Grand piano.
Bryan's pov
I'm sat here in the arena that I understood Brie left and so did Ambrose. It isn't hard to see what happen there, but I saw Ambrose leaving by himself seeming angry, so she maybe followed after him. Am I dumb? I know Brie is very much in love Dean, even more so than she is with me but I know I can make her love me more though! I have been there for her thousands of times! Why does she love him more!? Please, tell me. I'm so blind by my love for her I can't seem to let her go.
I thought she was the one! She is the one! And I will be the one for her! She can't leave me, no. Ambrose will never have her, she is mine and I'm hers.
The people who knows what is going between us keeps saying she playing my heart and I have no problem with that once she is the one I wake up to. Play on, Brianna.
If it had been anyone else I would have already left them but can't with her! Maybe because I love her so much! Maybe because I'm addicted to her? Maybe because I won't stand for losing. Whatever it is, she is mine. Let her continue to play my heart like a grand piano, she will remain with me.
"WOHOOO bro, your wifey hates Madison, why?" Seth ask before taking a gulp of his water, I never like him on and off screen. Dolph then came and stand next to him, watching me "because she doesn't have to." With that I push pass the two stunned superstars and went to get ready for my match.
Dean pov
I went to my hotel room, leaving Brie behind. I flop down onto my bed and groan loudly. I'm so dumb! Brie is married and of course she wasn't going to divorce for a scared boy like me! I'm to young and naive to even face some of our problems.mBut I can't shake the feeling of her being the to claim my heart. To bad I also have to claim hers from Bryan who she is so attached to. I was so blind and stupid to even start that affair with her. I thought I could have make her mine one day but I'm not so sure anymore, she remain married.
Madison, Roman and sometimes myself tells my she is only playing with my heart and to let her go. I know she is just as confuse and messed up as I am so I don't mind. Yeah, it pisses me off but just to know she knows I'm the one and she loves me, she can feel free to play on. Just play with my heart like kids play catch, like gamblers play poker, like musician play gigs. Just play on Brianna, I don't mind once I know you love me.
I'm so addicted to her though, I'm drawn to her. I don't want to move on, I can't. I'm addicted to her smile, addicted to her eyes, to her kisses, to ridiculousness, to everything! But I won't change it for the world. I'm smiling just thinking about her, the way she use to tried to make me plant things but I told her no and her nose would crinkle a bit and she would have thrown water at me. I'm actually remembering all those times that happen.
What did I see in her in the first place to even start messing around? Since day one I thought she was beautiful but everyone knows The Bella Twins are stunning. So what draw me to her and not Nicole? Or any other diva? I thought Layla, Paige, AJ and some of the other divas are gorgeous too but how come, I got so drawn to Brianna? I'm not even mad I did, I just want to know. Maybe it was faith, it is faith.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket quickly because it was ringing. I was hopping it was Brie calling to tell me about divorcing Bryan but I know it wasn't. I check the caller ID on my Samsung Galaxy s5 large, and saw Roman's name and number pop up. I sighed knowing what he is about to say won't be all so pleasant.
"Yes...." I answered with boredom in my voice as I heard his loud breathing coming from the other end. He must have now finish a match. "Where the hell are you!" Or maybe he is just angry, I rethought, or both...... You can never be sure with him. "Uh, yeah...about that. I'm at my hotel." I timidly told him expecting his rage from over the phone.
"What the hell man!! You can't just leave me with Madison who your whatever you want to call her beat! Talking about her, where is Brie? Is she there with you?! I want to come over there and beat the shit out of you and if she is there she can WATCH!!" I had to remove the phone from my ears and I still heard him clearly. I made sure he was finish before pressing the phone back to ears again, talking "look, I'm sorry okay. I just can't deal with being around people and in the same place as Bryan -the same city is already torturous enough. Tell Madison I'm very sorry and I'll make it up to her. And no, Brianna isn't with me, I left her at a park she followed me too." I told Roman everything and heard him sigh and I know he is rubbing his hand over his face (he has a habit of doing that when in these kinds of situations).
"You better be happy I love bro. And because I love you I'm going to tell you again, let Brie go. Yes, I know it hard but the correct things are always the hardest things to do. She is playing with you heart. Sure, she may love you but she will always remain with Bryan." Here it goes again, I rolled my eyes. As much as I hate to admit it he could be correct. "Thanks for everything man but I have to go." I hung up the phone before he could reply, turning it off and tossing it away from me somewhere on the bed.
I don't care if she playing my heart okay! I keep thinking she will take claim of my heart and I will claim her's fully. It is a shame she is so afraid to let Bryan go. Knowing that fear and guilt is over powering her love right now I still have hope in us! I know I'm probably wrap up lies and foolish truth but I don't care.
Brianna can play my heart like a grand piano because she is my everything.
Knock, knock my door bang and I groan getting off my bed. I'm cursing Roman in my mind for coming here just to scold me. For crying out loud it was over an hour since he called! Let me live! "Listen up here Roman you can't change my min- oh" I stop midway through my sentence after I open the door only to see Brie standing there. I was about to tell her to leave, it is best for everyone but she beat me to it.
"Yes, I know you are going to tell me to leave an shit. I will but before I leave can you do me a favor?" She asked and I look at her.
"Depends." I reply
"Kiss me please."
"Brie I can't."
"Yes, please, I need it! I swear I just need it so much and then I'll go. Promise."
I saw the need in her eyes and the honesty in them too. I argued with myself but it wasn't fair to the part of me that wanted to keep my promise because she is giving me puppy doll eyes. Damn it! She knows my weakness so damn well! "Okay, nothing more." I said trying to look as if I still had some control of my emotions. Not three second after I said that her lips were on mine. The kiss was hungry, desperate, needy and full of love. She ran her tongue alongs my bottom lip begging for permission, that I don't want to grant her. "It was a kiss you ask for not a make out session-" she use that opportunity to jump on me and shove her tongue in my mouth, roaming every part of my mouth like she is trying to save it in her memory forever and I'm to weak to stop her so I let her. I then suck on her tongue missing it so much as she let out a needy whimper. What are we doing?
We pulled back out of breathe and she got down off me as our eyes stare at each other, mouths parted and breathing heavy. "Thank you. Bye love." She turned and walk away quickly both knowing if she was to stay a next moment we would have been in bed. I respect how she respect my decision......somewhat. I closed the door and just stay there with my back press against it. "Play on." I spoke out before heading to shower.
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