Kiss me on Raw
Dean pov
Sitting alone at my house ,Thursday, as I tap my chest trying to figure out how to make Brie mine fully and I know she loves me but how to make her mine? How? Mhmm maybe kill Bryan? Nope, I'm not a murder. I can ship him away to some deserted island were he can play with ants all day since he likes them so much? But I want him to see me having his wife as mine fully. I'll come back to that.
I called Brie to come over and surprisingly she agree right away, so either she is lying to me or lost her mind. I'm hopping it is the second one.
"Hey Bae" Brie said as soon as I open the door and looked at her confuse, yeah she lost her mind? She rolled her eyes playfully and invited herself in and close the door and pulled me by my hands to the love chair where she pushed me down onto and got on top of me "are you going to speak or continue looking like you saw a ghost?" She laughed a bit. I shock myself out of it and held her waist "did you get hit with a coconut to the head or something? How come you are so....nice and willing?" I asked and she laughed her Fricking adorable laugh that I would do anything to hear "Nope, I just really really need you. Since what happen Monday, Raw and we didn't get to kiss or anything after that and I felt bad." Brie explain an I nod slightly. She lean in and look me in the eye before connecting our lips slowly moving her's against mine and I did nothing for a while but just savor it before I kissed her back just as slow, loving it. I swear I love this girl with all my heart. "Dean?" She said into my mouth as I hummed in reply "I want you to kiss me and kiss me hard on Raw and I want Bryan to be there and see it" she smiled as I look at her shock while she just nod with a mischievous look on her face. "You sure?" I asked holding her on top of me by her butt, squeezing it a bit "of course, now make love to me." She demanded and who am I to disagree?
Bryan pov
"Hey Nicole, can I talk to brie it is like her phone died." I said through the phone. "Brie? She is not with me -oh. She isn't with me any more we had a disagreement. Mhmm guess she needs some alone time. Bye Bryan" Nikki remembered and inform me before hanging up. Sigh okay then.
(Love ya who saw Grammys?)
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