Dark Flower.
Brie pov
It was Monday and I was happy to be back in WWE. I'm sort of excited and nervous about my new gimmick but I hope people will like it. The idea of it all is for me go out come in an all black leather suit, arms covered, hands in black gloves and I have to wear a gold wig and my face is completely covered. No one will know it is me until next week when Bryan comes back on air. Bryan is here with me now though.
"So? This is your new look?" Nikki asked looking up from her phone at me
"Well the outfit is, not the wig or the face mask"
"Won't it not be funny to see how some of those haters who hate you will be like damn she can wrestler and when you revel yourself they will say you are horrid?" That is exactly what I was excited for! It is creepy how well Nikki knows me and sometimes how similar we think. Sometimes. I sat down beside her on the crate watching her phone as she scrolled through Twitter. "All that hate Nicole?" I wasn't asking really but it came out as a question to some sense. Nikki sighed "yeah, you speak your mind they hate you. You lie they hate you. Well me, because if other divas said the same they will be clapping." Shade has officially been thrown and I don't want to be apart of it. If push turns to shove I'll have my sister's back.
"Why did you choose Bryan? He is a complete and total dick." Nikki was angry with my decision and didn't miss any opportunity to tell me about it. It is very irritating to me! Why can't she just respect my decision? I move away from her bit. "Because it is what is best, okay? Stop bitching me about it" with a gasp Nicole got up and off of the crate watching at me. "I'm not bitching you Brianna. I'm just saying Bryan is a total dick! Dean was the one who stayed there and never left your side by the hospital. While Bryan left often." I'm tired of this story! I'm tired of her telling me my husband is a dick and I'm tried of her calling me out in work or any other place for it. "Enough with the story! Bryan has a life! I never asked Ambrose to stay there by my side okay! If you like Ambrose so much go and find him!" She watch me almost disgusted with me, like she is ashamed to be my sister. "I will go by Ambrose. It beats being around your ungrateful ass." Nikki said and fixed her title on her shoulder walking off, leaving me to sigh and hate myself for some time.
I walked over and join Bryan kissing his cheek then sitting on his lap. I need to give him all my attention, I need to love him. "Oh Brie babe when is your match?" He asked moving piece of hair from my face as I smile sweetly at him. "Don't know." I got off him and sat on the chair next to him as I waved at Sandra, who was WWE seamstress. "Are you sewing Dolph's gear." I ask her as she pulled on the thread. "Yip, it is always Dolph who makes me works the most. But I love him." She told as Bryan and I let out a small laugh. I look across the table and saw Paige's leather jacket but all I could think of was Dean and his jacket which smelt like him and how we use to play fight over it because I always wanted to steal it but he wasn't having it. Gosh, I need him so much- no you don't! Stop thinking that non sense you don't need nor love him. You need and love Bryan. I scold myself mentally.
I came back from my match under the name of 'Dark Flower' and the crowd was digging me, they were even chanting loudly. Which I found weirds because no diva ever gets that kind of attention or chants. I guess they really love me....well 'Dark Flower,'. Can't wait to see their faces next week, I may tell them to keep me a secure for a while sense I like being Dark Flower. I got disappointed when Bryan wasn't backstage waiting for me. Maybe he had to use the bathroom. I reason with myself. I feel so lonely right now. Everyone is with their friend or someone and I'm by myself. Nikki isn't even with me since that whole argument, just now. I mean I miss her running and jumping on to me as we fell down laughing as our way of saying congratulations. I guess she is really serious with this whole thing. I walked to the catering room and took a seat by myself, munching on the nature valley bar in my hand.
I saw Nikki and Dean walked in with someone behind them that I can't quite make out yet, they were all laughing and got me jealous. Then I made out the other person they were with, Madison! What is that hoe doing here! Why did Dean bring her here? Ew. I couldn't contain my anger so I walked over to them and they all stop when I reach in front of them. Nikki and Dean had there eyebrows raised at me while that hoe seems somewhat guilty as she cuddled into Dean. "Nicole, why weren't you there after my match?" I was asking Nikki but my eyes never left Madison as I glared at her. "Because you were being a bitch to me before and told me to go meet Ambrose, so I did." I turn my attention to Nikki sort of angry but I wasn't studying her, I was studying that hoe and my man together. I mean Dean, he isn't my man, ugh! "Oh. And why is she here? How did they let this stranger come in, Nikki." Once more I was asking Nikki but my eyes were lock on Dean and Madison. Dean seemed to be getting annoyed and was about to say some thing but Nicole beat him to it. "Because she was with Dean and she is pretty cool." I could her the annoyance and embarrassment in my sister's voice but I don't care. "But she doesn't even work here. I don't see the use in her being here." I bitch smirk at Madison as she gasp angrily. "Yeah, well you are wrong. She does work here now." That is the first time Dean spoke to me since the whole decision making thing. I place my hand on my hip and cocked my eyebrow at him. "As a what? A cleaner?" I snickered and Nikki look Soo ashamed but who cares? Dean was going to answer but Stephanie came over to us and greet us with a small smile. "Hey you guys. I hope you are all I making our new WWE interviewer feel welcome. Thanks for bringing her here Dean. Such a blessing she is. Well bye" with a arm rub to the hoe Stephanie left as my mouth was wide open and she smirked at me. That bitch! What does Dean even see in her! Her easiness?
Dean pov
What the hell is wrong with Brie? I don't get her jealous behavior since it was her who made the choice to have me out of her life. And we went over this and when I asked would she get jealous she said no. She is acting like her troll husband Bryan. I wrap my arm around Madison's waist as I saw Brie trying to move my arms with her mind making me smirk. It serves her right, she doesn't need to know Madison and I aren't together let her just think that. "Madison babe are you ready to go? Nicole what about you?" Nikki and Madison got the memo and played along. "Sure" Nikki simply answer as Brie rolled her eyes. "Of course I am baby. Well it was somehow running into you Brie." Madison said I smiled at her wanting to laugh as Brie basically growled at her. "Okay honey. Oh well bye Brie. Bryan is over there." I point to her troll husband who had try to get me arrested or pay for his car repairs but he had no evidence since the ranch outside cameras that day wasn't working. Lucky me.
We walked off smiling at each other as we left Brie there. I have to do this, I love Brianna very much still but she is getting what she asked for. I'm doing what is right.
(A/n lol Madison is now working there! Thing are about to get crazy hold onto your seats ladies and gentlemen. Do you agree with Brie's behavior or she is being completely idiotic and jealous? Comment and tell me )
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