Scared to lose you
Brie pov
I walked back inside my home shared with Bryan, locking the doors. I couldn't be bothered to sneak in since I know he knows I was out. I messed around with my hair while walking into our shared master suit where Bryan was up reading his book about soil. Yeah, I said soil.
"Where were you?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth and it pissed me off. I'm not some teenager who snuck out and now there dad is questioning them, I'm an adult and a grown one too. "Out, why?" I said removing my shoes and tossing them aside, rubbing my foot against the rug. "Because you are my wife and I was worried." He replied putting a bookmark in his book then resting it the nightstand draw. "Doesn't seem like it." I walked over to our drawer and looked through it trying to find a night gown. "Well I am." I rolled my eyes at his reply "well if you were so worried, I trust you would have gathered some sort of information." I wasn't in the mood for this, I just wanted to to take a quick shower and sleep. "I did, I'm sorry I should have known you would have still be angry about the whole Nikki thing." Bryan said and I span around and watch him "what Nikki thing?" I raised a brow at him and he looked just as confuse as me "your argument." He said like he was trying to make me remember. Oh Nicole covered for me yay. "Oh, her and that? She just pisses me off." I said to make this whole story way more believable. Bryan nod at me "what happen?" Oh shit, uh... Think Brianna think! Use that brain of yours. "Don't want to talk about it" was the only reply I had to his question as I hurried off to the bathroom and took a quick wash and what not.
I got out shortly after and climbed in bed and heard Bryan sobbing I turn to face him and put my hand on his back so he could face me, I'm so worried right now. He slowly turned around sniffling. "Bryan, honey, what is wrong?" I moved closer to him holding his hand. He did a sad smile "I'm afraid I'm losing you. You always snap at me these days for no reason. I would have blame our storyline but this had been happening before that. Don't you not love me again?" All I saw was a broken man, a man I broke and I don't like it. I shook my repeatedly "no Bryan, it is just I don't know..... Nicole and I fight more, the merch, being this far in my career it is all new to me and your neck. So I'm sorry if I made you feel like that I still love you very very much." I kissed him and he kissed me back sweetly. "I love you too, don't worry Brie. Well I'm tired so goodnight. Try not worry about a thing." he kissed me again and turn away from me as I did with him, thinking over his words. I can't do this to Bryan he is a good guy and we are married. Sorry Ambrose but I'm going to have to leave you even if it breaks my heart to do so, strictly business.
A tear rolled down my face as I feel into a dreamless sleep.
Morning soon came an this time I really had to go by Nikki then by Ambrose to break thing up for good and forever. I spin the key around my fingers. " I have everything." I smiled and look at Bryan who was in unicorn undies and soaks. "seriously Bryan? I thought I burned that thing ages ago." Bryan smirked and bit his toast, as I faked an eye roll at him "you're ridiculous" I kissed him smiled eating piece of his toast. He pouted a bit "and you're greedy, where are you going?" I shrugged and walked over to the door "Nikki" I truthfully said and bit my tongue when I saw his facial expression and suddenly remember last night. Couldn't she come up with a better excuse?, darn her slow ass brain... Or my slow as brain ugh. "Yeah, confusing but we made up. Twin thing bye." I quickly looked out at him in the door frame and it look like he was dying and I'm the one killing him.
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