🎀 20 🎀
donghyuck rang the bell of mark's house with a smile. maria was too busy playing with sungie to the point she had almost forgotten about haechan's existence. so, this gave donghyuck some free time to enjoy his life as a human.
the doll boy chuckled as he heard someone screaming "that's for me!" on the other side of the door. and soon after, the front door opened, revealing a grinning sungchan. "hello donghyuck!"
"hi sungchan!" donghyuck waved at him. "i love your shirt!"
sungchan blushed, looking down at his white shirt on which was printed a big sun.
"thanks." he mumbled, flustered. "come in."
donghyuck stepped inside, greeting mark's mother and sungchan's father before following the boy to his bedroom.
when walking in the corridor, donghyuck kept his eyes for a few seconds on mark's closed bedroom door, wondering what mark was doing, and if he would be happy to see donghyuck now.
"i'm so happy you agreed to come back and play videogames with me!" sungchan pulled donghyuck out of his daze.
"sure." donghyuck smiled, entering sungchan's room and closing the door behind him. "i lost a few days ago, and now, i want my revenge."
"revenge it is then." sungchan smirked. "catch!"
donghyuck swiftly caught the expensive controller sungchan had thrown him and he sat down crossed-legs in front of the tv while sungchan switched everything on.
by the time the game started, sungchan had sat down by donghyuck's side, giving glances at the beautiful boy while he was concentrated on searching which avatar he would choose to beat sungchan.
"you think you're going to beat me with this?" sungchan snorted, perplexed by donghyuck's choice of avatar.
"i don't think so, i know so." donghyuck grinned.
"oh..." sungchan's brow rose on its own. "let's see then..." he added with a smirk as he pressed 'play'.
johnny, taeyong, yuta, ten, doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark
not gonna lie
donghyuck's cute
a literal angel
you're already taken
but yeah he's def a cutie
i had told you
mark has got some taste
can we stop talking about me for once?
you guys always embarrass me
that's because you're the youngest
we baby you
i don't want to be babied
i'm an adult now
tell me if i'm wrong but
you still have your v-card
i don't see your point
then you're not an adult yet
this has absolutely nothing to do with being an adult
yes it does
what the hell
you haven't lost it either
i think you don't know the great news...
i may or may not have gone to a party yesterday
and... lucas may or may not have been there
woah woah woah
you had sex with lucas??
are you even together?
well... he seemed really drunk
and i was too
i'm not sure he realised we had sex when he woke up this morning
and i'm sure he doesn't even remember about me
what kind of shit is that shit??
hum hum
sorry to interrupt this very interesting convo
we were talking about donghyuck
and eventually mark
can we stop with that?
you know very well we won't as long as you two aren't together
but we won't end up together
i may have feeligns for him
he doesn't like me back
i hear bullshit
mark your eyesight hasn't gone better
guys stop
don't you see the way he looks at you?
or the way he looks after you?
and haven't you heard how he keeps talking about you?
and how just everything in his life revolves around you?
that's just his nature
he's like that with everyone
no he's not
plus, he's super shy
he would never admit his feelings out loud
if he even had any
how can you even know that?
because i know him
love is in the air
you know what?
maybe he needs to loosen up a bit
and then he'll talk to you more freely
yeah and??
bring him to the club with us tomorrow
you guys are crazy
i'll never bring him in a club
he's not the type of person to go in those places
it's not as if you met him there
what do you say now?
i hate you guys
we love you too
but i love sicheng more
and he's gonna be the bartender at the club this saturday
i'm excited to go there
for our usual end of break party
so mark
we'll see donghyuck there?
i'll invite him
but i won't force him
if he doesn't want to go there, he won't go
"boom!!" donghyuck exclaimed, letting his controller fall ontohis lap before turning around to face sungchan with a wide grin. "so, who said my avatar wasn't the best choice to win the game?"
"you were lucky, that's all." sungchan tsked.
"i was lucky yeah." donghyuck laughed. "six times in a row."
sungchan looked at donghyuck as the beautiful male was rolling on his back while laughing.
he couldn't help but realise how amazing donghyuck's laugh sounded. it was light and stirring, and it made sungchan's heart miss beats.
"you don't know how to lose, sungchan." donghyuck concluded with a smile.
"i'm usually the best at this game." the boy explained.
"well, not with me." donghyuck shrugged. "i am the best at it."
sungchan got mesmerized by donghyuck's intense stare.
he didn't mean to stay silent, with eyes wide open as they looked through donghyuck, but the boy sitting in from of him was so ethereal... he couldn't help himself.
donghyuck was everything a boy could wish for.
he looked gorgeous.
his honey voice sounded like a melodious lullaby.
he was kind-hearted and open-minded.
and he was just everything sungchan was searching for in terms of lover.
the younger boy was pulled out of his daydream by donghyuck waving his hand in front of his eyes. "y-yeah."he stuttered.
"you spaced out." donghyuck chuckled, making sungchan's heart missanother beat.
"actually..." sungchan took a deep breath. he knew that he shouldn't tell donghyuck this. he knew there was no way donghyuck would agree. he knew he had no chance, and he knew why... but everything was worth a try. "...i wanted to tell you something..."
stress started building up in the pit of his stomach as his palms got sweaty, making him rub them on his trousers.
"sure, tell me." donghyuck tilted his head to the side as he showed a gummy smile.
and there goes sungchan's heart once again...
anyway, the boy used all the courage he had in him to take a deep breath and finally voice out his feelings.
"well... huh... i think you're an amazing person donghyuck, and... and yeah, i'm so glad i met you at the beginning of the holiday... i... i-i know it's been only a bit more than a week but... b-but i feel good when i'm around you... i'm not saying i-i like you yet... but... yeah, i definitely took a liking to you... and... well... that's it..."
donghyuck gulped, looking at songhcan whose eyes weredoing everything to be away from donghyuck's figure.
"w-well..." donghyuck stuttered. "i-i... i don't know what to say..." he breathed out a bit shaken up by the sudden reveal.
he wasn't aware that sungchan could have developed a liking to him. he didn't even know why sungchan would like him... he wasn't even fully human...
plus, he had never really experience anything like this. how was he supposed to react when people confessed their feelings to him? donghyuck didn't even like sungchan more than in a friendly way...
"look, it's okay donghyuck, don't feel bad about this, please." sungchan told as he saw donghyuck internally panicking.
"b-but... i-i..."
"i know you don't like me back, and it's okay." sungchan assured. "i just needed to get that off my chest. but it's okay."
"i'm sorry..." donghyuck mumbled, his head lowering.
"donghyuck don't worry about this. i know you like mark, and it's cool. you guys look great together."sungchan continued.
"what?!" donghyuck's head shot up when he heard sungchan's sentence.
"what makes you happy makes me happy so- "
"i don't like mark!" donghyuck yelped as his cheeks got redder than ever.
"come on, you don't need to lie to me..." sungchan rolled his eyes. "i can see how you look at him, and how you are amazed by everything he does... i can see you're always looking for his attention, and that's okay."
"b-but..." donghyuck let out, dozens of thoughts clouding his mind and making it hard for him to think logically. he liked mark?? had this feeling been love since the beginning?
"look, mark is an amazing guy. i've known him for more than a month now, and i have been living with him for a week straight, and i can tell you he's the perfect man for you. you guys complete each other so well..." sungchan continued rambling.
donghyuck's heart started beating super-fast inside his ribcage as he replayed in his mind all the memories he shared with mark, realising that love had been there since the beginning...
when mark had been the first one to find him.
when mark had said he would keep his secret safe.
when mark had given him his clothes to wear.
when mark had helped him caressing the puppy.
when mark had saved him from being drugged at the club.
when mark had taken care of him when he was drunk.
when mark had stopped talking to jaehyun to stay with him.
when mark had gone to maria's school to get him because his sister had forgotten him.
when mark had gotten super worried about him.
when mark had called him baby.
when mark had kissed him on the nose and forehead, and almost on the lips.
all those things that had made donghyuck's heartbeat accelerate... everything was because of love... everything was because donghyuck had developed a crush on mark... and he hadn't even realised that...
"oh my god..." he mumbled as an army of butterflies tickled the insides of his tummy. "i like mark..."
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