Remember when.
Two months later
Brie pov
It has been two whole months since the whole Bryan thing and I don't even speak to Bryan again. It goes to show sometimes when people commit evil deeds against you, you don't always have to fight them back or get revenge because karma is a bitch. You know what happened to Bryan? Jordan drugged him then the next day he got tested but he didn't get fired because test takes three weeks to come back but he injured his neck again and had to leave, he really didn't have much of a choice. A part of me felt bad because I know how much he loved his job but at the same time........
As for me, well I revealed myself to the crowd and they were shocked, some chanted, some just stayed silent probably feeling like crap but hey. I beat Nikki for the title so I'm now a Two time divas champion, it never gets old saying that. Nikki of course whined but was still happy for me. At least a Bella have it. She said technically she is still champion because we are twins and the egg spilt therefore we are the same person....... Nicole's logic don't even think about it. My life couldn't me more perfect than it is now. I know something in the future will happen but I hope it isn't major or soon.
"Nikki!" I yelled at my sister who was trying to open a pack of grapes, grapes she didn't but yet.
"What? I'll pay for them!" She replied and I took the still unopened pack from her an placed it in my basket.
"Just get the stuff we need."
"Fine....but I'm never coming grocery shopping with you again."
"Good, because I wasn't planning on inviting you."
I smiled to myself before it turned into a gasp when she threw an onion at me, laughing like a mad person. I quickly picked up the vegetable and rest it back where it came from.
"Nicole! What the hell?! You will get us thrown out of here." I scolded.
"No one saw Brie. Geez lighten up." She rolled her eyes.
"There are cameras dummy."
"I'm the dumb one? You just placed a horse head over yours."
"We agreed never to speak of that again."
"S-sure. Be a boner kill."
"It is buzz kill Nicole."
"No I mean boner, you just shoot me right back down."
She fired at me placing some cereal into her basket. I gasp at her but then it got replaced by a smirk. Oh I'll show you fun, I thought as I let her walk in front of me. I then as nicely as possible kneed her between her legs laughing. She gasp turning around holding her crotch. "Brianna! You just kneed me in the vagina." She spoke and I couldn't help but laugh seeing her crack a smile. "Not so much of a buzz a kill now, am I?" I messed with her as her nose crinkled, looking so unpleased. "Ew. Let's just get you back by Ambrose." She shook her head and continued to walk as I made mocking faces behind her.
When we reached to Jon and I new home. Yip, we brought a home together. The last house was just filled with bad memories, memories that I don't even want to think of. We decided to buy our house in San Francisco, where we are close to Nikki and somewhere good and have a chilled vibe. The house is a two story modern but natural home, fits us perfectly! It even have some old charm to it with the arch walls in some places and the exposed brick wall. The house is big but comfy just how we like it. We walked in and find Dean trying to put up a frame I bought that wrote 'do little things with great love' I find it is so cute. I walked over to him an kissed his cheek as Nikki walked in and rest the bags on the counter of the kitchen, it is a open floor plan. Dean soon finished and I clapped at the him, it looks so good. Nikki and him both rolled their eyes but I ignored them and walk over to the couch my sister made herself comfy on. Dean threw himself on the single seat. I rolled my eyes at him, geez one picture and he is tired.
"Nikki we need to get you a man, so you can do all this stuff with." I advised my sister nodding at her. Dean shook his head at me but said nothing.
"I know, but I don't have time. Plus the guys who like me I don't like them back." Nikki frowned a bit but didn't seem too affected.
"When was the last time you done it?" I asked my sister. Dean closed his eyes trying to block us out as Nikki and I giggle at that.
"Not in a long time actually. It is very unacceptable. Like a month ago was the last time, seems like forever." Nikki confessed and Dean and I exchanged looks. One month is that long.
"With who? You never told me?" I hit her arm for not telling me.
"Really?" She seemed to think. "With some guy, Matt." She shrugged it off.
"Wow been a month since she got any." I sighed for my sister and Dean let out a series of grunts, trying to tell us to shut up but we laugh it off.
"No, I have my vibrators." I made puking faces.
"To much information Nikki."
"What?! You started it!"
"Yeah but.."
"I named him purple."
"Let me guess because it is purple."
She nodded as we laughed loudly. I then look over at Dean and saw him hitting his head against the chair arm, only to make Nicole and I laugh even more.
"YOU TWO ARE DISTURBING! I didn't need to know that. Thank you very much." Dean complained looking at us. "Oh, come on Dean! You are like my brother." Nikki told shifting her body to face him some more. Dean held out his index finger to her as she folded her arms watching him with a straight face. "Um, okay. Do you talk about this stuff around JJ?" He asked her, thinking he has a point. Nicole and I both nod. "Seriously?! And I'm sure he tells you guys shut up. Who names a vibr- you know what? Never mind. I'm to normal to be here." He leaned back into his chair after saying earning raised brows from us. Nikki and I looked at each other then at him.
"Dean don't forget the time when my period came and what you did." I warned him. He bit his inner cheeks as he pretended not to hear me. "Oh my gosh! That was hilarious!" Nikki hit my knee laughing at the story I told her about and I struggled to keep my laughter at bay. "I'm a guy!" He defended but that didn't say anything. "Come on that is the excuse you are going with?" Nikki looked at him disappointed with his defense. "Dean, even guys know the difference between tampons and pads. I send you for organic tampons and you returned with maxi pads with a green leaf on the pack!" I reminded him of the incident and Nikki laughed loudly again but this time I couldn't control my laughter. Dean bit his inner gum looking at us with narrowed eyes. "I..I, at least I brought something back."
"They were so long though! You cut them and thought you made it better but cut off the wings to actually." I told and Nikki laughed louder and begin to hold her belly, making Dean crack a little laugh but still tried to remain serious. "Well I didn't know. I don't wear those things." He sassed and fold his arms looking away dramatically. I shook my head an walked over to him, sitting on his lap but he still kept his eyes to the next side of the room. "But honey what did you think make them stick on. There was a reason they were sticky." I sweetly told him an he chuckled but kept looking away from me. "I thought....leave me alone." He realized just how dumb he was. Nikki began to cough an had to excuse herself to get water, making me laugh more. "But I still love you." I said to him turning his chin, planting a big kiss on his lips, making him smile.
(A/n: I decided to go with a light chapter. Instead of all the problems as a change plus we need one before the ending. Hope you enjoy. 😳😚😋)
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