🎀 11 🎀
mark sighed as he plopped on his bed after a hot shower, wearing only a towel wrapped low on his hips.
sungchan and his father had left the house a bit more than an hour ago.
mark had been surprised how much he had enjoyed dinner. it felt livelier than usual, as if it was a real family meal, with a mother, a father, and their children.
mark didn't know how much he had missed those kinds of dinner, but he was now aware that he wished every dinner was like this.
the teenager was pulled out of his happy thoughts by a ding coming from his phone, indicating that he had received a message.
mark rolled on his bed and stretched out his arm to grab the device that had lit up on his bedside table.
hey mork
did you have the opportunity to talk with donghyuck?
i hope yes
and i need to know everything
mark laughed to himself at jaehyun's message.
he couldn't understand why his friend was so obsessed with donghyuck.
i couldn't tonight
met my mom's new bf
had some kind of very pleasant family dinner
damn i hope he's cool
and you definitely should text your boy now
if he was in a club the other day, he's probably still awake
"who's 'your boy'?"
"AGHHH!!" mark yelled in a high-pitched voice, throwing his phone in the air, at the sudden interjection.
"shh!" mark was shut up by a hand that slammed over his mouth. "i'm going to get caught if you scream like that!"
"d-donghyuck?!" mark stammered. "what the hell are you doing here?"
"i wanted to hang out with you." the doll boy said. "but i couldn't before because maria was up."
mark sighed, closing his eyes to calm his erratic heartbeat.
the boy had been so caught up with replying to his text message that he hadn't even heard the door opening and closing.
"so, who is 'your boy'?" donghyuck repeated his initial question.
mark flushed red, not really knowing how to tell donghyuck that he was supposed to be 'his boy'. not that mark thought of him as that, it's just jaehyun's way of talking – yeah, definitely.
"n-no one." mark stuttered.
"oh, look he sent you another message." donghyuck said, picking mark's phone up.
"no, wait!" mark exclaimed as he tried snatching the phone from donghyuck's hand, but failing miserably to do so as donghyuck had taken a few steps back to read the message.
mark immediately jumped out of his bed, running towards donghyuck and taking the phone away from him this time as donghyuck let out a surprised gasp.
mark sighed, looking at the screen and groaning when he read jaehyun's message.
no answer from you
i'm guessing that you're too busy
surely with your donghyuck boy
don't forget the bros before hoes motto
"why is he like this... i swear i never told him you were 'my boy' or anything like that. he's just imagining thigs..." mark sighed again as his eyes fell on donghyuck. he was quite surprised to see the boy with his hands hiding his eyes. "donghyuck?" he questioned.
donghyuck slowly lifted one of his hands before letting out another gasp and hiding his eyes again. "y-you h-have your t-thing out..." donghyuck squeaked, making mark furrow his brows.
the 18-year-old looked down on himself, his whole body flushing red when he realised that he was standing in the middle of his room completely naked.
effectively, the towel that he had attached around his hips had fallen to the floor when he had stood up energetically from the bed to snatch his phone.
and now, donghyuck had seen him naked.
"oh my god." mark let out as he quickly collected the towel of the floor and wrapped it securely around his hips. "y-you can open your eyes." he said.
donghyuck nodded, lowering his hands but gasping for the third time.
however, he didn't hide his eyes again this time.
"what?" mark raised a brow, seeing donghyuck staring shyly at him.
"y-you're still h-half naked..." donghyuck mumbled, however, his eyes never left mark's toned chest.
"yeah, sorry." mark grabbed a t-shirt that had been left messily on his desk a few days before. "better?" he asked after wearing it.
donghyuck took a few seconds to reply.
was mark wearing a shirt better? not really.
donghyuck would have loved being able to stare at the boy's gorgeous body for much longer. mark was muscular and simply charming, and as much as donghyuck knew it wasn't a good idea, he couldn't help getting mesmerized by him.
but well, if mark stayed half-naked longer, donghyuck would go completely crazy, so, in the end, it wasn't the most stupid idea mark had had.
"y-yeah..." donghyuck flushed a bit at his own thoughts.
"great. now, please, don't pay attention to what jaehyun wrote to me. he has his mind of his own..." mark started.
"i couldn't- "donghyuck was cut in his sentence by mark who continued talking.
"seriously, he calls you 'my boy', but it's just because he wants me to find someone, i didn't tell him to call you that or anything and..." mark stopped when he realised how red donghyuck was. that's also when he realised that donghyuck may not have been able to read what jaehyun had said through his text, and that mark had just exposed himself.
"i-i'm y-your b-boy...?" donghyuck stammered, his cheeks colouring red.
"w-well..." mark became as red as donghyuck.
"y-you... y-you were talking about... m-me...?" donghyuck asked again, not believing mark's sayings.
"yeah...?" mark gulped, feeling more embarrassed than ever.
mark sighed sitting down on his bed while passing a hand through his hair.
"look, i'm sorry if we're making you uncomfortable. he's just obsessed with me finding a relationship, and because he saw us together at the club, he keeps asking me if we're getting close and he wants to know things about you, but he's misunderstanding everything, because he thought i found you at the club, and i obviously can't tell him that you actually are my sister's doll, you know...? so, yeah, i'm sorry..."
"what is he asking about me?" donghyuck's brows furrowed after hearing mark's explanation.
"w-what?" mark raised a brow.
"you said he wanted to know things about me, but what?"
"well, he was simply telling me to send you a message and get to know each other more." mark told. "but, yeah, you don't have a phone number..."
"yeah, but i'm with you right now." donghyuck smiled.
mark lifted his head, looking at the beautiful boy in the eye.
"yeah?" mark nodded, one of his brows lifting in question.
"so just tell him that you can't talk to him because you are with me, and that we need to get closer."donghyuck told innocently.
mark chocked on his saliva, but he did type a similar answer to jaehyun before inviting donghyuck to sit on the bed for them to talk as much as they could before donghyuck transformed again in a doll, two hours after their conversation.
that night, mark fell asleep with a fast-beating heart and a silly smile on his face.
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