Tell me.
Dean pov
On my way to a house show with my baby by my side. She is singing along to the radio and I'm telling her to shut up but she sings louder only to make us laugh. Bryan won't stop calling her last night and she won't answer. This is how she treated me that night with J- that bitch. Talking about her, I find the little chip she placed under my car. I really don't know if to throw it or cut it but I may need it for police information. "It likes I'm losing my mind." Brie sang happily and she tap her feet. I roll my eyes with a smile and focus on the road, I'd turn off the radio but she'd kill me. I stop at a red light and a thought only then came to me.
"How did you get Bryan's phone?" I asked. She immediately stopped singing and give me a huge innocent smile.
"How was your day?" She made a horrible attempt to change the topic. I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Brianna don't." I warned.
"Your eyes are so perfect."
"Brie.....I'm warning you.."
"So blue."
"Brianna how did you get his phone?"
"Don't even get me started on your lips."
"Thank you. But how?"
I asked parking the car, in the parking lot of the tiny place. She looked at me and smiled again but I held a straight and serious face, her perfect smile won't distract me...........this time. She let out a defeated sigh. "Fine I stayed with Bryan after the whole drugged you madness. Love you but remember I was mad at you and we were broken up. So you can't be mad, plus it help me get back together with you." She quickly said, making me take a while to actually understand her and process what she just said. Bryan is such a lying dick! Why would she do that? Like what the hell?! I was about to argue but she quickly began to kiss me and me being the smitten fool I am kissed her back. She climbed on top of me as I held her waist, feeling her hands all over my hair. Our make out session got really heated and my hands are slipping up her dress making her beg for me. I smirked proudly going to go further up but somehow we accidentally press the horn, we jumped away as she made her way back into her seat before being to laugh. She then quickly got out and fixed herself. Wait, I'm mad about something. What is it again? Oh that's, right her staying with Bryan. I got out the car and walk to back where she is, taking my bags out of the trunk. "What the hell! Why Bryan?" I asked looking at her sternly. She attempt to kiss me again but I stepped back. "No, not again." I let her know as she sulked. "Tell me." I pressed on while she looked down trying to get me to feel bad but I won't. I gave her my best stern and warning glare, waiting for her reply.
"Paige!" She waved and took her bags heading over to the British diva. I rolled my eyes and grab my stuff and some of hers, closing the trunk and walking in behind the blabbering divas. Brie two, me none. She better feel lucky I love her. "Deano, how are ya?" Paige asked seeming to be testing out her American accent. She failed badly by the way. "I'm trying to get an answer out of that one." I nod towards Brie as Paige turned and look at her. Brie gave her, her famous innocent smile. "Good luck with that." Paige pat my shoulder and left. Brie send me a smile and walked off. Ugh!
After having to give Alicia Brie's bag. I walked into the locker room and found it packed with superstars. "Hey." I greeted as they mostly all raised their chins at me. I place my bag in a locker. I then took off my shirt (all I need to do is put on my DA vest and I'm set). I walked around and sat on the benches, listening to Cody ramble on about absolutely nothing important. But we need something or someone to keep our minds occupied and he seems to be it. I laughed a little at something he said but I stopped when I heard an angry voice call out my name. I turned to see Bryan walking towards me furious as hell, I smirk to myself.
"Yes Bryan?" I causally answered.
"Where the hell is Brie?" He asked obviously still angry.
"Funny how all that anger can fit into a little man like you." I smirked at his even more annoyed face. "But I don't know where she is. You must be more stupid than I thought you are to think I'd know where she is and not be bragging about it to you." I threw back his words -or most of what I could remember of it- in his face. His nose started to flair and I stood there unaffected, he can't scare me. "Don't lie to me Ambrose!" He yelled in my face, he better be happy I don't want to get fired so I won't slap him or...kill him. I exhaled loudly then smirked at him. "Like you did to me?" I countered, smiling at his confuse and shocked look. "I didn't lie to you-"
"Save it. I know you did." I cut off his lies. He then fold his arms and lean back a bit, smiling. "Okay. But you better tell me what lies you told her to get her to go back to you after all the shit you done." He spoke all slick and shit with a shitload of confidence. "Actually, I said nothing. I was shocked when she returned to me -where her heart belong." I rubbed it in his face causing him to close his eyes to hold, back from attacking me. I smiled pretending I just got an idea. "Oh! You know what's a good app to get?" I look at him as he shrugged highly confused. "An app that locks your messages." I finished with a grin. I looked on at him, his eyes looked as if they wanted to pop out of their sockets and his jaw almost to the floor. I took a step closer to him "I suggest you stay out of my way Danielson. I have plenty things I could use against you. Don't even ask what." I told him in a harsh, low,dark and gravely tone watching as he began to sweat. I leaned more into his ears and whispered. "Best hope we don't get tested for sometime because I got evidence Bryan. Be happy Brie don't want to take revenge on you." I back away and look at his pathetic and scared face, smiling. I turn back and walked to my locker receiving claps from Titus and Seth making me smile while I throw on my vest for tonight.
Before I left I saw Orton looking at me as if he was trying to or figured out something about m, like he was studying me. I'll never admit it but him studying me makes me uneasy. Why is he even in here? He has his own locker room. I send him a nod and he send it right back slowly, walking over to me. "Be on your best out there kid, you are partner tonight." He told me and left. That guys worries me. I shrugged it off and went to see if I could find Brie.
I was looking for her still. "I'm sorry!" I jumped a bit when I felt someone's arms suddenly around me but calm down once I realized it was Nicole. She slapped me, should I be scared? I chuckled and look down at Nikki who was already in her Blue ring gear. "I know I slapped you but come on. I thought you had cheat on my sister. And I wasn't sorry when I thought you did but Brie told me what happen and now I'm sorry. I'm so happy though, I was always team Ambrose. Oh, where is Bryan? Let me go pound his face in." She balled her fist looking up at me. I took hold of her fist and unclench them. "There is no need for that." I laughed making her smile and nod. "And it's okay, I would have slapped me to if I were you. Where is Brie?" I accepted her apology and asked. She smiled, turning around and motioned for me to follow her which I did. I saw Roman on the way and look down as I secretly push Nicole away from going over to him. I miss him but he shouldn't have said that shit about Brianna. Nikki gave me an unpleased look but kept on going until we arrived in a back room where Brie is. I thanked Nikki and walked over to Brie turning her around to face me. "I'm sorr-" I cut off her apology by kissing her and she smiled into the kiss, kissing me back. "Um ew. I didn't reunite you two for you to eat each other's faces." Nikki made sick faces making Brie flip her off which made me laugh as Nicole gasped but let it go.
"Why did you forgive me?" She asked holding my hand.
"Because we were separated. I don't get why Bryan but I don't care, I have you now and that's all that matters." I kissed her forehead.
"Corny." Nikki muttered and pretend to cough afterwards making me show her double middle fingers. "Bitch." She taunted but smiled.
"Anyway. You'll be glad to know I don't even love Bryan anymore. Like I didn't even get temped to kiss him." Brie swelled my heart with her words as I kissed her again, this time Nicole got up frustrate and leave as we laughed. "You better not do anything! Our match is in the next....five minutes!" Nikki shouted from the halls as we laughed. Brie rolled her eyes and fixed her blue ring gear while I told her what just happened between Bryan an I but she didn't seem to mind too much.
(A/n: so we have like three or four more chapters before the book end 😰. But everything is falling back into place an yeah.)
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