Dean's girl
Brie pov
It is a week since I last visit Dean and even though we didn't had sex and we just played video games. It was torture because I don't want to ONLY be his FRIEND. "Hi" Nikki came and sat right next to me on the crate I was on. Sure, Nicole and I fight but we always become one again. "Hey," I respond watching her taking off my mask and gold wig which itches the hell out of me! "So it looks like it is going to be DarkFlower vs Nikki Bella and I swear people are more hype for that match more than most men matches." Nikki bragged as we did a little happy dance.
Pfft, I breathe out after just looking into space. "Dean and Bryan isn't it?" Nikki asked and I look at her an nod. Of course she knows what is bothering me. She sigh and look down at our feet then back at me "Brie I love you no matter what your heart wants to do. Forget about the guilt." Nikki pat my hair a bit before walking off and out of the narrow, white hallway I am in. I wish it could be that easy! I exhaled frustratedly and rest my head back on the wall, closing my eyes. Why does life hate me? I'm a much nicer person than her! I grow plants and help save the earth! Darn you Nicole. I thought getting jealous of my beloved twin.
I walk out of the hall and see Dean standing with Roman and Madison. Roman seemingly sending me dirty looks while Madison just look sorry for me and Dean just send me a small wave which I returned and left. A wave alone!
"Brie let's go." Raw was over now and Bryan has his stuff in his hands while I have mine. "Bye Naomi, husband calls," I said hugging the most athletic diva on the roster right now. "I can see," she laughs and I gave her a smile "well, later Breezy, Bye Bryan." We both smiled and waved at her as we walk off into the parking lot to our car. He took my bags and rest it in the back of the car and we then got in.
"Funny huh?" He ask me and I turn to him confuse. What about this is funny? "What is funny?" I look on as he started the engine. He glance at me before pulling away from his spot and soon out of the parking lot. "That your match is way more hyped than mine. Who would have thought?" He laughed and I opened my mouth to speak but instead air comes out. I cocked my head to the side and squint my eyes at him. What the actual hell is that suppose to mean?! I voice my thought "what do you mean by that?" He starts to laugh an I raise my brows. I don't see anything funny with what I ask. "Nothing, geez relax you are acting as stupid as Ambrose." I bit back the cuss words I was about to throw his way. How rude is that?
"Don't even get me started on the dumb ass Dean." I close my eyes for a second then I look out the window, just hopping we will reach home soon. I can't bare to be around him much longer.
Twenty minutes later, I take my bag and stuff, slamming the car door behind me running into the house with tears in my eyes. I'm not really sad but I'm beyond pissed off and when I get beyond angry tears start to come from my eyes. All Bryan did throughout that ride was make fun of Dean and said I'm blind and dumb to even be with him! What the hell?! Who says that to their wife!?
Bryan comes in after as I just ignore him and I walk into the kitchen and grab Josie's food from the pantry and pour her food out for her. I then wash my hand and open the fridge only to close it because I'm to angry to even think about eating or drinking. "What the hell are you mad for!? It isn't like the things I said wasn't true!" He storm right next to me but I move away and sit in a single chair. "Fine! Be a bitch like that wuss Jon! Such a coward." I'm biting my lips, my feet naturally begin to shake, wiping away my tears and I'm trying not lash out on him. Bryan is standing a few feet away from me. "You know what, Dean or Jonathan whatever you call him, deserves nothing but the worst!!!" I get up from my seat and stood face to face with him. Collar bone rising up and down, eyes burning holes at his. "Don't Bryan." I warn through my gritted teeth. He just laughed as if it was so funny but the anger is clear in his eyes. "You know it is true! No wonder why his family did what they do to him! I would have done the same had I given birth to that fuc-" before he could finish I slap him hard across his face, surprising the both of us. I back away from him, chest still rising but I now have a smile on my face as he hold his cheek. He got this deadly look in his eyes but I'm not scared. I'm Dean's girl and Dean's girl isn't afraid of anything. He then pressed me against a wall and I see the devil himself in his eyes. 'Stay brave Brianna' I told myself as I slowly closed my eyes. "Let go of me!" I shouted and he just pressed me harder against the wall, shaking me roughly. Fine, I thought as I kicked his ass twice in his balls watching as he double over in pain. I then use the opportunity to kick his ankle and he fell to the floor.
"I'm divorcing you Bryan! I should have done it long time ago! But I felt sorry for your sick twisted ass that I stayed! I felt guilty because you gave me so much! Not realizing I gave you so much and more too! You're such a piece of shit! You act all nice but is truly a dick beneath it all! And you know what? I still had faith in you, I was going to give up the love of my life for you! But thanks for giving me the strength to do this tonight." I took off my rings and threw it at him. I then went into the bedroom and grab an already pack suitcase I had with all my important stuff, adding some stuff into my handbag.
I walk back out into the living room. I caught Bryan right before he actually hit me, moving out of the way. I was going to kick his man parts again but he jump back and started to charge towards me as I run. He grab my ankle and pull me down as I fall to the ground and hit the back of my head, hard. I groan and kick him in the face seeing he was going to hit me but miss again. I back away and got up but he was right on my heel. " Get back here you bitch! You are not hitting me and getting away with it! You can't divorce me!" I run into the kitchen and receive a slap to face. I fell to the ground in pain holding my stinging cheek. That was when my hand reach up to the stove and grab the frying pan quickly getting up and hitting him in the head with it as he blacked out. Thanks to tangle for that tip. I took my bags I had pack and the car keys, rushing out the front door and packing the car with my stuff. I quickly ran back into the house seeing him still passed out, I take a picture of him and then grab my jewelry an my money and credit cards I didn't take before.
I finally left the house and drove away to somewhere but not before making a certain stop
I got out of my car and ran up to Dean's hotel room, knocking impatiently. "C'mon c'mon" I chanted softly waiting -for what seems like forever - for him to open the door. when the door is finally open he is standing there, sort of shock but not really. "You shouldn't be shock still." I told him and with my left hand behind my back. He shock face soon fade away and a look of agreement appears on his face. I step closer to him smiling but his face turned into one of concern as he pulled inside and exam my face. "You got it from a match?" He asked an now I know I have bruise on my face. I sighed deeply.
"No, I got the bruise because I told Bryan, I'm divorcing him." I look at his shock face. "He hit you! Brie stay here I'm going to kill him!" Dean already started to grab his jacket but I stopped him. "No need to I hit him a frying to head." I proudly state as he open his mouth in an 'o' shape before we begin to laugh.
I then got down on one knee in front him and he seems confused as hell but here I am still on my knee for him. "Don't speak until after okay?" I don't want to be interrupted during my speech. He slowly nod, still confuse. "Okay well, I'm honestly so happy I'm divorcing Bryan and I finally got the guts too. I don't want what happen between him and I to happen to us. So I need you to promise me we will always be together." I pulled out a box with a silver ring in it opening out to him. I'm nervous but excited, I just don't know how to feel right now. I don't ever want to lose Dean
"NO." He told and I choked on the air. Never have I ever thought I'd be making a proposal to a man on my knees and I wasn't expecting a no.
(A/n this is the chapter all of you have been waiting for. Your welcome😄 tell me what you think of this chapter. What do you guys think of Nikki / Dean? Not for this book but a next I'm working on)
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