Promise to marry you
Brie pov
I'm pacing back an forth trying to make sure everyone is dressed and ready. The kids are actually the well behaved ones while the adults are driving me insane. All I told them was to sit down and get their make up done, instead they are all over. Do I even need them? I'm contemplating that one. Guess who is the worst of them all? My maid of honor. And guess who is my maid of honor. Nicole. Surprising? Not one bit. You would have thought she would have tried to redeem herself from my last wedding but instead this time she is actually worst! How could you even get worst!? Leave it to Nicole to show you. I groaned and started to shake the chair I was just sitting on. I wanted to be nice but apparently being nice gives you a headache.
"EVERYONE TO THE MAKE-UP BOOTH NOW!! I want to hear no excuses! March!" I commanded finally having enough of there crap! They all looked shocked but at this point I really don't care. I point to the make-up session and they all went running to it. I sighed and was about to go get myself some water but got stop by Nicole. "Since I'm the maid of honor, can I do my own make-up or at least get my make-up styled differently form the rest?" She asked and I balled my fist ready to punch something. I glared at her in the eyes but she seemed unaffected by it. "Go an ask for them to do yours slightly different." I gave her what she wanted. "But anymore questions or disruptions coming from you and I will kick you out. I don't care if you are my twin or not. I'll miss you but this isn't your day. Got it?" I threatened with the darkest tone I have ever used against her. She looked shocked but annoyed with me. She simply walk around me and go to where she is suppose to be. I sighed and went to find myself the whine I stored in the mini fridge just incase these people piss me off. I picked up a glass and pour the whine into it. Not even two sips in and I'm already called for. "Auntie Brie, I got stain on my blouse." My three year old cousin told me pouting. I gasp wanting to go crazy on him but he is too cute and already seem upset enough. "I have a spare blouse for you. Just keep on that one until we are ready to leave okay?" He smiled brightly and nod and then went running off. I smiled and gulp the rest of the whine down, feeling the slight burn. I'm still in my jeans and top but I need to make sure the guys are alright. "I'll be back in a second." I told everyone as they nod or mumbled something in response. I open the door and went walking down the hall trying to find a groomsmen or someone besides Dean to talk too. I smiled when I saw Roman walking around already dressed. Wow, men really do move fast. Roman and I still isn't the best of friends but we are cool now. "Psst, Roman. Come here please?" I called him over as he made his way over to me confused and amused. "How is everything with you guys?" I asked as soon as he stood in front of me. He chuckled and shook his head, amused. "Yes, everything is perfectly fine actually," he then look down at me. "We seemed to be far more ahead of you ladies." He commented and I hit his arm lightly making him chuckle once more. "Okay good. Don't tell Dean." I looked at him to tell him I was serious, he laughed but nod as I ran off, back to my dressing room. I still have tons of things to do.
"Brianna! There you are. Go and quickly freshen up then head to make-up and hair. Go, quickly!" My mother instructed as I nod and quickly grabbed my bag with supplies and rushed to the shower stall we had. I got undressed then head into the shower. I smiled when the water hit me, easing some stress off. I'm happy just weddings are a lot of stress but Dean is more than worth it. I smiled to myself at the thought of Dean or should I say Jonathan Good my soon to be husband in the next hour and some minutes, I can't wait. I'm the next Mrs. Good with the best husband ever. This feel like the first wedding I have ever had. Everything is so much more special and well planned and perfect. We decided to get married in this museum building since we both like art...well I like art and Dean likes skeletons of pass creatures. Then the reception area will have lots of plants and crystals. It is beautiful, trust me. The theme this time is red, since it is my favorite color and he likes it too.
I finished my shower and got out of the stall drying myself and putting on my sexy Victoria Secret underwear. I smiled at myself in the mirror just thinking about tonight makes me blush a bit. "It was all worth it. The tears, the fights, the heartache, the time, the confusion. It was all worth it, every minute of it. I can now marry the one who is meant to be mine forever." I told my reflection and I sprayed some perfume on myself. Nikki then entered and wolf whistled as I smiled and flip her off. "You look amazing far. But you need to get ready, like now." She informed and I nod and put on a robe over myself as I rush out the bathroom to where I'm suppose to be.
Dean pov
I can't believe I'm going to be married today. Most men may get nervous and antsy at the thought but I'm beyond excited. I know Brianna is the one for me, she is the other half of me. I straighten my suit as I looked in the mirror. I must say I look great. My hair is slicked back and well styled, like how I use to have it in my shield days but more neat and stylish. I smiled at my reflection as I looked at myself, I do look really great. I should anyway, I spend over $1700 on this suit! I thought it may as well be made out of gold but instead it was just silk and some other expensive material. I had my red tie untied around my neck as I walked around chewing gum. The guys are all ready just sitting around talking and laughing. I bet the girls are scrambling, alright. I'm almost ready but one problem, I can't tie a tie and plenty of the other guys seem to be having the same problem. We need help but I can't ask for help because Brie and I made a bet that we will need a girl to help us but I said no. That is why my hairdresser was a man and it is only guys in this room and at first it was great up until now.
"Hi guys." Nikki walked in looking pretty covered in her robe and an apple in hand. She walked over to her boyfriend Seth and gave him a small kiss as I rolled my eyes. "Did Brie send you in here?" I asked with a cocky look on my face. "Yeah. She is driving me insane so I ran away." Nikki sighed after saying making everyone laughed. "So she didn't send you in here to check on us?" I need to make sure of this. Nikki shook her head pushing out her lips, with a clueless look on her face. "Nope." She pop the 'P' saying as I smiled an nod, relieved. "Good. Can you help us tie our ties?" I asked with a huge dimpled smile making her glare at me before she sighed, threw away her apple and nod. She walked over to me and undo the crap I tried to tie. "Your tie was tied like how Squidward plays the darn clarinet." She said making everyone laughed as I rolled my eyes. Wish me luck, I'm going to be her family soon. "I tried." I defended myself but she only shook her head and neaten the tie as she smiled. "What the?" She gasp when she saw the line of guys behind her waiting to get their ties tied. She sighed loudly and begin to tie their ties.
"Nicole!" I called out to her as she finished tying ties and is now sitting on Seth's lap.
"Yeah, groom?"
"Ayi. Don't tell Brianna okay?"
"Already keeping secrets and you guys ain't even married yet mr. Good?"
I smiled and breathe out, relieved as she turned and kissed Colby, those two are so PDA it is annoying.
"Hey Dean I need to speak to you real quick." Roman came in announcing earning everyone's attention. "What is it?" I look at my groomsman. He signal me to come out the door as I sighed and walked out, closing the door behind me. "What?" I asked spitting out my gum, I was previously chewing in the palm of my hand. "Um, so apparently the company who sponsored the food, have you guys written down in the company's book but they lost your signature and need to get it." Roman explained, pulling his lips into a straight line as he slowly nod, knowing how stupid the company seems right now. "Okay. So where are they?" I asked not wanting to find out how on earth they could lost a costumer's signature! I just want this problem solved as quickly as possible. "Across the street. It is only one guy and there is the only place he can park but have to stay in the van because it is a no parking zone." Roman informed me as I sighed and pat his shoulder, going out to fix the problem with him besides me.
I smiled at the pastor who will be marrying us today as he returned it. I waved at many employees who have been decorating or whatever else for the wedding as I make my way to the front door, sneaking a peek at the place I will get married soon in and all I see is red and roses. But it is absolutely great! Take it from me. I turn to see Seth a few feet behind me. I cast him a questioning look before I turn back around and open the door. What the hell is he even doing behind me? Isn't he suppose to be kissing Nicole? I shook it off and looked around for the company's van, which I soon spotted. 'Italian Spice Food' I stopped a car an jogged across the road to the other side. I have one more street to cross until I reach to where I need to be. When I was crossing the second street a car ran over my body, from right below my chest go down. I screamed out in pain as my nose began to bleed and some blood started to come out from my mouth. People started to gather around asking if I was okay, what a stupid question. "Dean! Dean? Dean! I'll call the ambulance. Is there anything you need?" Seth frantically asked with teary eyes. I shook my head knowing I'm not going to make it. I'm bleeding badly and if I get lifted I'll die, I know this. The life is slowly draining from me and I don't want to die in the hospital. "Call Brie, the pastor and everyone one else. I'm going to get married today nothing isn't going to stop me. Go!" I told as Colby looked at me unsure of what to do as the tears slip from his eyes. "Colby Lopez please, I made a promise to her and I'm not going to break it...please." I pleaded as I cringed in pain, trying to remain strong. Seth nod frantically "stay in there." He told as I nod before he took off running. I look around my surrounding and saw cars had already stopped and the people are already gathered around me, looking at me with the saddest eyes ever. I tore my gaze from them and look down at my body where the blood is oozing out of it, thank god I don't get dizzy with the sight of blood. I close my eyes and begin to pant as a tear roll down my cheeks, I'm not going to make it. But I need to get married to her, I'm not breaking that promise.
Brie pov
I just got finished doing my hair, make-up and putting on my dress which I'm in love with. It is white with a sweetheart neck line, a pearl like bridal belt sash around my curve and little white flowers in the lace of the dress. The dress is form fitted to my body but it extended a bit after my butt (dress shown in picture about without the strap). I smiled at the mirror, looking at myself. My hair styled in the curly rainfall hairstyle which Nicole suggested and turns out it was absolutely perfect. And my accessories where dropping diamond earrings, -which I borrowed from Nikki -Something borrowed-, a diamond bracelet with a hint of blue to the middle -something blue, well partly blue. I wore light make-up with pink lipstick and I can honestly say I never looked better in my life. I then turn to look at my bridal party and they all look so pretty. They wore short red dresses (an inch or two after mid-thigh), the top of the dress was sweetheart to but closed in where no side cleavage could show. Since Nicole is the maid of honor she got a sparkly silver belt around her dress and red studded heels apart from the regular red heels the bridesmaid had to wear.
"Is everyone ready?" I looked around the room and everyone nod. I smiled and took a deep breathe in to calm down a bit. "There are five more minutes before it start. So please try and not get yourselves dirty in anyway possible." I told calmly as they solute me, I rolled my eyes but smiled. Nikki then came over to me with a phone and snapped pictures of me as I smiled and posed. She then call over my mother as we took like two selfies together then, two selfies with just Nicole and I as the others clapped.
"Brie! Brie! Brie! Come now! It is super important, please come. Everyone else too!" Seth burst open our door frantically saying with tears running down his eyes. I felt my stomach drop and I knew something happened to Dean. "Run! I don't have time for questions just follow me." Seth said again as everyone looked at each other before I ran out behind Seth, while everyone soon started running behind us. I took off my heels and ran even faster as I saw the groomsmen already running out the building! What the hell happened? Is it a fire. I would have asked Colby but he looks a mess right now, running. When we got outside I saw plenty people gathered across the road. I'm getting very scared right now! I picked up my pace as the whole wedding ran across the road. "Everyone out of my way!" Seth yelled and people parted away as I ran behind Colby. My heart broke when I saw Dean laying on the floor, blood oozing out of his body as he looked up at me and smiled. My eyes immediately began to water as I shook my head not believing what is happening. I ran over to him and kneeled besides him not caring if my dress gets dirty. "Dean! Jon! What happened? Why did you leave? Why isn't the ambulance here? Someone call the ambulance!" I was all over the place when I started to speak but he needs to get to the hospital quick. "No! Don't call them! I'm not going to make it and I don't want to die in a hospital." Dean groaned as he finished speaking in pain. I looked at him confused with tears falling from my eyes. No my baby isn't going to die! He can't die! I need him more than anything. "Dean you don't know that! At least try." I pleaded to him but he shook his head. His palm coming up to cup my face as I smiled at him. "Baby girl I know my body pretty well. If I get lifted I'll die in a spilt second. I'm losing blood fast but I have to marry you. I made a promise to marry you," he smiled at me but I'm to broken to return a smile. "I'm not going to back out of my promise. Pastor George, start the wedding now please. Everyone take your positions." He then commanded as I look around and saw my bridal party standing to side of me as Nicole wiped her tears. The groomsmen stood besides Dean as the best man Colby bawled his eyes out but tried to be strong. I trembled crying, I know he will die, Dean knows it too. I can't believe how far we have came. I look at pastor George who was looking at me confirmation, I look at the dying Jonathan and he nod, he don't want to break his promise, this is the least I can't do for him. "S-start the ceremony." I stuttered out as the pastor nod and looked at us with a pained expression before he started to read.
"We have gathered here today to celebrate the love between a man and woman. A love that we hope will last an eternity and a love that will be honest and true." Pastor started and I sniffled looking at Dean as he send me the best smile he could muster. "We don't have much time so I will make this quick. Do you two hope to read your vows?" He asked as I look at Dean who nodded very surely as I nod along. "Okay, we shall start with Mr. Good." Dean nod thankful to be going first. He then looked up at me and wipe my tears as more came. I can feel his hand getting even colder but I still held onto it. "Brianna before I start I just wanted to say you look beautiful. So does everyone else." He looked at the bridal party as I look at them also and saw Nicole wiping her nose as the tears roll down her eyes, my other bridesmaids have tears rolling down there faces too, while the men are all out crying. "Now. I never dreamed of getting married. I thought it wouldn't have happened and that it was stupid. I thought no one girl is worth spending my whole life with. I thought I didn't deserve that and no one will love me. But then we kissed in the storage room for the first time and I felt something weird inside of me. First I thought you gave me worms." He said and everyone cracked a smile so did I and his eyes glistered seeing everyone smiling. "But then later on our affair grew and I realize what I was feeling wasn't worms it was sparks. And sparks came with love. I talked to Roman about it and he laughed his butt off at me calling me a sap. Thanks bro." Jonathan found it in himself to show Roman middle finger as everyone laughed this time including Roman. "Then our relationship started, the challenges came and I realize I was willing to do anything for you. Still am. I didn't even see how hard or ridiculous it was, I just saw it as necessary. Then you chose him over me and I made up my mind to try and move on from you. I know I would have never done that but I still could have pretended." He took a painful breathe in as I held onto his hand tighter. "But it was hard and I didn't want to pretend. Then after some up and downs we ended up together and someone tried to ruin that. But we overcame it. I realized one girl is worth it, all the pain, all the tears, all the fighting, yelling, ignoring, brawls, heartache, everything. I'm willing to go through hell for one girl because she is more than everything I need. She is the one who gave me a whole new take on life and she is the only prize worth going through all those things and more for. She is you, Brianna. And I'm happy I'm spending my dying moments with you, accomplishing the things I never thought possible. Brie you are super strong and you will forever be. I love everything you do, all the crazy things you say, everything and I love you so much." He finished his vow and I cried even more but smiled because his vow was so beautiful. "Brianna." George announced and I nod. I know have to say this quickly because he is getting closer to death.
"Jonathan. I love you with everything in me, every vain, every organ, every muscle, every cell within my body. Dean you showed what actual love is. You showed me that being in love is when you can't stop thinking about the person. It is when you get déjà vu about them. It is when they aren't with you, you think everyone is them. It is when you are willing to give up everything an go through anything for them. You showed me all of those things Dean." I bit back my tears as he squeezed my hands encouraging me to be strong. "You showed the world, our adventures were the best moments in my life, you made me glow so much Nikki placed me in her bedroom for light when her bulb blew." Everyone laughed as I turn to look at my sister who smiled but the tears is flowing from her eyes. "You did that. I have no idea how I will live without but you showed me how to be strong and I will forever be just for you. I know everything about you. I love the weird things about you, like how you burn eggs soup, noddles, rice but can perfect lasagna. I will never understand how but you are mystery and you will forever be. I love Jonathan Good. You will always be the light within me." I finished my vows and received claps as I use my free hand to wipe away my tears. We looked at George who got teary eyes. He pulled out paper from his book and hand them to me with a pen, I sign the wedding papers then hold it out for Dean as he weakly signed it and drop the pen after. It pains seeing him dying, every second he gets worst, every second my heart breaks even more. Mother then hand me the two different color sand and a empty jar as I guide Dean's hand as we pour the pink and blue sand together. He smiled and I returned it.
"Please put on the rings." Pastor George said as Nikki took the rings from the kids and hand them over to me. I hand Dean the ring as he took it and slowly glide it down my finger as I smiled and put on his. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." George told and everyone clapped as I smiled and hover over Dean looking him into his waring eyes before I place my lips against his. The kiss was slow, loving, passionate, full of love and mixed with tears. We pulled away and I broke into my tears sobbing more. "Brianna please don't cry. I don't want to leave seeing you cry please smile." His weak voice told me as I tried to wipe away the tears but more kept coming. "Brie please. I want you to be happy, I want you to truly be happy. Even if it means dating him." He referred to Bryan but I know I can never be with Bryan again. "Never, I could never be with him again." I informed my husband as he smiled happily. "Good. Just be happy my wife. Just be happy mrs. Good." I smiled at the use of my new name. "I'll try just for you my husband." I knew he needed to hear me call him my husband before he leaves.
"Nikki don't stop being you. You are a special case. Never let anything come between Brianna and yourself. Got it Nicole my sister-in-law?" He asked as she smiled and nod. "I got it, my brother-in-law. I promise." She told and make her way over to him and give him a hug and kissed his cheeks before kneeling besides me. "Good."
"Seth, never ever stop being yourself. You have a great woman and I hope you will treat her good. Dear lord please try and better both of their English." Dean told as everyone laugh with tears coming from their eyes. "Colby I love you man." Dean choked out saying as he struggled to keep his eyes open."Promise my brother. And I love you too." Seth told and came over and hugged him as he made his way over to Nicole and hold her as they both sobbed.
"Roman. I forgive you, I forgave you long time ago. I'm glad to have you as a friend, you have always been there for me. You know the reason why Colby is best man and not you. And I know you tell people all those embarrassing stories of me." Roman laughed knowing it was true as his index finger wipe his eyes. "I love you bro Leati, stay strong." He finished his speech to Roman as Roman came an hugged him too. "Thank you all! And I love you, the people who I love know themselves." He smiled as I smiled at him knowing he will die any second now I place my lips onto his for one last goodbye kiss. "I had always like the name Dean more. I love you Brianna." With that his eyes fluttered closed as I began to bawl loudly. No! He left too soon! I hugged his body, laying next to him on the floor. People tried to part me but I'm not leaving! He left too soon. My angel left too soon.
Moments after the people came to move the body having my family and friends tore me off him. I cried into my mother's chest as her, Nicole and my dad hugged me. I watch as they covered his body with a white cloth then lift onto a stretcher. When they lift his body I saw all the damage that was done and had to turn away. I fell back onto the floor with everyone surrounding me. "Sssh, I now it is hard but him and I both know you are strong." Nikki told me pulling my head onto her chest as I felt her own tears wet my scalp. I look at my blood stained dress and cried even harder. At least I gave him his dying wish, he can die in peace and that is the most important thing. "Nikki can you stay with me tonight?" I asked as I looked at my sister. She nod with tears in her eyes. "You didn't even have to ask." I smiled and pulled her into a hug as we stayed in each other's embrace for a long time. I look around and saw co-workers with tears in there eyes, even strangers had tears in their eyes. I hope this never happens to anyone and the driver who hit him never even stopped. I sobbed as I held Nicole tighter feeling our mom rub my back.
(A/n: so one more chapter after this. I know this was an emotional chapter because I cried too. Just remember I love you guys so don't feed me to the sharks. Love ya 👰💕👫💍. ❤️💔. Ps sorry for any error but I had a massive headache for a few days now.)
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