Brie pov
I'm laying in my bed next to Bryan's in our share hotel room. I'm not comfortable with sharing a bed with him....again. I don't know if I'd ever be able to love him like I did back then but I'm trying. I still love him, don't get me wrong just not in that way. I sighed and played with the promise ring Dean gave me the night we got back together.....or officially together. The night where I ran out on Bryan. I find it shocking he even took me back after all I done to him but I guess that is love......or mental issues?
"Hey." Bryan greeted as he came out the shower fully clothed, dressed in out clothes. I looked at him confused. Why is he dressed up? We are free today. "Hi, where are you going?" I questioned. He smile hugely and I returned the smile. "I'm going to buy some books. I feel like I need new books." He shook his head disappointed he don't have any more books to read making me shocked. "No more books! Bryan you brought like two, two thousand pages books like last year! Where do you find the time to read?" I'm really puzzled and amaze by that. He chuckled and ran his hand over his beard. "Brianna I'm amazing. Plus it isn't that hard once you carry them on the plane with you, backstage, on your off days. You have plenty of time in between." He spoke but I set up my face, I don't have the time to carry around books. "Whatever. I hope you find yourself a good book." I smiled, giving up on the book argument. It is a battle I can't win and I won't get defeated, so it is best we leave it like this. "Thank you and I will. Try and eat some breakfast okay. I'll be back in a hour or more. It is really hard to find good books for me." He put on his black wrist watch and began to leave. "Bye." I ran behind him and hug him as he turned in my arms and hugged me back. "Later, Brianna." He took his wallet and waved as he existed through the door. I sighed and walk back over to my bed and dropped myself on it.
I hate when I'm left alone because I usually just cry my eyes out for days. I just don't get why he cheat on me? And why he won't tell me...well confess? I took out my phone and played a few games but got bored real quick and rest it back down besides me. I groaned out loudly and covered my face with a pillow, bored and hurt. I threw the pillow away from my face when I heard a buzzing sound that didn't come from my phone. I got curious and got up, walking over to Bryan's side. I saw one of his phones vibrating, the business one. I cocked my head to the side since he always have this phone with him. I decide to be the good person I am and search through it just in case the WWE needs him right away. I unlocked it obviously knowing his password ToothBrush. Stupid password, I know. But it is Bryan we are speaking about here. Plus no one will ever guess toothbrush in a million years. I open the blinking message and saw the name Jordan. My stomach churned thinking about that hoe who steal Dean from me. I hope this Jordan is nicer than that bitch. I open the message and read it out loud. "You are taking long." What? Taking long for what? My curiosity got the best of me and I scroll up all their short messages.
Jordan: thanks Bryan I won't let you down.
Bryan: I know you won't. That is why I trusted you with this.
Jordan: means a lot that I have your trust. I just need some more details and insight.
Bryan: of course, I will provide you with those things. If my man instincts is right there will be an argument, soon. She is getting close to ORTON.
Jordan: great! I hope this works, good night. 😴
Next day of texts
Bryan: well are you following him like I told you too?
Jordan: of course! Just they both seems so happy for now. Nothing has happen yet. Now isn't my time to strike. My plan won't work.
Bryan: what exactly is your plan?
Jordan: I figure to seduce him to get him to sleep with me and have her catch us.
Bryan: hahaha thank god I asked! You are an idiot! Dean is too in love with her to cheat on her. That would never work.
Jordan: are you sure? I'm pretty hot if I say so myself.
Bryan: positive! Plus Brie is hotter. Take offense if you like. No but I have a plan though 😈
Jordan: I did. But what is it?
Bryan: have her find him in bed with you.
Jordan: WHAT!?!!!!!! That is exactly what I told u earlier on.
Bryan: yeah.... But instead of failing plan to seduce him. You will drug him. Then carry him back home, strip him of all his clothes. You have to be naked too then when Brie comes back you would wake him.
Jordan: wow! That is genius! But how do I get rid of Brie til then though?
Bryan: it won't be hard. Wait until they get in an argument. She always leaves to clear her head and Dean always run away from the scene. So you will follow him and do what is necessary to drug him.
Jordan: wow okay! Thank goodness I don't live predictable. Anyways but I'll tell you when it is happening.
Bryan: of course you will. Bye.
Jordan: bye.
Next three days.
Jordan: I'm parked outside there house and Dean just stormed out seemingly angry into his car. I think it is happening.
Bryan: finally! Wait until you see Brie leave, then you follow Ambrose. Got it?
Jordan: got it
Jordan: she just left angry and sad looking. I'm going now. I have my tracking device at the bottom of Dean's car.
Bryan: perfect!
Two hours later.
Jordan: did it, she is entering got to go bye!
Jordan: I did it! I saw her walked out bags in hands. But that bitch threw me out naked and have dogs attack my clothes! Thank god I left my phone outside in the brushes, but I need my clothes since I can't drive around naked. Shit people see me got to go.
Bryan: drugs always does it! :) and oh well I'll pay you more for that. Didn't think she'd do that.
Hour later.
Jordan: I got some clothes from the neighbors and he left to find her I think. And yes! He was out cold, thank god he went to that club an buy a drink because I didn't know how I would have gotten him to take a drink from a strange. But he was out cold, don't remember a thing.
Bryan: good girl. It is nice doing business with you.
Bryan: meet me at the library at Dawn street, I'll pay you there.
Jordan: on my way!
Bryan: I'm getting ready.
"That fucking ass bitch!" I yelled out as I tossed his phone to the floor. I don't want to touch it. How the actual hell could he? What kind of physco messes up someone's relationship like that and have someone drugged?! I stumbled over to my bed where I collapsed onto it thinking. How could I not believe Dean? Well, okay no one would have believed him! Hell even he thought he had cheated after a while! I broke up with the love of my life because of Bryan and that Jordan bitch! Where did he even find drugs?! I know he doesn't use them because WWE gives us drug test every three weeks and drugs takes a while to leave your system. "No! No! NO!" I yelled out in frustration and total disgust. I feel so stupid! How couldn't I not have seen it before?! I was angry at Dean for not believing me when I said nothing is going on between Orton and I and I didn't even believe him! I was mad at him, saying to myself that I would believe him if messes up but I didn't and he didn't! But at the same time it was basically impossible to when you find your lover in bed butt naked along with some girl. The last thing that comes to your mind is that it is a set up. I admit it was a well thought out plan, indeed. I'm happy on the other hand because Dean didn't cheat on me. My baby didn't cheat on me and that is making me smile like crazy. But at the same time I'm mad at myself and Bryan and Jordan. I need to think about what to do with Bryan but first I need my baby back.
I ran over to the closet and pack my things into the bag, happy most of stuff is still by Dean's. I throw in everything of mine into the bag which was packed because we leave tomorrow anyway. I decided to call Bryan and see where he is, I don't want to get into another fight with him right now.
"Hey Bryan, I'm bored. Where are you?" I ask over the phone looking around for anything I might not have packed.
"I'm still at the library talking about books. Watch some tv or go the gym. I'll be back right before you know it." He replied. His voice sickening me.
"Oh, the gym sounds fine okay, bye Bryan. Be back soon." I lied trying my best not to throw up at my own words.
"Okay bye."
With that we hung up and I went back over to his phone taking screenshots of the texts then messaging them over to my phone before deleting the message and pictures. I rest back the phone were I found it grabbing my keys, phone and the rest of my belongings, leaving. I entered my car in the hotel's car park and pull out my phone I need to know where Dean is staying. I don't want to call Dean but I overheard he is staying with Titus so I called Titus. I wait for the phone to answer, crossing my fingers he would answer.
"Uh, hello." Titus unsure voice answers and I mentally thank the heavens.
"Hey Titus. It's Brie-"
"Ugh you." Well that wasn't nice.
"Yes, me. Where are you guys staying?"
"Brie you know I love you. But I'm not going to give you information to kill Dean and possibly me. I'm not going to prison for you. Nope." I couldn't help but laugh at that.
"I'm not." I defended.
"That's what all criminal says. Plus you ladies know how to hide blood and evidence, nah uh." I rolled my eyes.
"I promise you I won't! Plus I want to tell him something, something important."
"Fine. But they won't be no murders right?"
"Not you or Dean, no. Someone else, possibly." I don't even know how serious I am right now.
"Good enough. We are staying at Winston hotel room 37."
"Thank you, see you soon."
"Sure, bye."
He hung up and I smiled at the phone, starting the engine to my car, I reversed out and sped off to the hotel I was given the name of. I know exactly where there is. I was stuck in a bit of traffic and it annoyed me but I'm not too worried about anything, Bryan takes super long to book shop plus he thinks I'm on good terms with him. Wait until I tell Nicole this, now he will get more than slap from her. Yes, she told me about the slap and I hugged her.
15 minutes later I'm knocking at their door. "Enter in." Titus greeted as he stepped aside making me enter. I hugged him and look around for Dean but found no trace of him. "Where is he?" I asked softly so Ambrose won't hear me. Titus point to a room and I nod. "I'm going to leave so I could give you both privacy, one. And two, prove I wasn't part of his death.....just incase." I pushed him playfully rolling my eyes as he smile but continue to send me questioning and suspicion looks. "Just go!" I told him laughing. He chuckled and left.
I took a deep breathe and made my way over to Dean's bedroom. I took another deep breathe then entered the room. "I'm fine dude! I'm not some teenage gi-" his words fell short when he look up and saw it was me. His eyes looking red and drained but now full of confusion. "Hey." I greeted as I made my way over to him with a smile on my face. "Hey...." He warily answer possibly thinking I'm going to kill him too. I smiled and sat right in front of him as he sat up and look at me. I miss him so much, I'm glad our story didn't end.....well I'm not sure yet. I looked him in his eyes and got lost in them for a while before looking at his pink pouty lips that I miss so much. I couldn't help myself, not that I wanted to anyway, I leaned in an kiss him. He automatically kissed me back on instinct making me smile, he has no idea how much I love him. "Wait, stop." He pushed me off and I gasped, a bit shock. What is matter? "I cheated on you. Why aren't you not mad still?" It is almost like he red my mind and answered. I smiled brightly and pulled out my phone, going into my pictures and hand him the phone with the picture of the beginning of the text between Jordan and Bryan. He looked at me skeptically as he took the phone puzzled. I smiled and encourage him to read it. "Slide to see the rest." I informed him making him nod like a three year old, how cute.
I watch as he grew more and more angry. "WHAT THE FUCK!?! I knew I couldn't have cheat on you....while until I started to believe it a while ago. I knew there was a darn reason I couldn't remember a thing after only having one drink! But I thought I got the drunkest I have ever been in my life and couldn't remember! I'm going to kill him!" Dean rest the phone down on the bed, pacing back and forth throwing things down in his way angrily. "Look, Dean I'm sorry for not believing you. I'm stupid." I apologize feeling like shit for not trusting him all over again. He stopped pacing and made his way back over to me. "honey if I'm being honest here I wouldn't have believed you either, judging from how you found us. I'm for sorry getting mad at you because of Orton." I smiled at him and wiping away my tears. "Just kiss me." I ordered as he smiled hugely. He then reconnected our lips in a slow, lovingly, passionate kiss that makes me still feel sparks, no matter how stupid it sounds. My hand snake behind his neck and pull him closer to me as we fell back on the bed. I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to enter and explore however, it wants. I just missed him and this so much. He pulled away slowly as we slowly opened our eyes and smiled at each other. "I love you." He said and kissed my cheek making me blush. "I love you." I pecked his lips after saying. He got off me and siat beside me, his face turning back serious.
"Shit! I'm going to get fired" he shoot up announcing.
"What!? Why?" I asked confused as hell.
"The drugs. Testing is next week!" He reminded me.
"Well surprisingly they didn't give us a drug test in like a month, so hopefully the drugs have exited your system." I hoped.
"Well, we don't know what kind of drugs were used. But if anything don't delete those messages. Just incase I need to justify my case."
"Of course."
"Wait! She said a tracking device is under my car! Come on let us go an check it out."
"Dean, you go. I'm tired."
I fell back onto his bed exhausted. He laughed and kissed my forehead. I smiled and look into his increasingly shining blue eyes. I love the fact I can make him as happy as he makes me. "I'll check later, let them find me." He told before smashing his lips against mine. My world is whole again.
(A/n tada da! Now you guys have a reason to hate Bryan more. Comment and tell me your thoughts 😮😬 )
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