.
"i'm going to tell mom." maria told immediately.
"maria, no- "
"mom!!!" maria ignored her brother, closing the door to his room as she ran down the hallway.
mark sighed, turning his head the other way to look at his alarm clock. 11:07am.
he had had six hours of sleep... way not sufficient, but he would need to deal with it.
mark's back was aching because of his position.
humans weren't supposed to sleep seated with a weight pushing on their chest.
not that mark hadn't slept well. he had never slept this good in long actually even though his position was not the best.
in fact, having donghyuck curled against him had made everything so much better, and it made the pain feel less intense – but it was still there, which is why mark tried peeling donghyuck's body off his to get in a more comfortable position.
the sudden movement from mark's body woke up donghyuck, and the doll slowly opened his eyes, looking confused for a few seconds.
"hello..." mark smiled at him. "i'm sorry, did i wake you up?"
"mmh..." donghyuck hummed, cuddling further into mark's embrace.
mark used all of his self-control not to let out a scream of joy as donghyuck's face nuzzled into his neck.
"you can go back to sleep if you'd like. it's only eleven." mark whispered, trying to keep his voice steady.
"mmh, okie..." donghyuck nodded as his eyes fluttered close again. however, they shot open barely a second after. "wait! eleven?!"
donghyuck suddenly sat up, getting out of mark's embrace to look at the alarm clock.
"y-yeah... is there a problem?" mark asked, rather confused.
donghyuck's brows furrowed as he counted on his fingers. "i've been human for 9hours?! and i haven't transformed back?!"
mark gasped in realisation.
it is true that donghyuck had fallen asleep in his embrace. and it is true too that he had been in a similar position this morning. so, this could only mean that he hadn't transformed back into a doll, when he was supposed to turn back after two hours.
"w-what is happening to m-me...?" donghyuck asked, looking at his human body as tears welled up in his eyes.
"hey, donghyuck, don't cry." mark said, alarmed by the sadness that was starting to contort donghyuck's face.
"w-why am i not transforming back...?" donghyuck spoke again, now crying.
"come here." mark pulled the boy back into his arms, holding donghyuck's face in the crook of his neck so that his cries didn't echo in the room. "shh... stop crying..."
"s-seriously... what... w-what is wrong with me...?" donghyuck mumbled.
"nothing is wrong with you, baby... don't say such things..." mark whispered in the boy's ear, not even realising that a pet name had slipped.
"everything is wrong..." donghyuck cried more. "why can't i just be normal..."
mark sighed, rubbing the boy's back slowly as he let donghyuck wet his pyjama shirt.
he felt bad for the baby crying in his arms.
donghyuck was such a perfect creature...
donghyuck deserved all the love in the world...
donghyuck should be happy...
and mark wanted to be the one to make it possible.
"donghyuck, look at me." mark said.
donghyuck slowly pulled his face out of mark's neck to look at mark in the eyes.
mark stared through the glossy orbs, his chest tightening at the thought of donghyuck not feeling happy.
"you are the best thing that happened to me. you are such an angel, as much in the looks as in the personality. no one on earth can be compared to you. you are unique, baby... and more than that, you are an amazing being who was gifted with an ability that no one else has." mark spoke gently, one of his hands cupping donghyuck's chin so that he couldn't look down.
"t-this is not a gift, mark... this is a malediction..." donghyuck sniffed.
"i didn't know maledictions could feel this heavenly, baby doll..." mark chuckled, his eyes never leaving donghyuck's.
donghyuck flushed red.
had mark just called him 'baby doll'?
baby doll
why did this sound better than anything else?
he secretly loved how mark called him baby sometimes...
that day when he had been cut in his speech by him transforming into a doll, just after mark had called him baby for the first time... he was about to say he would love it if mark called him that more often.
but now, baby doll... this felt even better.
"b-baby doll..." donghyuck repeated with red cheeks.
this took mark everything to control himself and not lean forwards to kiss donghyuck plump pouty lips. and it took him also everything not to flush beet red at the pet name that had – once again – slipped out.
it wasn't his fault if donghyuck was so much baby material, and that he made mark so soft. mark was just going with the flow, and the flow was making him call donghyuck pet names.
"y-yeah..." mark smiled sheepishly. "don't you like it?" he asked.
"i-i love it..." donghyuck responded timidly.
"good then..." mark let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "how about you go back to your doll form then? and tonight, you'll come with me and my friends to the bar so that you can forget about everything that is troubling you?"
"i could do that." donghyuck nodded.
"see you tonight then, baby doll..." mark allowed one of his hands to go through donghyuck's faded pink hair.
"see you..." donghyuck whispered as he leant forwards, kissing mark's cheek sweetly before transforming back into a beautiful doll.
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