I choose.........
Brie pov
Today is the day
The day I choose whom I'm going to be with
100 percent.
So basically no more cheating on which ever one, no more going back and forth. No more lies. I took a deep breath while putting on my make up ready for the challenge ahead of me. Sure, I'm going to break someone's hearts, no matter which one I choose but it is what is best for them and myself.
I got out the hospital two days ago and since then I only saw Bryan but I told him I need space in order to think about this whole thing. I can't have them both and I still want at least one of them. I already made up my mind on which one I have chosen and I feel pretty good about it. Yeah, I'm going to feel like shit since I'm letting one go but what can I say? That is how life goes. My life have to go on and that whole suicide attempt did not settle well with WWE but thankfully that information did not get out to the public an many superstars and divas. So in other words I can still go back to work when this week is up but in a new gear and a different gimmick to cover my scars.
I told the guys to meet me by Moon Ranch. It is a small little ranch where you can get food but also privacy since it has a lot of free space where plenty people don't be. I plan on getting them there try and have a dinner with them (key word: try) then drop the bomb. I don't know how it will all go but I know it won't be smooth sailing.
I smile at my reflection as I watch at my reflection loving my cute little hip outfit. A dark blue cut up jeans, a black crop top which have a gold belt under the bust line and a black and white converse. I also carried a a gold side bag and wore my hair down in curls.
Dean pov
I don't know if today will be the worse day of my life or the best day of my life, either way it is going to be the most important day of my life. No, I'm not to fond on seeing Bryan but it will be worth if she chooses me and kiss me right in front of him. I tried to look my best today but not look as if I busting my ass to look good, I wore a black joggers with with a printed no sleeve jersey which was white and blue and a black converse. I look good I must say. I even style my hair a bit.
I got in my car and began to drive to this location. This better be worth it, I didn't get yell at from Hunter for missing four days for nothing, he even threaten to take away my Mania chance away and I'm not going to let that happen. This is going to be something, Bryan better not touch or tell me anything and I'll be fine. I breathe in and out nervously and my finger fidget around the wheel, dear lord help me.
Bryan pov
Today is the day Brie will leave that lunatic idiot Dean once and for all. Today is the day we can now have a good marriage with no more cheating. I'm a confident guy, why wouldn't she not choose me? I gave my WrestleMania moment to that lunatic! She will be stupid if she doesn't choose me. Brie is a smart woman though so I have the utmost confidence she will choose me. Is that being cocky? No. I mean seem like a douche to some of you but when you love someone with all your heart and someone else comes along an try to take that away from you, you turn into a douche. Love isn't easy and Brie is making it even more difficult.
I am wearing a blue plaid shirt, and light blue jeans with my brown pair of boots. I even comb my bread and wore my hair in a one. I may not be the best dress or best looking guy but I feel damn good about myself.
I pulled up to location where Brie informed us to meet her and got out my car.
Brie pov
Bryan was the first to reach and I send him a polite smile when he sat down "hey" I greeted as he took a chair, sitting in it. "Hey, how are you?" He chatted as I send gave him a tight smile and glimpse at my watch "nervous." I honestly reply. "Well if you choose me you made the right decision, so no need to be nervous, the other guy isn't even here." Bryan said and that strike a nerve in me, it piss me off slightly. I just remain silent waiting for Jon Good to arrive which he did about six seconds later and I must say he looks great. "Hi." He say and rest his bum in his seat looking out the window at the scenery. "Hey" I smiled at him and he return it.
"So I was thinking lunch and then I revel," I know lunch with these two guys isn't the best idea but I still want to see it. "Can't we just skip to the decision?" Bryan annoyed me again with his question as I tried not to glare at him. "Dean what do you think?" I asked looking at him up and down and as he just shrug "it is all up to Brianna but if we are doing lunch let's hurry and get this show on the road." He isn't acting to much like himself, he is acting so distant maybe trying to keep out of trouble. "Oh...." I sulk not really liking that neither likes my idea "okay."
Lunch was ordered and everyone took burger and fries which surprisingly everyone ordered but with different things inside, Bryan took a fish, Dean took the classic ground beef but with bacon and I took chicken. Yes, they have organic chicken here. "Dean your not suppose to be eating that." I warned him with a side smile. He took a bigger bite teasing me "no one is going to know right?" His voice was playful and I couldn't help but smile at him. I heard Bryan mutter something as I turn to him "are you enjoying yours?" He must have been feeling like a third wheel. "Good and healthy." He watch Dean who only took a bigger bit from his burger as I let out a little laugh. "I'm sorry" I apologize to Bryan while looking at Dean's smiling face. "Brie how are your fat fries?" He asked as I dip a fry in ketchup smiling at him, he is just so hot and aw it's err. "Could fat fries ever be wrong?" I ask as we laugh.
The moment is upon us and we are now in a private location outside on the grass, under a mango tree. Myself and the guys were jittery but who could blame us? I took a deep breathe in and out slowly before opening my eyes to meet their worried gaze. "You both should know I love you so so so much. What ever happens never doubt that I love you." I started off like one of those reality shows, Dean bit his lip hard and had an listening ear, while Bryan stood there hands in pocket seeming worried. How can I do this?
"Okay let us start off with Bryan, you and I are married and we were happy together, but when you left Bryan I don't know what came over me but Ambrose and I just click. It was suppose to be a one time thing but fell for each other quickly and super hard." Dean chuckled at the hard part, such a little pervert. I send him a glare as he stop and sending me a surrendering look "Bryan I think about all the time. But sometimes you piss me off to day's end! Nikki hates you! You are way too controlling of me and always monitoring me like some guard dog. You aren't a guard dog Bryan you are my husband. Guess what? I still had an affair behind your back. But when I need you you are always there. You always save me, you always have been there for me. You broke down my walls I built up from Josh and thank you for that. I love you." Bryan smiled at me but his confidence seems to take a hard blow. Let it be known I'm crying now by the way.
I look at Dean "Jon Good, Jon Moxley, the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. All of which I saw come to life. Dean you......I don't even know. I mean what to say about you and I? Our ride together is nothing but a crazy roller coaster. You can make me feel like shit, make me feel like a scumbag, your words are like gun shots to me....well your negative words, you make so angry and you can hurt me like no other." He looked down and wipe a tear, I know how he is feeling, I'm feeling his pain too. Bryan seem to get back his confidence and more after what I just said. "But Dean, you are my happy escape, you can stop my tears in an instant, your eyes can make me kill someone for, I never feel bored or lonely when I'm with you. You just make me so happy and I love you for that." Dean look up at me and smile his perfect smile, eyes lighting up and it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Bryan confidence was down to zero now.
With one last deep breathe and the guys throwing each other one last look of hatred. "I'm sorry to you both for the things I've done to you. But after thinking for sometime now......I choose.....
(A/n cliffhanger because I'm mean when I'm sick *insert evil laugh*. No but I really love you guys so much. Tell me who you think she chooses? 😬😸😽)
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