No control
A month since I ran away from Dean crying. And in that month I learn that nothing I have ever did was more stupid and useless than trying to not love Dean because in the end it only made me love him more! I'm so in love with Dean that I don't even know anymore! It is like the only thing I can do! But I guess trying not to love him wasn't completely useless since I found out he is indeed the one that has my heart. He is the one. Ambrose was wrong though when he said 'which one has your heart and which one has you brain' because he has both. Forever in my mind and in my heart. He is the one, I don't need to keep searching to find out anymore. Does this mean I'm going to divorce Bryan? No, because I will feel way too guilty! He gave up so much for me! And for me to just leave him? No that is way too ungrateful of me. He gave up a million and one things for me so I will give up my biggest thing for him, Dean.
"Wow Brie, Dark Flower is like the best thing that has happen to divas division. The crowd loves you and chant for you more than they chant for Cena! Cena! That is a huge accomplishment!" Nattie rest her tray on the table I was at, taking a seat besides me as she spoke. I send her a huge smile, I really owe it all to her, she is the one who thought Nicole and I to wrestle. "Thanks Nattie! It feels so good to see the divas getting good storylines and just as much air time as the men! I'm glad they finally notice how powerful we are." I told. The Dark Flower thing has really got me over, so over I'm afraid to go back to Brie thinking I might ruin that. Dark Flower is the second most selling person in the WWE! Cena and I are neck and neck but he still is on top and I'm not mad I'm just so happy that I'm apart of this. "All because of you Brie or Dark Flower, whoever you are, thank you." I couldn't help the huge smile that came across my face that I tried to hide. "No, it was all the creative writers idea. So thanks to them," I'm not one to gobble up all the praise when it wasn't even my idea! I'm just an actor, the director and the others involve in this should be getting the praise. "Okay, Brianna be humble and all," Nattie joke as I smiled and nod.
My good mood got ruin when Madison walked in with Dean laughing mad loud, I can't hear her, but she is still laughing to loud. "are you okay Brie?" Seems like Nattie picked up on my mood change. I look at the blonde woman with the pink strand in her hair "Yeah. Isn't that Madison bitch married? What is she doing with Dean? Such an unfaithful whore." I know that is the most hypocritical, stupidest and ignorant thing I have ever said since I was doing the same. But I'm better because we love each other. "Oh, Madison is a sweet heart! Her husband cheated on her and they got a divorce like three weeks ago, yeah. I don't know if she is with Dean or not but I think so." This is why you must not tell Natayla anything personal! She has a huge heart but a blabber mouth. In this case her blabber mouth came in helpful to me. "Oh......well they don't look good together at all." Nattie gave me a suspicious look which I ignored. She can think whatever she wants. "Okay, someone is going a bit crazy so I'm going to leave," with that she took her stuff as I spare her one last look before she left to go by her husband, Tyson.
What is Dean even doing? If he called for me, I'd going running to his feet. How could he want more? She won't do that, I will. I'm sure she doesn't think of him every second of every day. I'm sure everything even the smallest of them, don't remind her of him. He will never love her more than he loves me and no one can love him more than I love him.
The two spot me and turn away to go somewhere else, Madison hates me and I can't blame her, the feeling is mutual. I take it all back, all that I said to hurt him, that he can't even be in the same room with me and only talks to me professionally. I don't know what I'm thinking but I got up and decided to follow them. They went by the balcony and I hid behind the door looking at them. They were standing close, -way to close for my liking- face to face. I can just imagine how she must be feeling right now, feeling his breathe on her face. Lucky bitch. I pictured it was me in her place and I like it but she makes my insides burn like a fire. I'm jealous so shitting jealous of her! When he place his forehead on hers it take away my breathe an not in the good way. It is making my knees go weak and not in a good way either!
My heart is so lonely without Dean. Is this how he feels when I'm with Bryan? It is obvious he is mine and no one else's but he is no longer around. Dean is my world and it feels like Madison is attacking it. What kind of love am I facing?
I step out from behind the door with my mouth slightly parted, I couldn't watch them being so close anymore. They look shock and Madison seem angry and I can't blame her but she should check her attitude. I walk over to them, ignoring the bitch as I stood between them forcing her to stand back. I look at Dean who never even bother to argue with me. "I know you want me. You don't have to act like you want her because being with her will only hurt us more. If you want me you can have me." I said, tried of waiting for him to come back to me, tried of thinking he would any second. So I took matters into my own hands. He was about to reply but the bitch ass bitch beat him to it. "Sweetie you hurt him so much. What makes you think he will come back to you-" I was boiling over
"I WASN'T SPEAKING TO YOU!! Now was I?" I snapped and Dean look at me as if he is disappointed while she just stood there with a dumb look on her dumb face. Look what she have done? Ughh! I hate her so much! "Madison let us go." Dean held out his hand to her as she nod and took it, both walking away from me. The jealousy is overbearing right now, I can't control myself and the next thing I know I was running behind them jumping on her back and turning her to face me as I began to slap her face. She was trying to get away but I'm not letting her! No one takes my baby away from me, no one!
"Brianna stop!" Dean yelled and I immediately stop, climbing off of her as my eyes began to water and the way he is looking at me makes it worse. I'm down on my knees watching him but my gaze broke off of him to Roman who gasp when he saw Madison laying on the ground holding her face. He was about to ask a question before Dean stopped him. "Just take Madison, I need to speak to Brianna." Roman knew better than to go against Dean in this time so he picked up Madison and carried her somewhere.
"Get up" he demanded and I slowly did. There it goes, Dean hates me and I can't blame him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked
"I-I don't know. I just got so jealous seeing you with her. I'm tried of waiting for to break the promise you made with yourself and come back to me. I'm tried of thinking about you coming back to me when I know you will keep to your word. You always do." I'm just being honest.
"That was still no reason to attack an innocent person"
"I know. Do you hate me now Dean?" I watch as his features soften and he held a sorry look in his eyes but also anger. "No, I can't hate you and it pisses me off! I tried so much and I only fall in love with you more! Everything I do I think of you! It is pissing me off." I don't know whether I should be happy or mad at his words but I know I agree one thousand percent.
I took his wrist and pulled him to somewhere more private, like the classic storage room. He don't even seem confuse that I brought him here, it is like he knew why an I know he does. I look him in the eyes and he looked me in mine, I just need him now. "Dean, I finally know the answer. It is you, you have my heart." I told him and his smile right now is so big it is giving the sea competition and it bring me a world full of joy. I couldn't help or control myself so I connected our lips missing his lips on mine. He kissed back and I wrap my hands around his neck. Before we could get anymore deeper into the kiss he push me away. I groan "Dean...... Please just break the promise you made with yourself. I did." I tried to kiss him again but he keep moving away from me. "No, then it will go back to how it was but this time it will be worse." He told but I'm in no mood for logic right now. "Dean just.." I trail off going to kiss again but he shook his head. I'm getting tired of his games. "Dean please." I push my body onto his as he sighed and looked down at me. "Brie no" I ignored him and went for the kiss but he pushed me away so hard I fell on my butt. I gasp and look at his surprise face, his eyes running wild and he began to pull at his hair. My eyes begin to fill with tears and so did his. He then look me in the eyes and said "I guess we are back to playing the crying game." With that he left.
Please come back but stay the hell away from me. My mind is confuse mess. I can't believe he push me down and I'm not even angry with him. I'm angry at myself for being so needy of him.
"Sorry" I said out loud.
Dean pov
I ran out of the area with no cares since I have already done everything I had to do. My 'unstable' hoodie up and my head down. I blow off fans probably seeming like an asshole but I don't care right now. Maybe I am an asshole. I found a nice little quiet place with trees and I went there. I climb up a tree just like I use to when I was a child. Everyone knows comforting people and giving them wise advice was never my thing, even though I did try. When I was young and had no money I tried to steal but got caught before I even left the store. It wasn't like I was stealing gold or expensive stuff, it was bread only. I was hungry and had no money, my childhood wasn't the best. I guess I'm not thief because I can't steal Brianna away from Bryan. And God knows I have tried so hard! Countless times. I just got tried of trying to act like I don't see Brie and I don't notice her with Bryan because I do. It doesn't help trying to be blind when it comes to the both of them because it is the brightest thing we will ever see. I have gone to countless stripper clubs, yeah the women were hot but I felt nothing! I didn't even feel excited under my belt.
When she asked me if I hated her it pulled a cord in me. It hurt me so much that she will even think like that. I wish I could hate her sometimes but I just can't and it irritates me but at the same time I like it! I told her millions of times I love her and I swear on everything I have I still do. Why am I even angry she picked Bryan? Those day when she use to come into my hotel and we basically live there together because Bryan was out injured, must have hurt her so badly. My constant need to watch tv on the loudest while she was trying to read, the way I would just throw my clothes to the side and she is a tidy person so she would pick them up and all my other stupid ways. It must have killed her to live me and she realizes that she can't continue to do so. I might not either, especially if I had a wife just like me.
I heard when she yelled out sorry and that stop me for a few seconds because she never says sorry! It was all Bryan is slowly dying, I'm married and it is what is best. So for her to actually say sorry, of course it surprises the living daylight out of me. I was waiting some other story as to why.
She actually said sorry, wow.
I look at the tree I was up in, sitting in one of it's branches and it brought back so many memories of when I was a child and my teen years. This is what I use to do every time I felt sad or let down, (which was a lot) I climbed a tress. Coming here because of Brie just reminds of no matter what I'll always be that little boy who use to climb trees every time they have a problem. The boy who just couldn't bear being around people when something goes wrong, I guess I'm still him.
Before drinking cause the whole Brie illusions thing, I was one of those millions of people who tried to drink away their pain, I've been down to the bottle of every bottle of alcohol a place had! I think I know the name and taste of every alcoholic drink! That is saying something, I tell you. Goes to show how fucked up my life was and still somewhat is. Jon Good could never win at life and be happy, the world didn't intend for it to be like that. I rip up leaves and then throw them on the floor hoping the will feel like how I'm feeling but they never will.
I remember when Brie and I first began to mess around and we both agreed it was only for fun. Well are we having fun yet? Because I don't think so! No one should ever have to go through this much pain in their life. But to those of us who do it makes us much more stronger and way more (I guess) wiser.
"Dean!" I heard the voice for all my pain but also the voice of all my love, Brie. I jump a bit not noticing when she got here, I look down and saw her there looking up at me. I honestly can't deal with her right now. From what she did to poor Madison to everything before and after that. I turned my head away from her and just look on. "Dean please." Her voice is so tender, so soft, so hurt and so needy and I'm going through each one of those emotions right now. I sighed and got down out of the tree as she smile and walked closer to me. She wipe my tears -I had grown so use to- away. My face remain the same, blank. She then moved her hand away from my face and I wanted nothing more than to put it back there and wipe away her tears, but I can't. "I'm sorry. You had every right to push me away. I should have respected your decision like you have respected mine! I just need you so much Dean everything reminds me of you an only you! You are everything I want and need." I closed my eyes and bite my lip trying to stay strong. I can't believe she said sorry again and I thought for sure she was going to yell at me but she didn't. I then open my eyes and look at her hurt face. "No, I didn't mean to push you down. You shouldn't be the one apologizing I am. I'm sorry for pushing you down Brianna. I'm shock you apologized. I was waiting on some other story," she gave me a knowing smile, looking down "but if you claim I'm all that to you. Why don't you divorce Bryan and be with me?" I need to know this. She look up at me with a sorry look in her eyes as I look at her. "I will feel way to guilty Jon, he gave up so much for me. So I want to give up something for him and......." She didn't needed to finish because I know what she was going to say. So I ran off leaving her to call behind me but I'm not stopping. I'll die if I hear her say she is giving me up.
I'm just a scared boy who acts all tough but always ran away from problems involving the heart. This is how Brie remind me of who I really am.
(A/n so lots of things happened in this chapter. Comment and tell me how you feel about it :) every part of this chapter and other chapters (even the book title) was inspired by songs. If anyone notice that... Anyway stay flawless bye!)
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