Run into a tree
Brie pov
It was time for SmackDown and I'm dreading it! Come on, if you were in my shoes you will be dreading it to! Imagine you left yesterday with your husband now you are walking in hand in hand with some other guy the very next day! It isn't even really 24 hours since they last saw me and Bryan together, leaving. Oh shit Bryan! How could I forgot him being there too! Well at least I know I love Dean way more because I could have never forgotten him when we were what we were. Dean is glowing driving, like the lunatic he is and instead of being scared I hope he runs into a tree or something and we can't make it to SmackDown nor Raw for few weeks.
"Can I ask you something Dean?" I bit my lip looking at him
"Sure...." He replied skeptical
"Can you like drive into a tree or something?"
"WHAT!? No I won't drive into a tree or something!"
"Nattie drove into a dumpster already on purpose! I don't see what is your problem."
"NATTIE IS CRAZY! Have you not met the woman?"
"So are you! They don't call you a lunatic fringe for being normal! Now do they?" I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe you should get the name."
"I will Dean! I will gladly be called a lunatic fringe and I will carry the name in honor. I should also take the wheel. Let us switch."
I began to try and hold the wheel but he swatted my hands away and I just stop in defeat. What is his problem? Why is he so chicken? Had it been me and my girl friend asked me to run into a tree I would have! But nooo Dean don't seem to think like that. We stop at a red light and I see him looking over at me biting back a smile and I have to look out the window so I won't smile. "You are really something." He told me and I continue to look out the window poking my tongue out a bit. "You can't honestly be mad at me?" He questioned and I turn to him roll my eyes and look right back out the window. "Fine if you want to drive into something, okay then." I perked up, smiling.
"Thank you." I said smiling at him but it soon fell short as he gave me his phone with a car racing game on it. I glared at him and snatch the phone. I might as well play it since I can't actually do it. I begin to move the phone side to side biting lip. I didn't even notice when Dean started to drive again but this game is great! The graphics are everything, it is like I'm really driving alongside Dean. "Ah!" I called out as I almost crashed into a tree, sighing a breathe of relief as I was able to save it. "Look at you! You almost had a heart attack over the game much less for the real thing." He mocked me and I couldn't hold back my smile so I showed him middle finger and continue playing my game.
We got there half an hour after and Dean battery died about a minute ago. He looked over at me from the driver's seat. "We will be fine babe." He tried to comfort me but I'm still a nervous wreck! "Still driving into a tree would have been better." I wasn't going to back down so easily.
"We will be fine! People will judge you anyway and the real people who love you will be happy you are happy with me. I'll be there for you, right by your side if you want me to." I finally look at him and leaned over and kiss peck his lips. "Thank you." I told him as he smiled even bigger an brighter and it was contiguous onto me. "Let me just say be prepared for the jealous girls. If you haven't notice all the ladies want me." He bragged and I screw my face up at him. "I'm pretty sure all the ladies want Roman and Randy, stop fooling yourself. You should be prepared for jealous fellas." Dean gasp over dramatically at me making me laugh. "Please Orton and Reigns ain't got nothing on this. If so why aren't you with them?" He teased.
"Because, I felt sorry for you and decided to give you chance. Damn my good ways!" I joked making him gasp again.
"Yeah? Well, you were the last on my list but you were so needy of me I just say why not?"
"Screw you."
We laugh and existed the car taking our stuff from the trunk. I love when we tease each other it is always so fun. When I close the trunk Dean whispered in my ears. "Not now, we could leaving the screwing for after." His voice was super sexy and raspy. That bitch! Two could play this game though. I turn an wrap my arms around his neck. "Why not? We could be daredevils." I tease as our lips were inches away, "I love you." He connected the little space between our lips as we kiss like there is no tomorrow, only for Titus to ruin it. "YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER!"
Dean and I jump apart from each other at the sound of his voice, "yes." Dean answered dully, upset at Titus ruin our fun. Titus didn't care though- he never really does. "Oh so does Bryan know? Or are you two going behind Bryan's back?" He asked as he motion us to walk inside the building with him as we sighed having no other choice. Titus better be happy I love him! "He knows." I say looking up at the huge muscular man. He seems taken back and I couldn't help but smile at that. "Look, I have to go and get ready since I'm right after The Authority's promo but right after my match finishes I'm coming back for you two." He glared at us and stomp off.
I look at Dean amused as he just sigh as if he had already given up on Titus. "I'm happy we ran into him. I think I can face the rest now." I told as Dean smile and take hold of my earning a few looks from production guys and stage managers but I just smiled brightly.
"WHAT YOU TWO ARE COMING IN TOGETHER NOW! Brianna where is your ring? You are divorcing Bryan? Why didn't you call and tell me? So you two had sex? I knew about the whole sex thing." How could I forget my lovely sister Nicole? Just thought she would have ask the least amount of questions but now I know I was terribly wrong. I turn and smile at Ambrose cutely. "I had to tell her about the sex thing. She is the only one I talk about my sex life with." I told him as he nod super acceptingly...well he is happy.... "Don't apologize, he told me about when your thirsty ass tried rape him." Nikki announces and I turn to Dean, blinking my eyes repeatedly as he quickly stop shaking his head at Nikki trying to send me an innocent smile. "I didn't try to rape you!" I clarified as everyone just started to laugh.
"Yeah we are together. I threw the ring at Bryan after I hit him with a frying pan." Nikki's eyes went wide an it looked like she wanted to laugh but I held her mouth to keep her silent. "Yes I'm divorcing Bryan. I was too busy having sex with Dean to call." I answer all her questions removing my hand from her mouth as she squealed and hug me. "You didn't had to tell me about the sex. To much information." She joked as I push her lightly while Dean wrap his arm around her shoulder casually. "I'm with you guys. Brianna don't be nervous." She gave me a stern look as I breathe in an nod.
Okay I can do this.
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