My WrestleMania
Brie pov
"You nervous?" I ask Dean as he jogged on the spot. He was main eventing WrestleMania with Hunter after all! "Yeah, very. But I know I will do great." I smiled an kiss his cheeks. I love his confidence..."good, you have time. I'm just going to check on Nikki and make sure she is ready." I told him as he nod. I walked off super happy knowing this match is more hype than some of the men matches and that is huge!
I was walking backstage around the huge ass arena looking for my lovely and annoying sister, Nicole. "Brie do us proud." Paige told me as I smiled and side hug her. "I will. Have you seen Nicole?" I started to worry. I may have told Dean not to worry but I'm a worrying mess. "Yeah, she is in the locker room......well last time I checked at least." Paige told me as I smiled brightly at her, nodding.
"Thank you!" I called out walking away
"No probably pumpkin." Paige told as I smiled.
Everyone who is competing tonight is looking nervous as hell but excited at. I'm the same thing. "Hi" a deep voice came from beside me as I look up to see none other than Randy Orton walking alongside me. Kind of surprising. "Hey Orton. Wicked RKO out there. One of my favorites." I complimented as he smile brightly already knowing this. "Yeah I'm proud of my work." He self complimented. Typical Orton. No one love Randy Orton more than Randy Orton. Fact. "Anyway do good out there ya? I'm really happy for you both." Randy told me and I couldn't help but smile bright and feel super proud of myself. For an already known future Hall Of Famer to tell you that is amazing. "Thank you." I smiled as he nod and pat my shoulder walking off in some other direction.
I couldn't stop smiling at the work related compliment. Of course my smile fell short when I saw Bryan. Okay, I'm scared and nervous. I look around me to make sure that people are here just in case anything goes down. It had people and I felt slightly better but I wasn't in the mood to see Bryan so I tried to walk pass him but he stopped me. "At least Ambrose don't walk away like a wuss." Bryan told me and I bit my lip annoyed already as I look down. "Can't even look me in the eye? Mhm, if it is anyone here that should be scared it should be me. After you hit me a frying pan to head!" His teasing, angry and sadistic voice fill my ears and I want nothing more than Dean to be here or Randy to be still walking besides me. "Look Bryan I'm busy okay. I can't do this right now." I explain and tried to push pass him but he stood directly in front of me going each way I was attempting to go until I stop and look him in the eyes. "You are busy being Ambrose bitch huh? Tell your pimp daddy that he doesn't deserve to even be in WrestleMania much less main eventing it with Hunter." He informed as I begin to walk off trying to contain my anger. "Oh also tell Dean when he screw up I'll be right by your side....again." I stop dead in my track closing my eyes.
Breathe in, breathe out. Don't take him on Brianna. You have a match to fight on the biggest stage of them all. He is just being an ass.
I told myself as I stomp off to divas locker room where I burst open the diva scaring some divas who then look at me like I was growing three heads. "What the hell Brianna?" Nikki asked already fully geared in her new ring gear. I just run my tongue along the edge of my teeth shaking my head. "Let's go. Don't wanna be late." I said in a commanding but dead tone. My twin watch the other divas then they all watch me with worried looks but Nikki got up neither the less. I turn an walk away knowing Nicole will be right behind me since she is very curious. Especially when it comes to my life.
"What is wrong with you?" Nikki ask catching up to me.
"If I'm little rough in the ring remember I warned you." I told
"What the hell? Why are you angry? You were just so excited?"
"Drop it Nicole!"
"No! Tell me!"
"Just drop it! Okay!!!"
"No! This is the biggest match of our careers and I won't make you go out there angry Brianna! I won't make you screw this up! So what the actual hell is wrong with you?"
She step in front of me stopping me from walking as I let out a defeated sigh. I'm just hurt and angry and a bit curious. "Bryan." Was all I had to say an Nikki understood pretty well what I meant. She balled her fist. "What did he say?" She ask looking like she already want to kill him. I shook my head, "I'll tell you after our match don't need the bad energy now. Your were right this our biggest match. I want to be happy not pissed." I told an she smile nodding, letting her face soften again.
We ran to the gorilla where Nikki went out first. I hugged her before she left and put on my golden wig, yeah people still don't know I'm Brie yet.
The match got started and the crowd was fired up! Nothing is more amazing than over 76k people cheering for you. I kicked out of the rack attack at two as Nikki started to beat around the ring annoyed and frustrated. Her breakdown gave me time to regain composure as she turned around I kicked her in the gut then went for the tombstone (ha stole taker's finisher). I hit the tombstone and some how she managed to kick out as I back away to the ropes in shock. How? The crowd was in the same shock. I went to do it again but she locked me up in the rack attack again, I tried to go out of the hold but she wouldn't let me as she hit it and won the match. Since Nikki was heel everyone booed, Nikki pranced around the ring soaking his boos as I got up and hit her kick her in the head sending her to the floor receiving cheers as I dragged her out the ring. This will be the first time ever a diva tombstone a next through the announcers table and that is what I did, sending shock waves threw the arena. They cheer loudly as I got up and walk back up the ramp.
I was greeted backstage by mostly everyone congratulating me. I took off my wig and place it on Kofi's head as he model it around receiving cheers. "Brie you are now a future Hall Of Famer." Randy told as I hugged him as the divas clapped and pulled me away hugging me. Nikki then came backstage and we hugged each other tightly laughing. Nikki obviously receive cheers also. "Brie! I'm so happy for you. " Dean told and I ran and jump into his arms sharing a long passionate kiss. "Thank you." I pulled away and hugged him. He then hug Nikki while I was being drag to floor in a hug by Paige, laughing. "You did it pumpkin Mwah." She kissed my forehead as I lay on the ground laughing. Paige then grab Nikki to ground also kissing her cheek and soon after everyone was pilling on top of each other laughing.
"Guys?" We heard the boss man voice and look up to see none other then Vince McMahon standing between Stephanie and Hunter. Everyone quickly rose to their feet, trying to act professional, seeing the look on the heads faces.
Everyone is on edge right now. That was very embarrassing, he probably thinks he hired idiots! Paige seem to think it was funny since she was silently chuckling beside me as I slyly hit her softly, just to stop her.
Vince lips then turned up into a smile as he clapped and laugh. "Congrats Nicole and Brie. This open the door to divas division even more." He said as the divas cheered and I smiled proudly. "Thank you." Nikki and I said in sync as he bow his head and left. Stephanie and Hunter congratulated us also.
"Dean! Dean! Dean! Dean Ambrose has just defeated The Game Triple H!" JBL said in shock from the announcer's table as I got up and jump up an down besides Nikki. Dean didn't want to tell me the outcome of the match so I was just as shock as everyone else. Dean is now dancing around the ring with fans as he takes pictures. I watch on the tv backstage waiting for him to reach back.
When he did everyone beat me to it, hoisting him up in the air chanting his name. I just shook my head and smile. Dean and my smile got even bigger when we saw Bryan walked away angry.
Minutes later everyone was celebrating backstage as the arena cleared out. "Congrats Brie." Madison shocked me by saying. I nod slowly trying to make sense of what just happen as Dean watch me with a smile. "Thank you. I'm really sorry for what I did bac-" she cut me off.
"That was then. I once did the same thing. Start over?" Madison suggested stretching out her hand with a smile as a smile on my face slowly form. "Start over." I smiled as we share a short handshake and hug. She the congratulated Dean before jumping in Nikki's arms celebrating. "Aw, look you guys made up." Seth the new WWE World Heavy Weight Champion told as I hugged him as he laugh and hug me back. "Yeah. Congrats!" I pulled away saying as him and Dean share a bro hug congratulating each other. "Thanks Brie. See you two. I'm going to celebrate with the divas champ. You know male and female champions." Seth told as he walked away. I turn to Dean beaming as he pulled me in for a long kiss.
Best night ever.
(A/n: that RKO was just amazing! Anyway I hope you all are enjoying the happy moments now between Brie an Dean. Barely any drama........ 😏😊.)
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